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{ e i g h t y f i v e }

Mikey: Sorry I rushed out earlier. Hope I cheered you up a lil bit anyway :) 

Mikey: it's just

Mikey: your boyfriend and I don't really get along

Luke: it's not like you even try to get along with him

Mikey: well

Mikey: fine, I'll start trying harder

Luke: he's living with us now

Mikey: ????? 

Mikey: you aren't serious

Luke: I don't see that try hard attitude I was promised

Mikey: you're not guilting me into saying what you want me to right now Luke. Your boyfriend is living with you and your Mom. What the fuck. 

Luke: he doesn't have anywhere else to go

Luke: come on, what would you do if I was homeless?

Mikey: are you okay

Mikey: honestly

Luke: I don't know, I think so

Mikey: is this about earlier because that was all me and I'm so sorry, I've been freaking out all night and I didn't even think you'd text me back

Mikey: I'm such a slut please do not let me put you in that position ever again

Luke: it's cool mikey, lets just forget it

Luke: I don't want to tell you about this stuff but I have nobody else to talk to,  he's been really off with me all night 

Mikey: seemed fine when I was there

Luke: yeah but like

Luke: after we spoke to my Mom and decided the living arrangements he just went back to bed, and I came up here like an hour ago and he was just laying in bed, looked at me and then turned over, and I don't know. Do you think I did something??

Mikey: I hate to say this, but maybe he's just overwhelmed right now love

Mikey: he'll probably apologise and be all fine with you tomorrow 

Luke: he said it was all my fault earlier, he screamed it at me

Luke: what're we gunna do in school tomorrow??? 

Luke: like do you think he's gunna ignore me, or now his Dad knows everything will change? I want to talk to him about so much but he's just shutting me off

Mikey: wasn't his dad not knowing the only thing keeping you guys from being together at school? He'll probably make out with you in the hallways and shit now, ew

Luke: you think?

Mikey: if he doesn't he's fucking dumb

Luke: thank Mike

Luke: I'm gunna get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow

Mikey: I'll wait at your locker, sweet dreams Lucas

Luke: don't call me that x (R)

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