Hit The Ground Running

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Fergal was Alexis'... Bodyguard right now. He had to function as her chaperone until he got her comfortably in her bed at the hotel. It was a quiet walk to the car, with Fergal trying to help her as little as possible. Primarily due to the fact that when Alexis comes to? She would be pissed that she received any kind of help, she loved to be Miss Independent after all. "So what exactly do I look like right now? A zombie? A mummy? A stupid lady?" Alexis' question made Fergal laugh as she stumbled right into him and he caught her carefully. "You look like you. Lexi.. Maybe mummy Lexi." He smiled as he finished that thought out loud. Alexis smiled too, clearly she had a rough concussion and she was a little woozy. "Aawesome sauce." She spoke as they arrived at his car, luckily a crew member was tasked with returning Alexis' car to the depot and Fergal's job was just to make sure she was safe until the morning, where he would take her to the airport and then it was Matt's job to watch over the little one. He opened the door for her and assisted the woman into the car, she was so incredibly light weight that he almost could lift her off the ground with one arm. After she got in and buckled up, Fergal walked around to the other side of the car and climbed inside of the vehicle. He started it and pulled right away from this horrible place. "Do you think Pam hates me? Am I shallow.." Alexis' concussed concerns with Pam were both charming, and terribly sad to listen to. She was so worried about what one of her friends thought about her and the fucked up thing is? After having her skull cracked open she still was worried with what Pam thought of her. Luckily, no emergency room was needed, and the hole in her head was stitched up, but it didn't sway her from having deluded thoughts at a time where her mind needs to rest. "You are not shallow Lexi, don't even say that. Pam doesn't hate you.. She just. I don't know. She doesn't even know who she is right now and that scares the crap out of me." Alexis was not the person to have a conversation with right now, she was clearly damaged and in a lot of unrelenting pain. "I'm sorry I put you through this Fergal. I love you, buddy. You are like, my best guy friend. You and Savelina are my best buddies in the WWHHOOOLLEEEE world.." Alexis' words meant a lot to Fergal, and he knew that she was telling the entire truth. Often when a person is really tired, or in pain, or even drunk they spew more truth than if they were normal..

Fergal had no problem with this fact. He reached over and grabbed Alexis' hand and squeezed it gently in his own. "And I love you too. You are my best friend who happens to be a girl too. I'm here Lex, stay awake, but try and relax a little more, okay?" Alexis tried her best to squeeze his hand back but she was incredibly weak, producing a light squeeze. "You don't have to tell me twice.." She leaned back slightly, being fully aware of the extent of her injuries, she of course could not sleep with a concussion, that is not only dangerous but would put her right back in that coma she just got out of. Fergal's mind was surprisingly more clear than it has been in weeks. He knew where he was in his life, who cared for him, and who did not. It hadn't yet registered that Colby made a rather lovely return to the ring and he seemed.. Normal again. Whatever demon he was fighting apparently was beaten back and he regained control of himself. It was so weird how Colby and Pam both had these similar symptoms and Fergal feared that Pam might have something going on, something embedded deep into her mind that caused her to lose all control of her thoughts and actions. For right now? Pam's unrelenting anger and jealousy almost severely hurt someone to the actual point of no return.. Pam needed professional help.

Fergal pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and stopped the car carefully, he had to make sure that there were practically no sudden movements, otherwise whiplash could severely fuck up Alexis more than she already is. After the car was shut off, Fergal looked over at Alexis who was slightly awake, but reluctantly. "Are we there yet.." She whispered softly. Fergal smiled and nodded, "Yes, actually we are. Wait here a second." Fergal had it arranged that her bags and all her belongings from the arena were delivered to them at the hotel, and Alexis was still wearing her ring gear. Only under a pair of sweatpants and a big t-shirt. He hopped out of the car and walked over to her side and opened it, "C'mon little one. Let's get you into bed." Fergal was literally having to be her guide right now. For Alexis' eyes were not open whatsoever, she couldn't see where or what she was doing. She moved towards his warm, calming voice and he hooked her arm over his shoulder, lifting her out of the car and gently setting her feet first on the pavement. He shut the door and locked the car, keeping her propped upright was easy due to the fact that she was so small and light. Alexis heavily leaned on Fergal to stand and he didn't mind that she needed him for this. That primarily is what friends are for, when the going gets hard, real friends show their face. It was at this time where Alexis' phone began to buzz like crazy, clearly not a phone call but instead it felt like a spam of text messages. "It's probably Lina or Matt.." Alexis felt it too, but they ignored it and kept walking towards the hotel entrance. This is where Fergal began to get worried, because Alexis stopped talking. She loved to talk and when she got quiet, things got scary. He got her all the way up to her hotel room with a rather shaky elevator ride and opened the door to her room. They both walked inside and Fergal shut the door, hearing it click locked behind him. Fergal assisted her to the bed where he laid the small woman out and she instantly curled up into a ball. It was around the time where it was safe for her to sleep, they weren't anticipating this to be a fatal concussion, or anything worse. Alexis pulled her phone out of her pocket because it was really making this relaxing thing somewhat impossible to do. She set it on the end table where it lit up again and it was Savelina spamming the crap out of her. Fergal sat on the foot of the bed and grabbed his own phone to call her. Dialing the number, Fergal didn't want to upset Alexis at all, trying to stay as quiet as possible. "Hey, Lina. Yes.. I know. It was- I know. Okay? Look, Lexi is at the hotel right now, she'd love to have you here. I am- yes I know. Yes that's the one. Okay, I'll see you in a minute." Savelina was acting like Alexis' mom, it actually in light of things was somewhat adorable for Fergal to see that she cared so damn much.

