||Tré Cool (Green Day) #2||

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(For ieatworms2 !! Thanks so much for requesting and I'm sorry if it sucks! This was an amazing idea too, I love it :) enjoy!)

||Juliet's POV||

"God damnit Billie! What the hell?!" Tré yelled, as the he ran inside the cabin after the boys with me in his arms.

I guess Billie thought it would be funny to trick me into thinking the ice on the lake near by was thick, and he wasn't wrong. It was funny, I'd just have to laugh once my ass was done freezing.

"T-T-Tré... It's-ts fine..." I mumbled trying to reason with him but I was too cold to even speak.

"Motherfucker," he muttered, setting me on the couch still covered in his jacket as he tried to figure out how the fireplace worked.

The boys had been on tour from the last year and a half so when they came home they decided to rent a cabin for a week. It was day one and I was already dreading the rest.

The boys of Green Day were close friends of mine, we met at Gilman's when we were watching an Operation Ivy show. The rest just went from there. But it was never one of those things where I'd date one of them and then go off to the next. I had my sights already set on a guy, not that anything would ever happen, but even then I wouldn't trade the thought of being with him for a minute.

Mike and Billie Joe came back out moments later with a bunch of blankets and some dry clothes.

"Here get out of those wet clothes," Mike murmured, giving me a pair of sweats and one of Tré's shirts.

I nodded, walking into the restroom only to see my red face in the mirror. Damn, I looked like I was dying.

It took me a second to pull of my wet jeans and I was almost finished until I heard something break in the other room.

I quickly threw on a shirt and ran out to see Tré being held back by Mike as he tried to get Billie.

"What the hell is going on here?" I said, my teeth chattering still but a lot less.

"Nothing," Billie muttered, staring straight into Tré's eyes like he's trying to tell him something.

"Whatever," Tré snarled, coming up to me and feeling my forehead.

"You're still cold," he whispered sincerely. He actually thought that I cared about that whole thing.

"Tré, I don't care about that whole thing. It just scared me and I was cold, but it was funny. I'm alright," I reassured, giving him a smile soon being engulfed into a bear hug.

"Umm love birds, it's getting late and we need to figure out sleeping arrangements," Mike smirked, making my face turn red. He knew. It was obvious. Everyone probably knew.

"Two queens. Alrighty Jul, I'm bunking with you," Billie teased, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "By the way, I sleep with no clothes on," he winked, making me roll my eyes and push him teasingly.

"Billie, you and I have girlfriends. Ask them about all this," Mike tried, as he gave a knowing look to me.

"I'll bunk with ya kid," Tré smiled, pulling me into his side as the boys smirked.

"Oh alright, then get some sleep, children. Just keep it down, I would like to sleep tonight," Dirnt winked, making my face turn red.

They walked into the other room as Tré led me down a narrow hallway to our room it seemed. Holy shit, I was about to share a bed with Tré Cool. Holy shit, why am I freaking out? I had before... That was just before my feels caught up to me I guess...

"Here you take left side, I know you like it better," he yawned, sliding under the covers as I stood there awkwardly and nervous.

"Come on, I don't bite. Unless you're into that," he smirked, turning to lay on his stomach and waiting for me.

I slowly pulled up the covers and slid into the bed, feeling an arm almost instantly sneak around my waist making my breath hitch and my body tense.

"Calm down," he mumbled, pulling me so close I could feel him breathing on my neck.

"Tré I-"

"You're really beautiful yknow that," he murmured, making goosebumps on my neck and arms.

"But you get so nervous around me. You never used to, what happened?"

"Nothing happened," I said softly but defensively.

"See, and that's where you're wrong. You know what I think? I think you're returning your feelings for me finally. Am I right?" Tré guessed, now looking at me for a response.

"I don't know what to say," I whispered, my eyes wide as he started to smile.

"Then don't but I, at least, want to do this," and with that Tré hoisted himself up on his forearms and bent down so our noses were touching.

"I know they said to keep the noise down, but I doubt it'll be that way," he slurred in lust.

I knew what was gonna happen, and God was I excited. But wasn't it even better when on Christmas Day, a week after that, he asked me to be his.

(I don't know... I have a weird feeling about this one. Like I read it over and it seems fine (I could do a lot better, I'm sorry) but then I still feel like I did something wrong... Well I hope you liked it and sorry if it sucked)

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