daughter of hell 58

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I'm the worst student ever! Letting wattpad come before my schoolwork... Well, I'll live:P

Hope you like the story :D

Xx impossible


"One thing vampire children are taught is, never run with a wooden stake."

- Jack Handey

P.O.V. (Seth)

"A word of advice for my poor lovestruck friend?" Nate laughed.

I gave him one of my warning glances, the one that scared off everyone except my closest friends. How had I ever gotten stuck with Nate as one of my closest friends? Another piece of evidence that my life did not hold a lot of meaning to Nix. Getting stuck with a hellion as mate was only one thing more to rub it into my face. The goddess must really hate me.

"Don't walk out on a crazy, angry, fucked up demoness to take a piss when she is going to give you a piece of her mind."

"Yeah, man." Luke chimed in.

"You just lost your chance at getting it easy, now she's stuck with all that lovely anger and time to find a way to get back at you." Luke pretended to shudder.

"Glad I'm not you, brother." Vic had the nerve to laugh.

And fuming she was, I could tell from the matingbound. Too bad it didn't include being able to hear her thoughts, it would give me the advantage to know when to duck when she made her move. I still hadn't forgotten the 'missing roommate' prank she had pulled on me, nor the treasurehunt, the talking to walls, and of course the eggyolk in my hair. She hadn't even been nearly as pissed off then as she was now.

I debated on telling the guys the news of their best friend being fully mated to a halfbreed, but I betted against it. Knowing how close Luci and Nate had gotten, he'd probably pass it right along to Luci.

Apparently bro's before ho's was not our motto.

"What's with the fangs, bro?" Vic asked.

I ran my tongue over my extended teeth, and suppressed the urge to rip out Nate's trachea for being closer to Luci than I was.

"She could have died." Nate said, looking accusingly at me.

Where the hell did that come from.

"I know." I said, getting more angry with him within seconds.

"That's why I took her to Gramoira, where the archangel couldn't touch her."

"You really thought that was a good idea? She's a demon, the mortal enemy to the vampire, and you brought her at the door of vampireland."

Funny how he used the same expressions as Luci, or maybe not; it was yet another sign of his closeness to her.

"Demons and angels are mortal enemies, vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies. Demons and vampires are merely at bad ground."

"Our species have been at war, are still at war and you call it being 'merely at bad ground'? What is wrong with you, Seth? Don't you care about her? I thought you said she was your mate! You did not only bring her to our plane but you also left her completely defenseless. You should have never bound her!" Nate yelled.

I had never seen Nate this mad before. The only times Nate got mad was when somene's freedom was endangered, he was a big proponent of free will and all that shit. Great guy, but a bit a fanatic when it came to someone prejudicing human rights and liberties. Never understood his issues, he was secretive about it. But then, we all have secrets.

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