"Can you rub my head for a minute?" Alexis' request put Fergal off just a little bit, he did NOT want to cross any boundaries whatsoever.. But right now? Alexis was so damaged that she needed all the help she could get her hands on. Fergal nodded slowly, almost reluctantly.. "Of course I can." He leaned over and began to rub a spot on her head where there was no pain, a small smile formed on Alexis' face, "Thank you so much Fergal.. I don't know what I'd do without you.." Fergal strived every single day to be the best person he could possibly be and this was validation that his job was actually going quite well. "I try to do what I can, lass. You just rest okay?" His voice was calm and quiet, surprising that he managed to maintain his calm for this entire endeavor. After a solid thirty minutes of a head rub, there was a light knock at the door and it had to be Savelina. He stopped rubbing her head and went over to it, answering it. "Hey.. Thanks for coming up." Fergal spoke still quiet, it was clear Savelina had been crying. "Where.."

Fergal pointed over to the bed where the injured woman rested and she quietly walked in and knelt down at her bedside. "Hey sweetie.." Softly rubbing her cheek. Alexis smiled again, eyes shut still. "Lina?" Her voice was so quiet it was almost nonexistent. She sniffled quietly, fighting her own tears back, "Yes. Of course.. I came as soon as I could. I assume Fergal took care of you?" She asked as she looked back at the Irishman who nodded slowly. But Alexis did the talking for him. "He took care of me, mom. You should thank him.." Savelina laughed at Alexis' words and quietly thanked Fergal. This was the same hotel that Pam was at and Fergal knew he had a bone to pick with her. He leaned down and whispered into Savelina's ear, "I have to go talk to Pam, okay? Watch over her tonight and I'll be back to go with you guys to the airport. Thank you for coming." Savelina understood and was trying to suppress her own rage towards Pam right now. "Thank you again Fergal, you are an amazing man.." Fergal smiled at her compliment and walked off. Pam was frantic in the hotel room, she didn't know if she was single, if the marriage was off now. Her whole life had turned upside down all due to her jealousy. It was at this time when she heard the doorknob being fidgeted with and she stopped right where she stood. Fear overwhelmed her body and she was almost sure that she would throw up. Her levels of extreme anxiety made her skin turn pale and she began to heavily shake. The door swung open and there he was, the man himself.. Fergal locked eyes with Pam and he shut the door behind him. His footsteps felt so much louder to Pam than they ever had, almost ominous.. This was too much for her, it felt like her heart was being put in a vise and turned closed. Fergal looked down and walked over to her, his head raised and he locked eyes with her yet again. Pam's shaking was visible and Fergal saw this. What was he going to say? Was he going to beat the shit out of her? At this point, Pam really thought that she deserve to have her ass kicked by someone for doing what she did. As Fergal made it to her, face to face, his breathing was clearly heavy for he was just as rattled as she was. She closed her eyes, anticipating the worst.. But what happened shocked her even now after all of this. Fergal wrapped his arms around Pam's waist and hugged her tighter than he ever has in their entire time knowing each other. Pam shook still, her fear had not subsided just yet.

Fergal held her there, tight as hell.. Her arms eventually found their way around his neck and he whispered into her neck, "I understand." Those words not only made Pam feel a little bit better, but they resonated to her heart. Tears softly streaked down her cheeks as Fergal softly rubbed up and down her hips and no more words were spoken. Instead after several very tense and long minutes; the hug broke and Fergal went over to the bed, clicking the light that rested on the end table off and Pam climbed into bed right next to him, she rolled over so her back was to him and he rolled over to cuddle her. This was a sign that everything was going to be okay. Whatever tomorrow brought was tomorrow. Fergal understands Pam's emotions and even though they have been brought to a violent extreme, he still understood her. To be honest, if it weren't for Alexis reminding Fergal of why this happened.. Who knows where his mind would have shot off to. But she was right, Pam needed help for her jealousy and she clearly regretted what she did to Alexis. This was going to be a wound that the WWE Universe would not soon forget, nor Fergal, or Savelina, or even Alexis.. But forgiveness was something that needed to happen in order for life to move on and take that next step. If Colby proved anything tonight, is that anything you set your mind to is possible. No matter the obstacle, or how much damage you inflict upon others..

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