||Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters) #2||

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(For Zpaul11 !! I didn't know what Dave you wanted [Foos or Nirvana] so I just picked the first idea I had in my head. Btw I love Jordyn, she really awesome. This is just for story purposes. Enjoy :))

||Zoe's POV||

"I don't know guys. This whole thing just fucks me up," Dave mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his hands as the Foos and I sat around him in his studio basement.

His ex, Jordyn, wasn't being the greatest right now and apparently she wanted half of his worth.

"So you're telling me she wants $130 million from you? That's fucking crazy. Not even possible," I exclaimed, taking a drink of the beer in my hands.

Although I wasn't in the Foos nor had I ever played for them, they were some of my closest friends, Dave being there for me for almost fifteen years.

"Does she not realize that you'd give it to her in a heartbeat if you had it. I mean you know that most, if not all, of it will be spent on the girls," Pat added.

We were at all odds here. It wasn't like Dave was broke and couldn't give her what she wanted. He definitely could, she was just asking for too much. Way much more than she needed but it would've been for his daughters, in which he'd give all the money in the world. He loved those girls with all his heart. Must be nice, being loved by Dave Grohl.

As the divorce was finally starting to he settled, I stopped feeling bad about liking Dave. I didn't have anything to feel bad for anymore, he was a free man.

I didn't hate Jordyn, I didn't even not like her. She was great but at sometimes, I disagreed with her in which we'd fight, but that didn't mean I hated her. I'd always felt bad for liking Grohl because I knew how nice she really was and how Dave did deserve her, although it was hard to put her in front of me for that title.

We talked for a bit more before the guys had places to be, leaving Dave and me alone with the beer.

"I'm really sorry, Dave," I stated once everyone had left. "I know you really loved her."

"I did, not anymore," he spat, chugging his beer before throwing the can on floor. "That's why we got divorced. It was obviously we were in love anymore."

"I hate seeing you this unhappy. You're not super jumpy Davey that jumps over drum kits anymore. You seem... Like Kurt.." I said, the last part more quietly as he looked up at me with emotion in his eyes that I couldn't read.

"I'm not like Kurt.. He loved her, she cheated. It's total opposite," he concluded as I stated in confusion.

"You cheated on her?"

"Physically, no. Mentally is a different story," he said honestly, as I leaned forward with my elbow on my knees.

"Dave, if you were watching porn again, look they're faking it. They don't want you that bad," I joked, making him smile a little bit which was all I was going for. The Dave Grohl smile could still be achieved meaning he would be okay.

"So wait.. You're telling me that you were in love with someone else while you were married to Jordyn but it's pretty much like a stupid crush and they don't know?" I asked, trying to make things for clear.

"Pretty much. Shouldn't crushes be over by now? I'm 40, leave me the fuck alone," he muttered, cracking open another beer.

"Well... Who is it?" I questioned, making his eyes seem to pop out of his head.


"Come on, Dave. You've always told me everything. It's not like I can tell anyone else. I don't have friends," I laughed, making him smirk again.

"God, I can't believe I'm gonna do this," he murmured, as I thought he was scared of about telling me about a stupid crush.


"You really wanna know?" He asked once more, as I nodded and leaned forward close to him than before to show my interest.

Before I could comprehend what had happened, I felt his lips on my mine. It's one of those feeling you can never get over. It's like trying something for the first time, where you're scared you're not gonna like it and it become your favorite thing. This is how it felt. This was my favorite thing.

I slowly started to kiss back before he pulled away and stared at me in a way I couldn't read.

"Fifteen years. I can't believe I didn't notice for fifteen years," he said softly, smirking at the tint of pink in my cheeks.

"Took ya long enough," I said breathlessly, still trying to figure out how something like this could even happen. "Would she be mad if..." I started, wondering about Jordyn. Did she know it was me?

"I'm not sure. She's the only who made me figure it out. She always thought... I don't know.." He added, before I slowly stood on my legs, knees feeling weak from the kiss before sitting down closer to him.

"Uh so... I forgot what that whole kiss thing kind of felt like so, for memories..." I started, making him chuckle and leaning over me, pulling me into a kiss, this more passionate and comfortable than the first.

(Here we go :) it's a bit short but I think I kinda like it. Thanks so much for requesting and yeah. I'll talk to you all next update :))

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