||Christofer Drew (NeverShoutNever) #1||

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I doubt people are even reading this but I still haven't gonna an requests yet :( I'll keep updating though! Maybe it'll draw people here! Who knows? Enjoy :)

||Ashley's POV||

"Everything you do is super fucking cute, and I can't stand it," Christofer sang teasingly leaning against me, as we sat down at our old spot down by the beach.

I had told him to bring his ukulele so we could have a jam session, but one of my strings had broken. I decided to just listen to him, and to be honest, it was better that way.

As he strummed away at the Luna I'd gotten him for his birthday, I lied my head on his shoulder, watching the orange and pink sky turn to black.

"As he replied, he said listen to these words that... You're not paying attention anymore huh?" He laughed, stopping in the middle of one of his songs. He was getting ready for Warped Tour this summer, and he only had a few more days left until he had to go.

I was still in school, well, graduating this year, and I wasn't 18 yet. I doubted I could even go if he wanted me to, but I sure would miss him.

"We only have a week," I murmured, watching the tide start to roll out.

"It's still seven days, that twenty-four hours times seven! That's..." He exclaimed, trying to do the math and brighten up the mood at the same time.

"Babe, happiness and math can't be together in one sentence," I sighed, as he set the ukulele back in his case, and wrapped his arm around me, leaning his head on mine.

"Why are you so worried about me going?"

"I'm not worried, well, I don't think I am. But what if you meet a fan, and it's like love at first sight. I'm not saying that you wouldn't be faithful, but what if you can't do anything about it? Love is love, and what if you find it somewhere else?" I whispered, my voice cracking a bit.

I couldn't lose him, he was what had been keeping me going. I was only 17 and he was 24, it was wonder how my parents even let me date him. Not to mention, he being heavily tattooed and in band.

The things social media could do. It was the reason we were together. Ahh, MySpace days...

"That's not gonna happen, Ash. You are my one and only. Each and every single one of those love songs that people think are about them, are about you. I am your biggest fan."

I turned towards him, not caring if my blush was the color of a tomato or whatever, and kissed him. But it wasn't a kiss we'd had before.

This one had the passion and drive it was lacking before.

The rush and breathlessness that I'd be carving for the rest of that summer.

(Sorry this was so short! Request!)

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