||George Harrison (The Beatles) #1||

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(Hey guys! I'm sorry if this one is shitty and late because I did this in like an hour... But I wanted to do George because he's been gone for 14 years yesterday... It honestly breaks my heart. The Beatles were the first band I'd ever fangirled over.. But I hope you enjoy :) *George Harrison 1943-2001)

||Judith's POV||

"George, I swear to God! We just ate!" I groaned as he pulled me through the streets of London, trying to find a small lunch venue. Somewhere he thought he wouldn't be recognized.

I swear, he needed to learn that from this day on everyone was going to know who he was. The Beatles were never going to be one hit wonders. They were gonna be part of history, the biggest band in music ever. I could feel it in my soul.

"Jude, that was two hours ago," he exclaimed, not looking back for he was in front of me dragging me around by my hand.

"Geo, we're in London. Don't you think if anywhere, most people here will notice ya! I mean fucking hell, it's like the capital!"

He slowly came to a stop and turned around, giving me a glare.

"You're starting to sound like John. That's not a good thing," he teased with a serious face, and continued pulling me until we found a tiny coffee shop.

"This should do it," he smiled proudly, dragging me through the doors. We looked around the old joint, and only saw a bunch of elderly people staring back at us, as if we were some burdens to society.

Well, I mean they weren't absolutely wrong.

"Alright, this is what I'm talking about," he chuckled, leading us over to an empty booth.

"George, how are you so hungry all the time and then never gain the weight you eat? I mean tell me your bloody secret. I need to know," I joked, earning a confused look from him.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do I mean? I need your secret for eating food and not gaining weight," I laughed, and stopped embarrassingly when I saw his straight face.

"You don't need to lose weight Jude," he said seriously, looking me deep in the eyes.

"W-what?! Geo, I never said-"

That was a lie. I don't think there has ever been a girl in the history of the universe to never at one stage of their lives want to lose weight. It's just being vain towards yourself. It's comparing yourself to others even though it doesn't matter either way.

"Judith, I know what you're thinking. Look, I'm gonna order the biggest, fattiest, greasiest bloody thing I ever have, and you are gonna fucking help me finish it."

You may be thinking stuff like what if she doesn't want to eat it and that's not saying much... But can I just say that that is the sweetest thing George Harrison has ever said to me. Crazy I know but guess what?

We ate that whole damn thing and you know what? It was the most satisfying thing I've ever eaten.

(I'm really hungry, can't you tell? I'm sorry I'm sorry this sucked so much. I'm so hungry though and... Sorry)

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