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Calum: are you fucking serious

Calum: like

Calum: are you for fucking real 

Calum: I said we could still be friends. What the fuck is wrong with you?! 

Calum: I swear you just want to destroy everything I have so all I've got left is you. 

Luke: the fact that you said we could still be friends is laughable. You're acting exactly like you were before you knew me. 

Luke: you're an asshole, born and bred. 

Calum: All of my fucking friends think I'm gay because of you. 

Luke: YOU ARE GAY!!!!!

Luke: Jesus Christ

Luke: maybe the reason you resent your Dad so much is because you're exactly like him. 

Calum: Kinda glad you don't have ovaries so you don't have the ability to get pregnant. Pretty sure you would've if you had the chance just to try and keep me around. 

Luke: oh so you admit you fucked a guy then?

Calum: are you a guy? I question the fact sometimes Princess. 

Calum: oh wait

Calum: you're a tranny, right? you think you're a girl?

Luke: I can't believe I used to think I loved you. 

Calum: I can't believe I dated someone who has the IQ of a three year old

Calum: I mean I've got a scholarship and you're going nowhere in life, how funny is that? You're failing every class you're in. Face reality one day Luke. 

Luke: so that's the real reason you broke up with me? I'm not good enough for you. 

Calum: I'm glad I didn't have to spell it out for you

Luke: What did your Dad say to you? Is this even you anymore? You said you loved me. You were willing to give up everything for me. 

Calum: and you were just going to let me throw away my entire life for you! 

Calum: you're so incredibly selfish

Calum: you act like the entire world is against you and make it out like life treats you terribly, everything is about Luke being fragile and protected and its fucking tiring

Calum: you're always the victim so why don't you take a step back for once and visualize the fact that actually you're the problem

Calum: your mom spends every second of her life working to pay for you, your step dad just seems to tolerate you for your mom and if you carry on the way you are your best friend is probably going to end up in jail or dead for you. And those are the only people you have. 

Calum: maybe you should start to wonder why people don't like you

Luke: how long have you felt like this?

Calum: I'm going to NYU

Calum: and I hope you have a nice lonely life on benefits

Luke: ok

Calum: backing down because you know I'm right. 

Calum: or maybe because you're just intimidated. 

Calum: let me guess... I should expect a nice beating from Michael now, right?? 

Calum: haha, bye Luke. (R)

Calum: you know

Calum: if I was your Dad I'd want to be dead too.


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