Author's Note #3

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I do realize I have a lot of these 'Author's Notes' things on this book and I'm sorry but I want to explain why I've been taking a while with updates.

Recently, I've fallen in love. I know, stupid. I used to say love was a lie like everything else before but this guy stood out to me.

Long story short, we talked for almost 78 hours straight and then he disappeared. I still see him at school but he seems almost embarrassed to hang out with me though. I've been taking it a bit hard, but I guess I don't know what love is. I thought I do and who knows what it feels like, but I honestly don't know if that was it.

So I've been pretty trying to figure out what's wrong with me and I've been blaming myself for stupid shit... But that doesn't matter because I know I'm wrong.

Anyways, I'll have two requests out tomorrow a Dave Grohl and Kurt Cobain one and then I think I'm done with requests.

But if not comment right here telling me who you want your one shot to be about and your name/plot if you have one. I wish I could say I was more neat with how I take request and stuff but I'm not so yeah...

So expect updates and I'll talk to y'all real soon. Love you all <3

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