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Pam was beat, her workout had her exhausted all of her energy almost entirely. She laid on the floor of the gym and was Pam's big day. Today was the day that she was going to surprise the entire world by debuting. She had all the nervous energy building up in her stomach and consuming every inch of her body. She laid on the ground still, struggling to figure out just what she was going to do with the rest of her day. Fergal was in physical therapy, Mercedes had just gotten beat and was taking time off for a little bit to clear her head. Pam literally had nobody to hang out with or see to kill time and calm her nerves down a little bit. Pam got up slowly and walked around the gym, her hands were on her hips as she looked around a bit, pondering ideas in her head to try and figure out what to do. Should she call someone? Her thoughts were only focused on tonight, only focused on how she was going to make that big debut..Her thoughts got darker of course, what if nobody cared..or nobody got excited when her music hit..Pam shook her head back and forth, thinking to herself that there was no way that the fans would reject her debut. They all were so ready for her, and she was ready for them. Pam walked towards the treadmill and climbed on, setting her phone in the little cup holder and beginning to run on the machine. Her phone buzzed several times, indicating that she was getting several text messages. Perhaps it was Fergal getting out of therapy earlier than expected..maybe it was just an annoying e-mail saying that she has been preselected to save tons of money on some dumbass thing that she totally didn't care about. She looked at it and it read, 'Leah bb <3' Pam got so excited, she lifted up her phone and unlocked it as quick as she possibly could. She put her feet on the edge of the treadmill to ensure that she doesn't fall down.

Reading the messages; it read 'Hey girl.' 'Nice butt' 'Dang look at dat booooooty..!!' Pam was confused, kind of weirded out for a second, to her knowledge, there wasn't anyone behind her at all right now. She quickly spun around to see Leah on an elliptical right behind her. Leah raised an eyebrow and smiled over at Pam who was in the process of being shocked, happy, and removing her headphones. "Oh, hey girl. Fancy seein' you over here. Come here often?" Leah playfully winked and got off of the machine. Pam as winded a bit, she got off the treadmill and walked over to Leah, embracing the smaller woman in a giant bear like hug. "Hey!" Pam was super happy, she didn't have to be alone anymore, yay. "What are you doing here? I thought that Smackdown was going to be like, two towns over.." Pam was somewhat confused on why her friend was here now when she should clearly be elsewhere. "Well I wanted to see you, obviously. It has been waaaay too long since we last got to even have ten seconds with each other that wasn't rushed, or surrounded by seventeen and a half people.." Leah exclaimed, it was a big gap in between their last time that just real quality time was spent with each other. Pam felt her phone buzz again, it was Fergal this time. His text read; 'Hey lovely. I'm gonna be late here, we're making progress quickly and they wanna keep me an extra few hours. I'll grab takeout on the way to your place after, I love you.' Pam was so happy to read that, progress on Fergal's shoulder meant that he was closer and closer to coming back to work. With Pam now going to the big stage, that means that they get to travel together! How great is that? "Was that yo man?" Leah looked up at Pam's face and tilted her head, she saw the happiness oozing out of her friend and it caused her to lightly smile. "Looks like I'm all yours for a few hours." Pam exhaled deeply.

    Leah was definitely happy to hear all that, she nodded, "Okay, so we're gonna get coffee and a small bite to eat, yea?" Raising an eyebrow at Pam, Leah asked what the plans were for the two of them. Pam thought about it for literally a minute or two. She nodded, "Yea definitely. Lemme get my stuff and we'll go." Pam walked off towards where her stuff was and scooped it up quickly. Her thighs were so sore, walking was actually a task..She was definitely due for an ice bath or a nice massage. Leah and Pam left the building and walked over to Pam's car. "So how is Smackdown, and the man, are you doing well?" Pam opened the trunk and tossed her stuff inside of it as Leah was at the passenger side door, "Eh, Smackdown is okay, I'm not..feeling the love like I had hoped I would. Makes me feel like a tooootal failure to see all the the things people say about me..Like, I haven't earned my way here, like I was picked cause I'm..pretty? I don't know..Cass is okay, he's having fun on RAW and all that." Leah climbed in the car and Pam could visibly see her insecurity covering her face, it blanketed her from her forehead to her chin, there was obviously that pain, it was so clear. "Hey..I know how hard you worked, you know how hard you worked..You know what you bring to the ring, we all do. If they don't appreciate you for how great you truly are? Screw them to be honest..I'm sorry I normally don't get like this..But.." Pam reached over in the car and grabbed Leah's forearm. "This little dweeb right here is amazing. People will see that soon. I promise, okay?" Leah smiled lightly and actually felt a tiny tear stream down her cheek. Pam was the best friend anyone could literally ever ask for. She listened to her words and enjoyed all the praise that Pam was currently showering her with. It was unusual, Main Roster was a lot more cold, and calculated..filled with more criticism as opposed to praising the talent for doing their absolute best. She supposed it was due to them always needing to survive at all costs, no matter what person might currently be champion, if it isn't working..screw them.

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