||Micky Dolenz (The Monkees) #1||

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(For MicaTheQueen ! My first Monkees one! I never actually got into the Monkees like most in the classic rock fandom have but I think I'm gonna start changing that. Comment some songs of theirs I should listen to and enjoy :))

||Michaela's POV||

I stepped into the studio a little hesitantly, hoping that hopefully this would go well. I was hired to help the Monkees write a new album so they'd be able to get it out faster. Their record label had apparently been on their asses about getting one out as soon as possible and that's where I came in. 

Their agent had called me a couple of weeks before to see if I'd be willing to do and I immediately agreed. I was big fans of theirs and their writing skills were great. I wasn't trying to change that at all but sometime when I was hired to help write, that idea would get across to some of them. Like when I helped write for the Mamas and Papas. I won't get into that though.

I took a deep breath, hoping that it wouldn't be like that this time for I really wanted to help these guys and get associated with them. They seemed like good guys like the type that would be cool to have as friends.

I slowly walked to the front desk where the lady then directed me to what room they were in. I could the crashing of drums and the drop from guitars being plugged into basses. The studio seemed to be filled today. I continued walking down the hallway, looking at the room numbers to make sure I knew where I was going until someone noticed that I didn't know where I was going.

"You lost?" I heard a voice say from behind me, making me spin around in fright.

"Oh um yeah. Sorry, you scared me," I said, chuckling a little bit before noticing who it was. "Davy is it?"

"Yeah, it is. Do I know ya?"

"Umm I was hired to come help you guys with the album..Your agent sent me.." I told him a little awkwardly, hoping that he was told that I was coming. I hated people having to be put in situations like that.

"Oh yeah! I thought you were coming tomorrow. No big deal though, we need as much help as we can get. May I?" he happily before putting out his arm for me to take as he led me to the room that they were in. He seemed like a really nice guy already.

"So does everyone know I'm coming? I wouldn't want to cause a rift in the writing yknow?" I asked as he led me into an elevator, taking us up to the second floor. I would've never found the room. I didn't even know that there was a second floor.

"Yeah, everyone was told this morning. We're mostly all cool with it but..." he murmured, before trailing off.

"But what?"

"Micky is just a little strange about that stuff. He can be a little hardheaded about songs that we don't write ourselves but we really need you. If we wait too long, we're gonna get dropped and I know he rather have you help than have that happen... But I think you'll do fine. Plus, you're pretty and he'll do anything for a pretty girl," he laughing, seeming like he was joking but I honestly wasn't sure. I didn't want anyone getting mad or having fights start over me trying to help but I defiantly didn't want them to get dropped.

The elevator doors opened and he took me to the first door on the right where I could hear voices inside.

"Look, I just don't want some guy coming in here, thinking that he knows what he's doing! Is that too much to ask?" I knew that much be Micky and I could feel myself getting more and more nervous.

"Hey, I won't let him beat ya up. It'll be alright," Davy promised, smiling before opening the door to everyone arguing until they set their eyes on me. That seemed to shut them up.

"What if a girl was coming in?" Peter said, almost in awe as I blushed and thanked Davy for taking me to where they were. I looked at Micky as he stared at me, almost like he was impressed but still wasn't gonna let that change anything.

"Uhh hi. I'm Michaela but you guys can call me Mica. Jack called me in to-"

"Help us, we know," the one I recognized as Michael smiled before standing up and greeting me with a hug. "I'm Michael, you already know Davy. That's Peter and that over there is-"

"Micky," he said finishing for himself. The boys gave me soft smiles and overall looked really grateful that I was there but there was something about the smirk Micky held on his face that scared me a little. Or maybe I was interested? I wasn't sure. I mean he was very attractive like stupidly pretty but something about him made it seem like he despised me or maybe he was just teasing me? God, this guy already.

"Really nice to meet you all," I admitted, giving them a smile before Micky spoke up again.

"So what makes you think you can help us?" he challenged, watching as the other boys looked embarrassed at his words. 

"Mick-" Davy started before I reassured him.

"No it's alright. I do it for fun. I get to meet some pretty interesting people so it equals out for me," I told them truthfully.  I didn't want credit for songs unless I sung them or playing an instrument on one of the tracks. They were words anyone could think of but they had meaning so it was made that much more special. 

"Who've you worked with?" Micky questioned, continuing to interrogate me but that was alright. He didn't have to like me. I just didn't want to have an ongoing feud with him. Being in a fight with a famous person was dangerous. They could ruin any chance of a career with the snap of a finger. 

"A couple of people. The Mamas and Papas, the Who, bands like them. And I've helped Cream at one point. It something to be proud of but I honestly rather focus on you guys now," I admitted, almost a little embarrassed about talking about my clients. I was proud of course but I felt like I was just bragging. And Micky noticed.

"You're not bragging. It's a legitimate question," he reassured, now seeming impressed with my list. It wasn't until now that I noticed how nice his speaking voice was. 

After getting used to each other we started working and something really beautiful came out of it. A new album and a new relationship I didn't even think had a chance of happening. But I shouldn't go into details. It's just the birds, the bees, and the Monkees.

(Here we go! I think I'm pretty proud of this one. I really liked this idea. I hope you enjoyed it as well and I'll talk to y'all soon.)

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