||Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) #2||

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For punk7300 !! (Thanks so much for requesting! It means so much! I hope you like it! I'm so sorry if it sucks! Also I just picked a name, so if ya want me to change it to yours I'll be more than happy :D)

||Madden's POV||

How did people live in weather conditions like that? I mean holy shit! It was the summer of '94 and hurricanes were sweeping through the eastern states as I sat on my couch in shock.

I mean I lived in fucking California! What the hell happened here? Earthquakes and heatwaves, that was about it.

I sighed as I changed the channel to the only thing that I watched anymore, MTV. Once again, they were playing that one Nirvana song that somehow made people fans.

"Smells like there's some posers in your fan group, Kurt," I muttered, muting the TV as I got up to pull a beer out of the fridge. Sure, it was 11 in the morning but who gave a shit? I didn't.

Poor Kurt Cobain... Man if he knew that there were gonna be all of these shitty posers out there, I knew he wouldn't ever make his music public again. What a shame for a man so talented.

This is pretty much all I ever did when he was gone, moped around all day and drank beer. Yeah, interesting life huh?

I was never up for anything when I was alone, but whenever he was here, I got bursts of energy and I felt like I could do anything.

I guess that's what happens when you love someone.

Billie, Mike, and Tre were supposed to come back to the house tonight but who even knew anymore.

They cancelled once before cause they were asked to play Woodstock, added two more weeks to their time away from home.

I hated it. I mean I was ecstatic that they were finally doing what they loved to do for a job, but being gone for months at a time took tolls on not only me, but them as well.

I'd seen them in interviews, the dark circles under their eyes and the five o'clock shadows. It was hard for them. I knew it was, it was hard on me too.

It wasn't like I had friends to go out with to take my mind off of things, they were it. They were my shrinks, my brothers, my best friends.

Billie was my light in the dark. He was the love of my life, he was what I woke up for everyday.

Mike was my shoulder to cry on. He was little my own personal conscious, directing me to right instead of wrong.

Tré was my joker. He'd do everything in his power to make me smile and laugh when if be down, even though he didn't have to try hard.

I just wanted them back. I wanted Billie back. Nights had been so cold even with the sweltering weather. I wanted to smell his cologne, to watch the way he moved, to listen to his laugh. Those are the things that made me feel at home with Billie Joe. It sounds weird when I think about it, like I'm a complete stalker or something.

I slowly started coming undone. I could feel the tears in the corners of my dark blue eyes, and I couldn't bring myself to blink them away.

It was starting to physical hurt, my yearning from them to come home. I felt stupid, like one of those people who could never be alone, who never let their boyfriend out of their sights. It scared me, it really did.

Finally Smells Like Teen Shit had ended and a small commercial break was on, so I could turn the volume up to get out of complete utter silence. That was my worse fear, silence. That's one of the reasons I listened to such loud music.

I plopped back down on the couch about to light a cigarette, until I heard a familiar song come on.

I quickly jumped up dropping the half lit cigarette on the couch as I turned off the TV. Basket Case.

I should've known they'd play that, they almost did more than that Nirvana song.

I took a deep shaky breath, as I looked to where I was sitting and saw that my smoke was burning a small hole in the cushion.

"Aw what the fuck!" I muttered, picking it up before shrugging and taking a drag. I'll replace it someday.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled my MP3 out of the junk drawer. Billie had gotten it for me for my birthday a couple months ago before he left. He'd sinked all of our CDs on there, so we didn't have to keep tract of all of the cases. They usually got lost.

I pulled out an old DVR cord and started plugging it into the amp for a better speaker.

Tré had shown me the trick a while ago. The white and yellow cords plugged into the High and Low plugs on the amp, and the end of that cord had a headphone jack that plugged into the MP3. (This is real, try it if you want XD)

I started blasting older punk rock like the Clash and Sex Pistols, until I saw someone walk into the room. Mike.

"Holy shit!" I yelled, turning off the amp and jumping into his arms with tears running down my face.

"Hey kiddo, miss us?" he laughed, setting me down as I nodded, still crying.

"Well, someone's had a party without me! What did I say about that?" Tré asked, walking in the room as he scooped me into a hug.

"Hey Mad," he laughed, looking towards the MP3 set up he'd taught me.

"Well, I guess people do listen to me! Told ya, Billie!" Tré yelled, as I heard a laugh and a thump at the door.

I slowly pulled out of his grasp, as I peeked around the corner to see Billie smiling at me.

I let out a really strange yet small cry, as I swiftly ran into Billie's arms and sobbed. He laughed, and I think I even felt a tear of his as he kissed my forehead and lifted my chin.

"Even more beautiful than I remember," he whispered, pulling me in for a passionate kiss that lasted for a long while. Even when Tré whistled and Beej flipped him off.

God, did I love this man. The pain I'd been feeling had went away, and I had my energy back. Billie was the reason for all of it. He was literally my other half.

And now finally, the bed wouldn't be so cold tonight.

(Umm yeah :) I think I like it... Uhh maybe I don't know XD I hope you enjoyed!!!)

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