||John Lennon (The Beatles) #1||

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This is actually based off a dream I had a year or two ago... I may brighten up the details a bit though because I don't remember every single part. Hope you all enjoy and remember to message me for any requests! :)

|| Ana's POV ||

"I'm not done with you, John!" I yelled after him, as he continued to keep walking, making me try and catch up with him.

"Ah, shut up Ana! I don't understand the big deal. You should be happy for me, I'll be making money because that's all you're in this for, right?" He slurred, stumbling through the narrow streets of Liverpool, his accent the same as the others.

"If that what you think John then why don't you go back to fuck old Cynthia, or whatever her name is? Oh, right, you still do!" I was completely done with his shit.

First, he tells me he loves me more than anyone else in the world, that he wants to be with me forever. That Cynthia never meant anything to him, that she was just a good fuck.

Then, he tells me that his band is taking off and they're going to Germany for a few months, but forgot to leave out the part where he left early to stay with Cynthia for a few weeks while they were "gone".

I almost couldn't handle the lies anymore. The only people that were honest with me anymore was Paul and George, I didn't even trust Pete. He seemed just like John. I wouldn't never even known if Paul hadn't stopped by the house asking where John was.

I loved him so much, but there was a boundary for all the pain that I could take, and he trampled over it.

This back and forth kept going between us earning strange looks from others until we reach the jetty and the ship port where he finally stopped to look at me.

"I don't know what you want me to say Ana. I messed up, I'm sorry. I wont do it again.." He muttered, taking a drag from his cigarette before turning to look at the beach.

"That's the thing John! You're not sorry! You'll do it over and over again until you break me... I can't do it anymore John," I murmured, looking down at my feet and feeling tears come to my eyes.

There was a complete silence before I looked up at him again and he spoke.

"My pa used to take me here when I was a kid. We'd run and fool around, until my mum came to take me back. But one day, he wouldn't let go... He asked me if I wanted to stay with him or go with her, all of this being said right in front of 'er. I didn't know what to say, but I chose her. I always did. I haven't seen 'im since, but you remind me of him... So if I don't decide between you and Cyn, you're gone right?"

I wiped one of my tears before nodding, and looking down again.

"I don't mean to leave you John but this is different. How do I know you're not out getting some other girl pregnant like you did with her? This new kid of yours needs you, and if you're sneaking around with other women, he'll see it. I don't know what else to say other than stay with her, or stay with me and have to explain to him that you and Cyn aren't together... I hate to leave you, but in this case, you give me no choice..." I clarified. I still wanted to cry but I felt scared to show weakness in front of John. I felt like he judge or tease me.

He stayed silence, and I took that as an answer.

"Don't be like your father John. He'll need you," And with that I started to walk away only to quickly be pulled back and into a deep passionate kiss from the one I loved.

The kiss sent waves of warmth through my body and a sense that everything would be okay.

As he pulled away, we still stayed close and he took his hand in mine.

"I guess I'll just have to explain the situation to the lad," he whispered with a smirk.

Everything would hopefully be okay from here. In fact, nothing felt as if it could be better.

:3 I suck at writing but here we go

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