Just Stop

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What the hell was going on with Colby right now? He had a different kind of look in his eyes.. It was scary, like he didn't care about all other life. Here he was, publicly fighting with, and physically bullying the woman he once confided into Fergal about claiming he wished to get married to and have babies with. But tonight? He was pushing her around, and treating her like dirt. Mercedes rose to her feet before Pam got there to help her, she held her rib area that clearly took some damage because of that rather unpleasant fall. "What the hell is wrong with you Colby?" Mercedes coughed quietly and stood her ground. She might be a smaller woman, but she has no fear of anything. At all. Colby walked closer to her and grabbed her face with one of his hands, squeezing it tight. "I'm doing. Whatever the hell I want to do. And not you, or anybody else can tell me otherwise. You got that? You fake hair, ignorant, ugly piece of dog shit!" Colby shoved her by her face again and Mercedes staggered yet again. But in for the save was Pam. Fergal was getting ridiculously uncomfortable watching this, he knew Pam could handle this and he watched on as Pam began to mouth off to Colby about what kind of a monster he was being right now. Fergal watched as Mercedes was clearly shellshocked from all of this, she didn't know where she was, it almost looked like she would pass out from the stress. Fergal fidgeted with his hands now, trying to relieve some of his own stress surrounding this crazy situation. He was hoping that Pam could wake him up from the stupidity that Colby was engaging in. His rage was consuming his thoughts, it was taking over his conscious and making him both blind, and dangerous. But Fergal had hope. He had hope that Pam was going to be able to save Colby before he did something else even dumber, or said something that he would not be forgiven for. It was insane how just a few months ago these two were borderline going to get married, and here they were. At WORK of all places, verbally sparring with one another, and Colby abusing her. Fergal watched as Colby placed his hands on his hips and listened to Pam talk, his tongue hit the side of his cheek and he licked his bottom lip just to wet them. Fergal felt as if Pam was succeeding in her mission. Until Colby struck Pam right in the face.

    That was the last straw, Fergal began to run over to the increasingly volatile conflict. "What the hell is your problem Colby, get the hell away from her!" Fergal's rage was spilling over, meanwhile Pam reeled from the slap, she had never been struck by a friend before. Exes? Sure, they've hit her before, they've pushed her, punched her, kicked her, thrown things at her. But someone she thought to be a close friend? Never. This was a different kind of hurt, she kept her head low, looking right at the ground as her hand covered the area in which Colby just slapped. Fergal was growing increasingly more furious, "Who the hell do you think you are?" Fergal shoved Colby now, first with one hand, then with two. "You are DAMN lucky I don't drop your smug ass right here on the spot!" The conflict was drawing attention to itself, April scurried from the shadows and grabbed Pam, pulling her away from all of this hell. She was walking down the hall with Ashley who took the initiative and grabbed Mercedes, saving her from this craziness. All the while Fergal was drawing closer and closer to striking Colby right where he stood. "Yea Fergal? I would love to see you try some shit like that!" Fergal felt it, he felt his rage build and build, his hand balled up into a fist and it began to tremble at his side. Colby's smug face was looking like the best place to land a punch on right now, it was getting more and more tempting for him to just do..

    Just as Fergal was about to throw the hardest punch of his life, he felt a hand grab his shaky wrist. He turned his head and saw it was his boss, Stephanie McMahon, "Don't do it Fergal. This is not the way to do things." Fergal snarled a little as he knew she was right. It burned him inside not to extract immediate revenge on Colby for what he just did to not only Mercedes, but his Pam.. His baby girl. He slowly released the fist that he had clenched so tight.. Colby mocked him now, "Knew it. The little Irish bitch boy is too scared to fight me." He began to laugh in that mocking little tone, that cackle. Colby was spun around and confronted by someone he should be much more scared of then just Fergal. "Colby what the hell is this. What's the matter with you? Do you just go around and push women around, and hit them? Huh? Do you just walk around backstage and instigate fights with your coworkers? Your friends? Get the hell out of this building. Get out of my sight, you disgust me. And you're suspended until I SAY OTHERWISE!" It was Paul, he was enraged with Colby right now and it showed big time, and for good reason too. As Colby reluctantly walked away from his boss, Paul had that look on his face. The infamous 'pissed off Triple H' face, complete with snarl and furrowed eyebrows. He shook his head and walked over to Fergal, "You alright man? I can't believe what he just tried to do. And I can't believe even more what the hell he just did.." Fergal was stunned, he shook his head and responded to Paul with a crack in his voice, "He slapped Pam. Where is she." Fergal's only concern was Pam, of course it was.. That really is all he cares about, a fight with Colby? No big deal. Getting injured? No big deal. Pam getting hurt? Biggest deal in his life.. Nothing could be more serious to him. Paul shrugged, "No, I didn't see where Pam went. Come to think of it, I didn't even see where Mercedes went either." Stephanie interjected, "They were walking away with April and Ashley. Probably back to the locker rooms, I don't know that's all I saw. Fergal do you need to go home for the night? We completely understand if you do." Stephanie really was the mother figure backstage, and it was something the locker rooms needed for that presence was soothing and necessary. "Absolutely, go grab Pam, and you guys can go home till next Monday. Alright? We got some stuff to figure out with Colby and if he's fit to come back to work anytime soon. Probably not." Fergal nodded, "Thank you, both.."

