daughter of hell 3

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"I'm not going." I stated with my arms crossed over my chest. They just both gave me a creepy smile

Chapter 2

I looked at the impressive building on my left and tightent my grip on the seat in front of me. "I'm nog going and you can't make me." I said, for what must have been the millionth time, to Eduardo, who was holding the door open for me. "I can always make you." I glared at him. "I'll hate you if you do." He let out a tiresome sigh. I knew I wasn't being fair. He only followed the orders his boss, my dad, had given him. But than again life wasn't always fair. Cause if it was, I wouldn't be stuck in a car in front of a bloody boardingschool. How had my life come from not sucking that much to a fucking disaster? in the meantime Eduardo had pried my fingers loose from the frontseat an slung me over his shoulder. "Take care of her luggage, feather boy." He yelled over my ass, that was sadly hanging over his shoulder, to Rafael. He was my mother's pick of an escort. Stupid stuck up angels. Even though I was mad at Eduardo, I was still glad he was here with me. Us demons needed to stick together. "You can put me down now, Ed. I'll be good." He casted me a suspicious look. "Right." He drawled. "I'm not that stupid." Rafael reappeared with a set of keys and some documents. He pushed all the crap in my hands and kept staring at me. Not at my face, obviously. "Perv." I muttered. "Go away Rafael. And Ed, put me down!" The words hadn't left my mounth or I found myself with my ass on the floor. "Your stuff is already in your room. You're on the top floor." He grinned wickedly. "It's 666." Oh I love obvious jokes. Not. I gave him a menacing smile. "Don't worry about me. I'll find it. Now beat it." He gave me one of those ridiculous bows that they only did in the Renaissance. "As you wish, princess." I didn't wait around to see them leave. I was pissed and wanted to be alone. While going to my room I noticed that the hallways were deserted. Then I remembered that is was mid October and that everyone would be in class. Demons, this sucked. Finally I came to room 666, the devil's number. Ha, ha, bloody ha. I pushed open the door and it wasn't really what I was expecting. I came into a large living area with comfortable, somewhat oldfashioned, cushy seats with a big plasma tv. Rich kids, figures. I should have know by the size of the castle, that they dared to call a school. The dominating colours were deep red, decorated with gold. It looked like a king could take up residence here. I felt right at home. An open arch let to a spacious luxurious kitchen. Three doors remained; one let to the biggest bathroom I had ever seen. Was that a hottub? Sweet! Another door lead to a large bedroom with two bunkbeds. They were all taken and it looked like a pack of wolves had had a party in there. I mean, even I could not make such a mess. I stepped with my foot in something soft. Was that pizza? Ew! I left the room and turned towards the remaining door, really hoping it would be less disgusting. No such luck. It was worse. There was only a small path between all the junk to get to the beds. In this room the upper bed on the left side wasn't occupied. At least not with sheets or other stuff you needed to sleep. On the bed laid some iceskates, dirty T-shirts, a half eaten hamburger? With one sweep of my arm and all the crap fell to the ground. I kept kicking it till it was out of smelling range. I looked around an saw my bags were thrown into a corner on top of various other items, that weren't all identifiable. I quickly retrieved the black silk sheet from home that I loved. In hell we only used dark colors, for the dramatic effect of doom, but I liked the style. Now about the crap on the floor. Let's go demonic on the trash. My hell-side showed in the develish smile on my face. With a few snaps of my fingers and all the junk returned to their right ful owner's bed. It was a lot. Oh, this room had carpet. Amazing. I casted a glance at the now cleared mirror and groaned inwardly. My dark red hair was a mess from the long trip. I so needed a shower. Time to use the awesome bathroom.

Switch P.O.V. (Seth)

"Dude, what did you expect? You didn't really thought Miss Eleanor would grad you on an essay about Jessica Alba's 'fine booty'?"

She doesn't appreciate the finer things in life." Dustin whined . I just laughed. Good thing women thought he was cute and felt motherly about him, or he would have been kicked out years ago. "What the hell happened here?" I heard him yell. I sighted, he could be such an ADHDer. "Dude!" He yelled. "Come check this out." I entered the room I shared with Dustin and Jake, and could believe what I saw. Was this our room? There was carpet, I couldn't remember the floor having carpet. Then I saw all my stuff piled on my bed. "What the fuck happened here?" I threw a killing glare at Jake. This looked like a thing he would do to get even for me crashing his computer. "I don't have anything to do with this." He threw his hands up in mock surrender. Yeah, mock was the word. Jake would never admit defeat. His dad was a general, so Jake learned from the best. I was ready to punch him in the jaw when he pointed to his bed. It was in the same state as mine. "Why'd I do my own bed?" He did have a point.

"Woah!" We heard Lucas scream as if taken by surprise. Lucas never gets taken by surprise. We followed the sound and stopped dead in ou tracks.

Standing in the bathroomdoorway, wrapped in othing but a towell, was a girl. A breathtaking beautiful girl with the most memorizing eyes I had ever seen. They were green, almost fluo with a catlike shape. She only looked mildly surprised to find 7 guys staring at her. She wasn't even the slightest bit unsettled, while we were dumbstruck. Then I noticed her checking Victor out, who was blushing. If I wasn't this annoyed, I would have laughed. Wait why was I annoyed? I didn't know this chick, and I got as much attention from girls as Victor, even more. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Victor flex his muscles. The beautiful girl grinned and flipped her hair. "I'm Victor." He said while offering his hand. "Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing in our dorm?" That brought a frown to her lovely face and I had to resist the urge to kiss it away. What was wrong with me?

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