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{ f o r t y }

Calum<3: fuck I'm so nervous

Luke: you look just fine to me. Pick up your bass and stop texting me we need to practise.

Calum<3: but baby

Calum<3: I'm meeting your parents tonight

Calum<3: and they can't even remember my name properly I obviously didn't make a lasting first impression on James.

Luke: you're on a first name basis with my stepdad?

Luke: that's very good so far.

Luke: and don't panic, they won't know anything about us because we're good friends ok

Calum<3: but we're more than friends?

Luke: their little Lukey is too innocent for that Calum

Calum<3: aw my innocent little nude-sending Lukey

Luke: I don't think that was Lukey so shut your whore mouth and play the bass.

Luke: I think Michael and Lacey are getting suspicious.

Calum<3: you think? Michael literally glanced over my shoulder to try and read my conversation.

Luke: well I hope he didn't see the nudes thing that'd be embarrassing.

Calum<3: I locked my phone before he saw anything. Why is your friend so nosy-.-

Luke: leave Michael alone.

Calum<3: I know I'm sorry.

Calum<3: I just choked are you wearing panties? I swear I just saw red lace at the top of your jeans.

Calum<3: is that a blush?

Calum<3: omg Luke I'm dying here I need to leave the room or something

Calum<3: don't FUCkinG get them oUt!  Michael and Lacey are in the room!

Calum<3: you're such a goddamn tease baby. 

Luke: I hope that distracted you from your nerves.

Calum<3: the point of distracting someone is to not bring up the topic again idiot

Luke: hey ):

Calum<3: do you think your parents will like me?

Calum<3: James seemed to like me on Tuesday night so I guess that's a good start. What's your mom like?

Luke: she works practically 24/7 because if you haven't noticed we don't have the best money situation. I'm her little Lukey and she likes to keep me as pure and innocent as possible.

Calum<3: oh god she's going to think I'm ruining you isn't she?

Luke: probably not if you be like you normally are when we're together. She's also really small, like I don't know how I came out of her she's tiny.

Calum<3: awwww

Luke: yeah I'm warning you because she hates it when people do that. She likes to think she's intimidating.

Calum<3: ok I'm taking you back and I'm buying your mom.

Luke: what do you think this is a prostitution circle??

Calum<3: ew, I don't want your mom like that Luke god. I'm actually excited to meet her as well as nervous now.

Luke: okay Michael definitely knows somethings up have you seen the looks he's giving the both of us?

Calum<3: maybe we should tone it down?

Luke: I wouldn't care if it was just Michael but I don't really know Lacey that well so I agree.

Calum<3: I'll text you later baby xx

Luke: <3 xx

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