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The timing couldn't have been worse at this point. April looked around like a lost child while Fergal and Pam were lucky that they just seemingly dodged a bullet. If April heard them talking..Goodness the ramifications of that would be horrible. Pam cleared her throat quietly, "So..H-have you spoken to Mercedes yet, Fergal?" This was a subtle hint that he needed to tell her what had happened between Colby and Saraya. Pam felt nothing but disgust in the pit of her stomach and fear for how broken Mercedes would be. Even if she believed Colby's story, she would now have to deal with the fact that one of her 'friends' tried to sabotage something that meant the absolute world to her. Taking Colby from Mercedes would be would be pulling life support out when it was needed most. Fergal shook his head and felt fear seep into the deepest depths of his heart, "No, I haven't. I am gettin' tired though. What do ya say that I come see you this weekend honey? Sound like a plan? Or does NXT have you doin' a tour." Fergal was trying to end the call on somewhat of a high note. Considering how the night had seemingly been a trainwreck from the second Colby walked into his hotel room, till right now. Pam actually felt herself get a little happy for a moment only to realize the seriousness of what was going on. April wouldn't mind, the two were friends, actually really close friends. It took April being practically removed from all forms of WWE in order for him to see what had gone on behind closed doors. WWE cowered before April and the power she held, they pushed her out as fast as they possibly could. And as much as Fergal loved working for the WWE, he knew what they did to her was pure and utter bullshit. "If you can get here? I'll definitely have time for my baby boy." Pam winked playfully and bit down on her bottom lip gently. That came out..FAR more sexually than she originally intended, but hey, it was bound to happen eventually. Fergal was immediately flustered, he wasn't too used to seeing Pam be sexual like that, she normally was quite reserved.

"Okay, U-um I-I'll be up this weekend. April!" Fergal exclaimed, April turned her little head and still attempted to hide the giant shiner she was walking around with on her face, "What???" Her semi annoyed tone was taken with a giggle from Fergal, "Keep my little Pam company, yea? Make sure she doesn't get into trouble." April rolled her eyes and playfully sighed, "Yes sir." How well April and Fergal actually got along was all due to mutual respect. Fergal knew her story, he knew where she came from and how hard she actually worked on getting to where she needed to be. And April knew Fergal, she knew be honest? Important he was to the wrestling world. Fergal was a trendsetter and an innovator when it came to originality in ring and in character. A friendship just kind of..sparked from that. There was an instance where April caught feelings for Fergal for a hot minute, but she realized the negatives about dating a friend and quickly threw them out the window. Fergal didn't ever know that April was crushing on him at any point in time, he was super oblivious to emotional things like that, he didn't even freaking know Pam liked him when she practically draped herself over him like a blanket. "Good, You better. I don't wanna have to kick your arse when I get there." Pam was the only one who giggled, she felt like her parents were having an argument and that caused her to giggle and have a happy thought..Fergal as a dad is an idea that Pam only got to explore when she had quiet little moments to just sit back and think to herself what could be..And what, she hoped would eventually ultimately be.."I'm gonna go to bed babe, talk to you tomorrow. I love you." Pam blushed, "I love you too baby..night!"

Sleep wasn't something that came easy to anyone now a days. There were too many negative thoughts, too many fears and worries that kept them up at night. Fergal and Pam were so concerned with their friends and how they were to take this kind of crazy bad news. April was worried that her marriage was over, and that the person she fell madly in love with was now a monster that she genuinely feared. April was in a constant state of feeling nothing but misery. She wasn't too sure what the next course of action was at this point, and this was a definite addition to Fergal and Pam's collective fear. Fergal got up early so he could get on a little plane and fly his ass back to Florida so he can be with his lady and their friend. The blatant thing he thought about was he was abandoning Mercedes which made him feel SUPER guilty. She was going to need somewhere to go and with both Fergal AND Pam in Florida? She would have nowhere to go if Colby was smart and told her right away. But at the same time? Colby had a history of not doing the right thing at the right time. Mercedes knew that Colby had a wicked past when it came to cheating on a serious spouse, and now he was going to have to try and convince her that this story he was telling her was..true? That would be a feat in of itself. Fergal on the plane was a nervous wreck. He couldn't touch his phone due to interference; and his mind was literally all over the place, he couldn't shed the feeling of abandoning his friend in her time of need..but he hadn't seen his own woman in what felt like forever. He was closing in on Summerslam..The night where Fergal had a golden opportunity to take his future right into the palm of his hands and run forward with it. But right now? He couldn't stop feeling guilty, Mercedes was surely going to freak out, even if she believed Colby, she was going to get so angry that her skin could boil water just coming into contact with her. No way, he had to do this. He missed Pam..he missed her smile, he missed rubbing her head, he missed her smell..God he was getting mushy on the plane. No, Fergal stop. You musn't get like this in public.

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