||Glenn Frey (The Eagles) #2||

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(For AlexandraPhillips3 !! I'm sorry this took so long (I've been sick) but I hope ya enjoy and thanks so much for requesting! Also if anyone hasn't seen History of The Eagles on Netflix, watch it. It's literally one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. Enjoy :))

||Alley's POV||

I slowly made my way into the convention center, following the crowd that was obviously here to see them, my boys. God, I hadn't seen them in over a year. It's crazy how time passes by like that. One day we were all hanging out at the bar on South and Central, and now they were touring the world.

I'd missed them so much, especially Glenn. There was something in the way he was, somethings that he did, somethings that he'd say that made me fall in love with him. It wasn't like anything would ever happen though... I mean, hell, he was famous now! He could date any fucking model he wanted to, any actress...

It didn't matter what some city girl he left behind thought. I hated thinking that way but it was hard not to. I was usually positive and sometimes even a bit crazy but just thinking about some of the things he could made my stomach turn.

I walked with a bit faster when I saw the giant banner with their album, Hotel California on it. Damn guys... they always amazed me with their writing skills. They were great at it. Just like Bob Seger had said, they'd always get better.

I walked in a small doorway with tons of people pushing and shoving, trying to get to their seats. It was amazing to see all of those people pushing each other and running to get seats just to watch my boys.

Once everyone got to their seats and the lights dimmed, I dug through my bag for the backstage pass Glenn had sent me in the mail along with the letter I'd get every month or so.

He always kept in touch and sometimes the others would write small notes along with it too. It was adorable to be honest.

I walked to the side of the stage, guarded by some four or so security guards.

"You Alley?" One of them yelled, over the thousands of people who were making small talk at the time.

"Yes sir," I nodded, showing them my pass before the fence of bodyguards opened up to let me in.

"Thank you," I said loudly before walking up the small flight of stairs that led backstage.

It was only a couple minutes or so before they went on but I wanted to try and catch them before if I could. I wanted to at least be able to say 'hi' first.

I made my way down a long hallway that opened up into a living room type areas with couches and refreshments of all sorts.

There was a star-shaped sign on the door that read 'The Eagles'. Gosh... They're dream had come true.

I slowly walked around admiring some of the artwork and picture of other bands that were displayed above the walls before I heard a voice behind me.

"God, I'd notice that ass anywhere," I heard a raspy voice say from behind me, as I spun around to meet eyes with Joe Walsh.

"You've said that before," I beamed, running into his embrace. "I miss y'all so much."

"Us too darling. I don't know if you'll catch all of us before the show but stay awhile. We all want a piece of ya," he smirked, squeezing my hand.

"Will do," I smiled, following him out to the curtain that blocked the backstage from the actual one.

"Stay here. I wanna see Glenn's face when he sees ya," he chuckled, before randomly running in the opposite direction.

I stood for a while until spotlights came on the stage and the guys walked in on the other side.

"Hi. We're the Eagles from California," Glenn said happily before playing the opening to 'Take It Easy'.

As I watched all of them jump around and have fun, I saw Don, on the drums, turn his head towards me and smile, somehow waving with his expression.

The other did as well, but Glenn hadn't seemed to notice until 'One of These Nights' started, and he got to take a breather from singing.

I stood there obviously impressed, when Randy elbowed Glenn and pointed in my direction, and almost as if in slow motion, he saw me.

A huge smile formed on his face as he laughed and shook his head almost lol he couldn't believe I had came.

The concert went on for a good hour and a half after that, with the crowd and myself singing along to each and every song.

As the spotlights went out and the curtains fell, I watched as Glenn swung his guitar to his back and ran to me.

He ran into my arms before swinging me around and softly putting me down with a kiss I never though I'd never get in my life. One so passionate and joyful, one from Glenn Frey.

"I'm so happy you came," he murmured, making me blush and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm so happy you did that," I giggled, pulling back almost immediately. "Glenn, turn around," I said sternly as he awkwardly spun around.

"Come on now. Be careful with your equipment," I said, as his guitar's neck was all uneven from him running with it. "You're lucky I can fix this," I scolded, watching him roll his eyes and turn back around.

"Whatever, come on. Let's go hang out with the others," he smiled, grabbing my hand as we went backstage, him not letting go of my hand the entire night and me not wanting him to.

(Hey! I'm so sorry this took so long, but a lot of shit just went down in my life so I'm trying but I'll try and get a couple of these out tonight or tomorrow. Thank you all for waiting this long and I'll talk to you all soon)

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