Proving Yourself

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It's a funny concept, the idea of falling in love, especially if you don't even believe in the concept, or becoming close to another person it just something that cannot be put on paper and understood like a piece of literature. It has many twists, turns, ups, and of course, downs. Emotions and feelings also have a knack for happening organically, or even in most cases of true love, by complete and utter surprise. The painful kind of emotions are typically the ones that are forced into happening, if one loves you, and you do not share the same feelings, the same passion..That is a pain that to most is unbearable. For the lucky two people that have feelings accumulate naturally, over time, they are the luckiest of people. In a way, they can't claim to have bad luck for they have been gifted with the most beautiful gift of all. The gift of being understood and appreciated by another person. The times where you feel lowest, and like nothing can go right, whether it be from a problem you have control over, to a problem where it is entirely up to fate. The people who stick around through all of these issues are the ones where ultimately? You better slap a ring on their finger. You better make sure that you tell them how much they mean to you, on the damn daily. Otherwise? Well..Love takes a lot of unexpected turns.

The Performance Center for the WWE housed many of the company's newest and brightest stars to date. It has produced the likes of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and more. So being 'downgraded' to NXT is hardly that, to some fans of professional wrestling..NXT is where it's at. It was a nasty, cold rainy day with thunderstorms in the forecast. There were only a handful of people at the building this early in the morning, but among the few, were Fergal Devitt, and Pam Martinez. Two of NXT's biggest names to date. Fergal was the NXT Champion, and Pam was the NXT Women's Champion. The two singles titles held by these two were held in very high regard, to most people, having more actual value than some of the main roster titles. Mostly due to the main rosters creative team. They had no idea how to utilize their mid-card talent. Always making them into nothing more than enhancement talent for the men and women in the big title pictures. Of course, the WWE as a whole has..two women's titles. Divas title for main roster, and NXT has their own, respectively. Fergal had finished putting his training gear on, sliding his knee pads over his legs and exhaling deeply. The Irish born champion was one of the hottest superstars in the entire WWE, his Demon gimmick was amongst the best in the business. The fans ate it up each and every time he came out with his now trademark black and red paint all over him. Fergal had a lot of control over his debut in the main roster, he had such a nagging fear in the back of his mind that if he leaves NXT, a few things could happen. He could either be well over with the fans, and succeed almost instantaneously and NXT could prosper. Or he could get there, be rejected or poorly utilized by the creative staff, and NXT without him could seemingly crumble back into nothing but the 'Minor League' of the WWE. Now Pam on the other hand? She was already being misused in NXT, her Women's title reign, although it was becoming quite lengthy, lacked a certain rivalry to keep it fresh and alive. Some fans considered it to be the worst title reign by a female in NXT to date. These thoughts never lingered in the young Diva's mind for too long. She loved what she did, and couldn't see herself doing anything else except being a professional wrestler for the rest of her life.

It was time for typical drills to wake the athletes up more than they already were. Pam and Fergal, typically were the first to get there and the last people to leave. They have developed quite a bond over these past few months in a way that most people saw as 'Adorable' or the internet dubbed them, 'Ship worthy' meaning, they would love to see them as a couple. "How'd your night go Fergie-Ferg?" Pam's generally peachy attitude and upbeat mentality was contagious among the superstars and trainers. Fergal looked over at the bubbly female and smiled lightly, "My night was a drag, nothin' to do at me flat, couldn't stand it. So I went to the pub and had a few. What 'bout yourself? What'd you do?" Oh of course Fergal went out to drink, Pam thought to herself, Fergal was indeed Irish..Not to poke at a stereotype, but Fergal did like to drink sometimes, especially to unwind after a long day, or week. "Well after I baked my fourth batch of cookies I really thought I had to stop. So I laid on my couch and watched old wrestling stuff." Pam was typically a recluse, she had her close group of friends whom were welcome to talk, and see her whenever they really wanted to. But when it came to just..going out with the intention to meet new people? It never really went down that way. For Pam and her boyfriend had split up about two months prior to this day, she never really thought about looking for love again. It just didn't seem to fit into the Champion's schedule very well. "That still sounds like a blast, ya shoulda called me, I woulda stopped by and saw ya for a little while." It was no secret that Pam and Fergal had..chemistry amongst each other, they didn't realize it, but the rest of the world sure as hell did see it clear as day. Pam smiled softly as the drill finished and she looked over at the rather lean Irish man, "I should have, now shouldn't I? Next time I'm feeling bored, you'll be the first person I get a hold of, pinky swear." The bubbly female raised a pinky up to where Fergal promptly wrapped his around hers, they raised their hands to the air with the promise.

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