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{ t w e n t y t h r e e }

Calum: hey (:

Luke: what's your last name?

Calum: Hood, why?

Luke: you should know one thing about me Calum Hood, I hate small talk.

Calum: well then.

Calum: hey (: What do you think the meaning of life is?

Luke: I don't know. Doesn't it just seem kind of repetitive?

Calum: I was joking but now I actually want to know your answer

Calum: like what?

Luke: like, in the long run, everyone's the same. Everybody is unique but nobody can really be unique yknow

Calum: explain more

Luke: like, you have a person right. They could be academic, artistic, model-worthy, good at nothing, musical, but there's always a category for anyone to fall into. There are never any new category's.

Luke: people are all different but in the end everyone is the same, everyone is born and everyone dies. The only thing that changes are the people and the category's they fall into.

Calum: you have just fucked my entire mind.

Calum: I was just gunna say it's to live your life and be happy, Jesus Christ I am not okay

Luke: it's just a theory Calum :")

Calum: but like, it's kind of right and that scares me. Like, what category do I fall into?

Luke: you don't choose your own category. Who knows, I could be wrong and we could all be unique and stuff.

Calum: true. Who else could turn you on like I did ;)

Luke: I think that was the smartest conversation we have ever had and you just ruined it

Calum: we could always talk about psychology and be smart again

Luke: I know nothing about that

Calum: well then let me educate you my dear one (:

Calum: psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and it's functions

Luke: it's weird to think that the guy who sent me a nude the other day is now teaching me about science.

Calum: I don't know what you're talking about because we agreed never to speak of that again

Calum: anyway, there are many sections in psychology but learning about serial killers is the best so let's do that

Luke: don't make me have nightmares Cal

Calum: no it's just science don't worry

Calum: serial killers are sometimes known to have a different type of brain to normal people, the activity and brain pattern is different

Calum: some normal people can have that pattern too though

Luke: so if this pattern defines serial killers why aren't the 'normal people' serial killers?

Calum: usually it takes a trigger; a bad home life, a death, something to stress the person and then their brain (because of the activity) is like 'kill someone it'll help' and yeah

Luke: wow

Luke: I like our little education sessions we should do this more often

Calum: oh baby I could educate you on so much more ;)

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