    Fergal didn't know where Pam was taken to, nor did he really know how to find her. This felt like an every night at work occurance now, finding Pam and trying to get out of there before the whole night caved in on them and crushed them. He walked around trying to find her and hopefully find her soon. The thoughts going through his head were insane, trying to process watching Colby strike her right on her cheek.. Her beautiful little face was hit.. He felt tears build in his eyes just THINKING about what is on her mind, how pathetic she feels.. All of this was too much for him, but he needed to find Pam and get her the hell out of here safely. Work felt entirely hostile and as if they weren't welcome anymore.. This was possibly the worst night Fergal can really remember, it had been bad when he opened that door a week ago. At least then there was an explanation for what the hell happened. Now? He didn't care to listen to Colby, as a matter of fact he hated him after that. There was no excuse for striking her just now. And not to mention, the abuse that he just did to Mercedes? Who knows how long he has been doing this to her.. The thought enraged Fergal more and more as he considered the possibility that Colby was abusive towards her. Fergal scoured the backstage area.. "Pam? Where are you.."

    Pam's entire body began to shake, "Hey hey.. You're okay. You're okay." That was seriously traumatic.. Pam shook her head, "What happened.. Where's Mercedes? April??" Pam was disoriented by the whole situation and she was distracted as soon as she really noticed it was April. "Mercedes is fine Pammy, just relax sweetheart." April sat Pam down on the floor and wrapped her arm around the trembly woman. Pam was fearful for her friend, she was scared for what Fergal did when she was removed from the area. She was hurt. Not just physically hurt, although the bruise that now inhabited her once soft looking cheek was really growing. Colby not only slapped the shit out of her face, but he slapped her trust, her feelings, her positivity.. Everything she felt that was good in her body, was gone once this happened. She watched her friend be abused, and then was struck for her effort to help her. Pam felt alone, even though she was being comforted by April physically and emotionally, she felt like the things she did meant nothing. It was not a good feeling for her to have, she hurt everywhere. A failure of a friend, that's her thought process, a terrible girlfriend, a bad sports entertainer. Every doubt and insecurity she had that she thought was gone? Was returning with a vengeance. April rubbed her arm gently, "Shh mama I'm right here. Okay? Don't think bad things. I love you a lot. Remember that I'm here, and Fergal is too. I don't know where he is right now but Fergal is okay. Just know that, alright? Mercedes will be okay. She's a wicked strong woman and there is not a whole lot that can keep her down. You see social media? She might be one of the most targeted women for hate. But she just keeps on going, no matter how many people make fun of her skin, her body, her hair, her voice, anything. So please don't worry about her that much.. Please.. Just remember that I am going to be here, forever. You're like a sister to me, Pam.. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it weren't for you being so incredible. I'm not gonna run like I did a while ago.. I'm staying right here.. Get used to me girl!" April's words warmed Pam's icy cold heart, they were so kind and stemmed straight from her heart. Pam looked up at April and offered a defeated, sad little smile. "Thank you April. I love you too of course." April smiled a lot and was so happy to at least SEE that smile come back out. Being insecure, being sad, being angry.. It was all in people's head. It was generally all inside your mind, your thoughts made you feel these things. People influence you, yes, events in your life also play a factor in aiding one thought process or another. But YOU are the master of your own body, of your own thoughts, fears, doubts, insecurities, happiness, sorrow.. Pam was discovering this finally, it took a smack to the face to shake up her thought process and realize this fact.

    As Pam was just starting to feel better about herself, Mercedes and Ashley approached. Mercedes grasped at her rib area still and looked generally shaken up. Her body trembled and struggled to get breath into her lungs. Pam stood up slowly, avoiding headrush for standing too fast. "Mercedes oh my goodness.." Pam walked over to her and Ashley had to warn her, "They think she might have a few fractured ribs from the fall.." Pam's mouth was now slightly ajar, "Oh my god.." Pam's voice was quiet, and gentle.. Mercedes closed her eyes tight and tried not to cry. Any movements or laughing, crying, talking even.. It all was so immensely painful. She couldn't be this hurt so close to Wrestlemania.. This wasn't fair! She walked over to Mercedes who was shivering, "Let me see.." Pam whispered and following that Mercedes lifted her shirt, exposing the rib tape that Pam was secretly hoping wouldn't be there. She bit down on her bottom lip, "It's going to be okay Mercedes.. Okay? Look at my face. This is a face you can trust.." The little joke caused Mercedes to laugh and wince in pain. "Oh, crap. I'm sorry.." Pam VERY SOFTLY embraced the injured woman in a hug.. Holding her fragile body close as she saw Fergal turn the corner and quietly stop as he saw them.. Feeling completely relieved that everybody was recovering from this traumatic experience..

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