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{ f i f t y o n e }

Luke and Michael were like glue the day after the incident. Probably something stronger than glue, not parting even for a second. Michael couldn't even bare to go to the classes he had without Luke because of the stares and whispers he was receiving all day.

How the hell is he still here?

Shouldn't he be in jail?

I heard that Ashton almost died!

Did his eyes actually turn red?

The list went on and Michael was a wreck. Luke kept an arm around him all day, no matter how numb his limb got because his best friend needed support and Luke was going to give it. Michael was sick of hearing his name in the cafeteria, sick of hearing the story being twisted and sick of all the people staring at him.

"Do you want my pizza?" Luke broke Michael out of his head, sliding over his plate to where Michael sat. Michael nodded, grabbing the slice and tentatively eating it.

As Michael stood up he noticed a few people on the next table over flinch away from him. He felt guilty, picking up his bag and keening into Luke's arm as they walked away from the room. As they left, the cafeteria got noticeably louder.

"They'll get over it." Luke soothed, pulling Michael into him more as they walked down hallways to get to music.

"I lost it Luke, people think I'm insane... I probably am- I mean, I'm in therapy and anger-management now so obviously I'm a psycho-"

"Shut up," Luke cut him off suddenly. They had reached the classroom door and thankfully Michael was still temporarily in his class. "You are the best friend I've ever had, I've known you for years now Michael, I would know if you were a psycho.

"People need to understand that if they push someone's buttons enough then that person is going to lose it. Who cares what people are saying, huh? You don't need to care about anyone's opinion other than mine." Luke rambled on, getting frustrated at how badly he was trying to get his point across.

"My mom can't even look me in the fucking eye, Luke!" Michael exploded. Luke pulled him into a hug, caressing his back as Michael's head went to his neck.

"And she'll get over it, because everyone has a breaking point Mikey. She'll understand that. Did you tell her why it happened?" He felt Michael shake his head back and fore. "Tell her. Tell her that you stood up for me, again, and tell her that finally, after years of standing up for me and keeping calm through all the abuse, you finally snapped. You reached your breaking point."

Michael hugged Luke tighter and both of them hugged in the hallway for a while in silence, just embracing each other.

"Thank you." Luke heard Michael whisper into his neck. Michael pulled back, eyes slightly redder and smiled for the first time that day. Luke smiled back, happy that he made things a little better.

As usual on that particular day, Luke walked into the classroom first and, like usual, the people in there stopped what they were doing. Luke knew that he and Michael were about fifteen minutes late.

"Go to your group boys, work on the song." The teacher told them in a clipped tone, not even looking up from her computer. Michael and Luke both walked out again, heading straight for the opposite door where they could see Lacey and Calum talking.

Luke walked in first, flushing as Calum caught eyes with him. This would be the first time he'd seen Calum in person since he told him that he loved him. There were no chairs in this practise room so he slid down onto the floor, far enough away from Calum not to cause suspicion but as close as he could get.

Michael practically sat on Luke's lap, head leaning against his shoulder.

"Right, elephant in the room, Michael, sweetheart, high five." Lacey held out her hand towards Michael, staring at him with a silly grin on her face. The three boys gaped at her. "What? Ashton's an asshole, deserves what he got and more."

"He is a twat, Mike, no hard feelings on my part." Calum added, shuffling closer to Luke as he patted Michael on the shoulder. Luke tried his best not to lean more towards Calum, miserably failing.

You can't really blame the pair for being clingy, they had just admitted their love for each other the night before.

"Thanks, means a lot." Michael mumbled but he was smiling at everyone in the group. He jumped up, grabbing his bag off his back and going through it to find the book they'd all been using to write lyrics.

Lacey sighed after a few long seconds, leaning over to help Michael who was obviously struggling to find it in the mess he calls a bag.

"Do you think they'd notice?" Calum suddenly whispered into Luke's ear, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling him into his body. Luke looked up at him, waiting for him to elaborate. "If I took you out of the room right now and just kept you to myself for the next two hours."

Luke glanced at the other pair before putting his head into Calum's lap and looking up at him.

"I think they might." Luke whispered back. Calum ran his hands through the blonde hair and couldn't keep the lovesick smile from his face. "If I say it are you going to say it back or are you going to say something stupid?" Calum grinned at him but Luke jumped up as he heard Michael and Lacey's conversation die down and a chuckle escape Mikey's mouth.

Michael and Lacey both turned around at the same time, holding Luke's phone up between them. Luke had already sat next to Calum by the time they had, luckily, but his cheeks were pink and flushed and his breathing had gotten heavier.

"Lucas," Michael started, tapping the circular button at the bottom of his iPhone4. "Who's this?" Luke leant forward, reading the text shown on the home screen. It wasn't even incriminating.

Skipping class? And to think I got so excited to see you ):

Luke knew Calum had sent it and for a second he thought they were busted. His eye caught the name above the text though and his cheeks blazed.

"Oh, fuck." Luke let out. Michael held the phone out for Calum to read then, thinking he'd just be embarrassing the shit out of Luke.

Calum choked as he read the message he'd sent under the word 'Daddy'.

"I mean, Daddy though, come on Luke." Lacey told him as an afterthought to the initial shock. Calum was turned away from them all now, trying to catch his breath.

"I've been with many girls, not one of them has called me Daddy." Michael said in a teasing tone. Michael and Lacey sat against the opposite wall to Luke and Calum. They couldn't find the book but they did find Luke's phone and all they wanted to do was take some selfies on it for Luke to laugh at later. What they found was much better.

"Oh, you poor soul." Lacey teased Michael. "Don't pout, Daddy." Luke's entire face was on fire because it was obvious they were making fun of him. He thinks that he'd rather have them find Calum's actual name now, too late for regrets though. "Have you ever had someone call you Daddy, Cal?" Luke wanted to die, literally, he wanted the ground to split open and swallow him up.

Calum leant back against the wall, putting his arm around Luke's shoulders instinctively.

"I guess I have." Calum replied simply, not giving away anything by his voice.

"So who is it Lucas? Is it that guy you went on a date with? Or is it someone else? Are you getting around?" Michael frowned, "because you're too innocent for that Luke." Calum snorted and everyone turned to him. He shrugged and hope they'd leave it alone.

"Please, dear god, can we stop this conversation?" Luke asked them all but nobody seemed to pay attention to him but Calum.

"Luke, this message was sent ten minutes ago. Holy shit he's in our music class!" Luke cringed against Calum's side. He wondered when they'd even managed to get that close together but shook it off.

Michael and Lacey spent the next ten minutes listing names from the class and trying to figure out who 'Daddy' was. Not once did they suggest the boy who had his arm around Luke and a loving smile on his face.

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