The Planned Visit

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After Pam's release from the hospital, her days became pretty standard as it pertains to going back to regular life. She spent her time at home, licking her wounds and recovering with her friends and family. It was a blessing that she had such a powerful supporting cast of people who would always be standing behind her. She knew that some of the other girls were on the road, and they were unable to go to her during this dark time. But that was okay, she knew that was how the WWE worked and there was no getting around it really. On her third day of being home, Pam and Fergal awoke in her bed, she softly stroked his face with her thumb, "Good morning handsome.." Fergal smiled in a sleepy/dorky way, "Good mornin' babe. How'd you sleep? Did you have another bad dream?" Pam was suffering from night terrors, the literal worst kind of nightmare a person can actually experience, so for her to be suffering from these regularly was something that needed to END. She smiled though, defying her own fears, "Nope. Terror free sleep for this one." She sat up slowly and her hair was an absolute mess. Fergal smiled, he was so proud of her for being able to conquer this fear, and not to mention the tragedy that befell her not even a week prior to this morning. Fergal still had to tell Pam what had happened the other day when he was at the bar, not only was that a secret that was eating him alive, but it was something that Pam should really know. He didn't know how to tell her though, how does one broach the topic of another woman coming on to him? How DOES one get to that topic from the calm and fun one that they were actually in the middle of. Oh right, you don't. You have to pick your spot and make sure that the time is actually appropriate to get this weird, uncomfortable, COMPLETELY insane story out of your brain. Fergal yawned, "So what do you wanna do today, Pam? It's entirely up to you." Fergal was so happy to be able to have this time with her, and he was even happier that she was making such incredible strides on the road to recovery. Actually, in all honesty she already was on the road to recovery, it was just taking massive leaps towards being back to normal. Pam did not hesitate with her response. "I want to go see Lexi today."

Fergal was shocked by this, his eyes widened and he definitely woke up now. "Yea? Why..? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Fergal expressed his concern with her decision, but Pam remained adamant about doing it. "Yes I'm sure. I haven't been able to visit and now that she's awake? We can bond over almost being killed." She awkwardly giggled, hoping Fergal would understand the joke she was obviously trying to yank out of her magician hat. He, luckily for her, accepted the joke and nodded. "I just wasn't sure if you going back to a hospital was a good idea. But if you insist babe, I'll go with you. Gotta babysit my baby now don't I?" He smirked and Pam gently swatted his elbow, "Hey! I'm not a baby.." She crossed her arms and puffed her bottom lip out gently. "Well you sure are puffing your lip out like you are one now aren't you?" She tried to fight the giggles and Fergal decided to be an idiot. He leaned forward and acted like he was falling over. "Oh nooooo.." He half heartedly said as he fell on top of her. "Ferg! Get offa me! You weigh toooo much.." She was giggling the entire time and Fergal wiggled his way so that his body was in between her legs. He laid now on top of her and lay there, listening to her heart beat, and beat, and beat. It was such a relaxing thing to hear, another person's heart beat.. Especially when that heart is so important to you. Fergal slid up her body, "H-Hey.. You brushed my-" Before Pam could finish talking, Fergal kissed her swiftly on the lips, Pam had her breath snatched away.

After all this time, he still found ways to make her breathless and practically forced her to not know what to say. She returned the kiss and felt herself melt away, "You're so amazing.. How did I get you again?" She whispered as Fergal shrugged, "Eh.. Probably your butt." He laughed and kissed her again before she could make some snazzy remark. "Because you're perfect, Pamela. Flaws or not, I don't care. To me you're perfect and that's all that really matters.." His joke response was quickly replaced with an incredibly adorable one. She blushed now, for the first time in a long while Pam blushed. She smiled and closed her eyes. "My heart is beating so fast.." Fergal listened to her and raised his hand up, nestling it inside of her shirt and finding her heart, feeling how fast it was beating made him smile a little. "It is.. By the way, you are so soft I could just touch you for hours. Can I? Can I just touch you for hours?" Fergal whispered as he gently drug his fingertips across her chest. He clearly wasn't trying to turn her on here of course, just gently touch her which was always welcome. Fergal wasn't the kind of guy who would be overly sexual for no reason whatsoever, hence why Pam didn't take this advance as him trying to get inside of her pants. "Well I have all day, you are free to touch me wherever and whenever you'd like." She winked at him and rubbed his forearm, he was really really gentle with her no matter the situation, this being one of them. "Well.. If you insist, m'lady." He continued to rub her chest and ran his fingers up to her shoulders and squeezed them gently, Pam was so tense it was almost like she's been stressed out for three weeks straight. He could barely massage her shoulder without thinking he was going to hurt her, he was having fun but at the same time he felt bad that she was THIS tense. "Does that hurt babe?" He whispered with worry drenched over his words. "N-no. It feels good, I'm sorry this must be like massaging a boulder right now.." Fergal kissed her cheek after she spoke and smiled, "It's you, you're my boulder." He was being extra cheesy, capitalizing on the happiness that was in the air right now. He just wanted to make sure that she was indeed going to be okay. This little massage wasn't going to last long however..

