||David Bowie #2||

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(For _hotelcalifornia76 ! I'm happy to be writing another Bowie one... Oh how I miss him sooo :( Starman shall not be forgotten. I hope ya enjoy and once again, sorry this took forever)

||Niki's POV||

As I walked into work that day, I couldn't help but sigh as I saw David sitting at the bar. For someone for attractive, I didn't understand how he could annoy me so quickly. I knew that he did it on purpose and that we didn't like each toe he but there we was, sitting on the same stool every since day, ready with some more things to make me mad over.

I hung up my coat on the rack by the door, hating the stupid, skimpy outfit I had to wear just because I was a female bartender. It was just another thing he made fun of me about.

I straighten my shoulders and walked right behind the bar table, watching him smirk in the corner of my eye.

"David," I muttered, tied my apron behind me.

"Aw got something up your ass love?"

"No but my foot will be in yours in a few seconds if ya don't quit making fun of me today," I threatened, before asking a man a few seats away from him if he wanted a refill.

"Yknow love, has it ever occurred to ya that maybe I'm this way to ya for a reason?" He asked, looking at him like he was hitting the most obvious thing in the world.

"If the reason is because you're an asshole than I'd believe it," I replied, spilling the foam from a glass of beer down the drain.

He chuckled and watched as I took orders and made cocktails for some other people at the bar.

"Why aren't ya as nice to me as you are them? I mean I am a customer," he questioned matter-of-factly.

"Maybe because they don't judge every movement I make and is thankful when I give them beer."

"I don't judge everything ya do... Why do ya shake it like that? Aren't ya supposed to like flip it and shit?"

I rolled my eyes and poured the mixture into glasses, giving it to their rightful owners.

It wasn't that I hated him. To be honest, he was a really attractive guy and he was quick with remarks and shit. He was smart and he knew that too. Just the way he was so quick to annoy me at work kept me from letting those thoughts about him surface.

"Here, since I make ya so mad all the time, why don't you let me take ya to dinner?" He urged, smirking the usual smirk that was always on when he around me.

"Now, why would I do that?" I sighed, leaning on the table in front of him. I kinda did wanna go just to see what it'd be like but I also wanted to say no just to spite him.

"Because ya like me and you'd be getting a free meal out of it," he smiled sarcastically, leaning close to my face making my cheeks redden a bit.

"I could pay for my own meal," I defended, pouting a little bit.

"But I 'owe you' so that doesn't matter. I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 6:30, I know you don't have work so don't try and get out of it," he said, placing a twenty on the table to cover his drinks and walked up to the steps to slip on his coat.

"Oh and wear something nice, not like the uniform that you're wearing," he teased, sticking his tongue out at me before walking through the doors and into the busy streets.

I didn't know if I really wanted to go but it seemed like I had no choice. Plus I would get a free meal out of it like he said but it seemed like he wanted to do more than making us even. He wanted it to be a date. And I think I did too but I honestly couldn't get myself to think that way.

It was like in primary school when a boy would be mean to you because he liked you? Was it the same here? And if so, why me? I mean I wasn't the prettiest girl out there, I mean I didn't think so anyways. All girls have thoughts like that though. Ugh, what was I thinking?

I groaned, resting on the wall bring the bar trying to collect my thoughts for a moment before some other drunk would call me over, asking for more Ale or whatever.

I think I did wanna go with David. I knew I did. I just couldn't make myself admit it. But I guess by complying, I kind of already did.

I had no idea what the date would bring but if I would've know how long we would've lasted, I wouldn't have changed a thing.

(Here it is! Kinda short but I think I like it..Fucking Lazarus came on as I was writing this and holy shit man... My mood just sunk.. The song is too powerful for me to comprehend. But yaa, then Fantastic Voyage came on so I think I'm alright.. Talk to ya soon)

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