||Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) #4||

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(For TransparentSkies !! I hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait! Ps comment here if you've requested a one shot and haven't gotten it yet... I'm so out of order it isn't funny. Ps they just released pictures of the gun Kurt supposedly used if you wanna check it out... Idk... It seems like bullshit to me..Enjoy! :))

||Alice's POV||

There was nothing to say under that bridge. We weren't mad or disappointed with each other, there was just nothing to say. Depression reeked in the air, mixing with the salt water that always made my hair more uncontrollable than it already was.

There was something peaceful down here. Maybe it was the fact that not a lot of people knew about this place or that nobody cared, but it had a comforting feel.

Nothing had to be said unless it was wanted to and everyone was cool with that. We were close enough to where nothing had to be said and it still felt nice and comfortable. This place brought that out in people who came down here.

The silence simmered a while until I picked up Kurt's guitar and tried tuning. I wasn't good at it but it was worth a shot.

"Yknow... I'm thinking of asking that Krist guy if he wants to start a band," he stated, taking a drag of his cigarette before flicking the ash off into an old peanut butter lid we'd found.

"The tall one? What does he play?" I asked, stopping my humming for a second as I tried to tune it to the sound of my voice. It sometimes worked, sometimes didn't. I wasn't a great singer in my book but Kurt always said I had the voice of an angel.

"Bass, I heard and we could find someone on the drums easily probably... You could play the drums.." he said, smiling at the last part. It was obviously a joke. For as musical as I was and for all the instruments I could play, I vowed to ever play in front of a crowd or audience. My anxiety was act up too bad, plus the rockstar life didn't seem that great to me.

But I could see Kurt doing it. Being famous, having all the money, it looked great in my head, but there I decided to leave out all the bad things that came with it. I didn't need to be thinking of that, I just wish I would've.

"Whatever," I giggled a bit, strumming away at the guitar. Everything seemed in tune. "Here. This should be funner to play."

"Thanks Alice," he smiled, leaning down to give me a kiss on his forehead, making me blush.

It was never asked and it was never made official, but Kurt and I had been going out for five or so months. He never asked me and I never asked him, but one day it just happened and stayed that way.

We weren't gross about it either, thank god. Everything was subtle and serious when it needed to be, but is wasn't overwhelming. I didn't need that and I knew for a fact that he didn't either.

"So when were you thinking about asking Krist?"

"I don't know. Somewhere, one day," he smiled softly, plucking at the newly tuned strings. "These sound nice."

"Kurt, sooner is better than later. Stressing about it isn't good for you," I murmured, laying my head on his shoulder, scooting closer to him.

"I'm not stressing, just waiting for the right time. That's all," he said quietly, wrapping an arm around me and holding me close as we watched the water roll through the current of the Wishkah River. I loved this place, I really did.

"What'll happen when you become famous?" I asked, listening to the water flow as he chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when your band gets big and stuff. That's what you've always wanted right?"

"Yeah I guess, but the rockstar life seems kinda of overrated," he admitted.


"I don't know because you start thinking you're all that when you're not. I doubt I'll ever feel that way but still. Plus the posers out there will find a way to make it not fun anymore."

"Yeah, I guess... Maybe that'll change for you though," I said hopefully, looking up at him.

"Maybe it will," he murmured, smirking and leaned down to give me a sweet kiss on the lips. He gave the best kisses. They always meant something, he wouldn't do them if he didn't mean it.

"Come on, are ya hungry? I have ten bucks," I questioned, patting his knee before getting up.

"Yeah, I'm paying you back though," he grunted, standing up with his guitar in hand.

"Nope, it's on me," I giggled, taking his hand as we climbed up the short hill that led down to the water.

"Let me guess... The money isn't yours?"

I smiled innocently as he chuckled, swinging the guitar over his shoulder.

"Where shall we go on this fine dinner date, madam?"

"I'm not sure... Denny's? Somewhere fancy," I said sarcastically, as he agreed and we made our way through Aberdeen.

Dinner was nice. We smiled and laughed, the usual when we were together but we were both broken people, and we knew it.

Maybe that's why we worked so well together, two broken pieces fitting together. It worked for us. It worked.

Kurt Cobain was the love of my life. He lit my fire and put out my sorrow. He made me feel like no one else had because he knew how it felt to be forgotten and dead inside. Maybe that's why things started getting better once he was around. Everything was better when he was around.

(Here we go! Sorry it's a bit short :) but yknow. I've been binge watching That 70s Show all over again and Steven Hyde is just amazing <3)

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