As Fergal was massing his tender woman, he felt a rumble in her belly area. She blushed out of embarrassment this time and tried to hide her face, "Aww.. is my baby hungry?" He smiled and removed his hand from her chest area, and he reinserted it up her shirt but this time stopping on her belly and gently rubbed it. She nodded, "Uh-huh.." Pam was embarrassed that her freaking stomach was the thing that ruined her high and completely bashed her 'mood'. Because, yes she was getting a little into the touching he was providing. Any other guy would have capitalized on the chance to get laid right now, I mean for crying out loud; She was literally squirming under his touch, what more did she have to do? But at the same time, Pam was okay with the fact that sex for them was something that they held near and dear to their hearts, typically special occasions called for sex, not just, 'Oh hey, your ass looks dope today. Let's fuck.' No they weren't that kind of couple. Which if anyone is? Good on you mate. "Let's get some breakfast sweetheart, I want to keep you nice and healthy. I literally am like your babysitter holy shit." Fergal laughed at his own realization out loud and Pam rolled her eyes playfully. "Well if it means you'll make me breakfast? You can be whatever you'd like to me." Pam didn't realize how freaking sexual that actually sounded, Fergal did though. He smirked and nodded, "I will definitely keep that in mind sweetheart. Now, come. Let's put some food inside that belly of yours." He slid out of bed and extended his hand for her, attempting to even assist her out of the bed. Such a gentleman.

The two went downstairs and Fergal began to make them eggs, bacon and toast. Some of Pam's favorite kind of food is fresh stuff. GRANTED; processed shit can be nasty sometimes, but it also can be quite yummy especially when you're pressed for time. Fresh is the way to go, but sometimes you don't have the time to dedicate to cook it, or perhaps you're ass at cooking and don't know how to make anything other than chicken, rice, and beans. Fergal was a freaking master chef at this point, he figured out all the little tips and tricks to make delicious food and make it super fast. He served breakfast for his beautiful woman and sat down across from her, a big thing of orange juice sat in the middle of the table. Life was being kind right now, the sun shined in through the little crack in the curtain, creating just enough light in her house to make it adorable, lit, but also somewhat dark. Breakfast was peaceful, the two discussed going back to work, how much they kind of didn't want to. But they mutually missed wrestling, being in that twenty by twenty squared circle is a feeling unlike any other in the whole world. After they finished, "Okay.. Lemme go get some makeup on and get changed, then we can go." Pam was still on this going to see Lexi thing, Fergal was hesitant yet again. "Last time I'm gonna ask.. Are you sure you want to do this?" He was still concerned Pam was doing this for some kind of not so good reason, she insisted. "Yes I'm sure. Now go get ready." She went upstairs and the process began. Pam wasn't a slow person to get ready, she was done in twenty minutes and that was even slow for her. "You look stunning babe." Fergal reached over and snagged her hand into his and they began to walk towards her front door. "Eek. Thank you darling. I try to impress you." Fergal had something to say in response to that, "Wanna know how you impress me?" Pam was curious, she never caught on to his flirting until it was already too late. "How babe?" She bit, Fergal went in for the kill. "Stop real fast. Look at me?" They stopped walking and Pam looked at him, gazing into his deep, dark brown eyes. After a few tense moments, he cracked a smile, "Just like that." Pam understood what he meant, just by looking at him, she impresses him no matter what. He was so cheesy..

The car ride to the hospital was quiet enough, being in the morning still it was hard to actually be awake and since they only had a little thing of coffee left in her house, they both had to make a pitstop at Dunkin Donuts. Getting a nice hot coffee for Fergal, Pam wanted an iced coffee. So she got one, and off they went. The hospital was also quiet, it was quieter than the last time that they was there. Parking in the parking lot, neither of them were emotionally prepared to see her just yet. It was such a scary feeling knowing that just inside of that building lie one of their best friends. Who has been fighting for her life for weeks now. The walked into the building and were directed by a pleasant receptionist to Lexi's room. Fergal remembered exactly where her room was.. That night still haunted him to this very moment. His hands began to shake lightly. "Fergal what's wrong baby? Are you okay?" Pam asked in a concerned tone, Fergal nodded. "I'm fine.. Just a little nervous to be honest.." She understood him, at a time like this, being nervous was totally normal. His mind went blank, there was the door that just behind it lie their friend. Someone who was so key in Fergal and Pam even becoming a relationship, remember it was Lexi and Joe who pushed this relationship through the door and created confidence in both of them. This was scary it was tense and Fergal was not prepared. Pam squeezed his hand, "It's gonna be okay.." He nodded and she knocked on the door, following it up by slowly opening the door. "Knock knock.." She was quiet, but as soon as they could see inside, there she was.. "H-Hi you guys.."

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