She Understands

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Back at work now, which was honestly the only consistent thing in Fergal and Pam's life right now, things were actually going quite well. They both were getting a decent chunk of television time, sadly it was separate but hey, they were finally getting recognized for their talents. Fergal had no real feud's going on, but there were some ideas. The old ones were always going to fall through the cracks, or perhaps they just didn't feel like (they being WWE Creative) the money would be raked in by it. Pam was busy, very busy. Women's Champion. She pitched ideas about who would be the smartest person to feud with, but the front office typically were annoying and took absolutely forever to get back to talent when they had ideas. Pam and Fergal were stuck on each other like glue, after Fergal's freaking night terror he wanted to make sure that Pam never had a thought like the Pam in his dream did.. It still horrified him to think that she was like, okay with him having sex with another woman right under her nose. But the fucked up part was she KNEW CLEARLY what was going on, and yet, she did nothing. Fergal struggled to figure out what that meant to her, did she have that thought? How could Fergal ask her such a fucked up question. This is the most rattled he has honestly ever been when it came to her. Pam looked over at her man, who was clearly phasing out of the real world. She placed her hand on his leg and Fergal jumped just a little bit, "Hhey." Pam looked at his leg and then back up to his face, "What happened? What are you thinking about Ferg? Don't try and lie to me. I literally see right through you.. C'mon. You've been acting like a weirdo for days now. What is it?" Pam tried to make him aware that she did in fact know that something was wrong, something really bad in order to shake him up like this. "We just. Need to talk about something, Pam. Something that I really don't want to talk about but at this point? I'm gonna start losing hair over this." Pam's eyes dilated, her head was filled with shitty thoughts, and things she shouldn't be actually be thinking. Was Fergal going to call off the wedding? Pam's free hand began to lightly shake, and she stuffed it underneath her leg. She stared a hole through Fergal's head and forgot to actually respond to him, Fergal raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side, "Just relax Pam. You're freaking me out right now." She shook her head and snapped out of her trance like state she was in just now. "Okay okay, just please let me in and let me in fast. I can't handle this anymore honestly I just can't." The problem with a relationship in most cases is one person is typically more freaked out than the other. Someone always is insecure, most relationships don't have that happy medium of trusting each other and not letting some fear of infidelity. It sucks, because usually the fear stems from nothing, a good relationship has that trust, but one of the two people involved has that dark thought.. Perhaps it stems from something that was said, or done, but nevertheless. It happens, and it usually hurts the relationship, and almost every single aspect of their collective lives.

In this case? It was Pam's fiery insecurity about Fergal wanting to leave her for Alexis or Mercedes. But that was just something because she felt inferior to them, although Fergal has NEVER given her any reason to think that, she still conjured it up like an insecure little wizard. The sad thing is that Fergal to this day doesn't know how to eliminate that thought from her mind. Lexi is literally on death's row and Pam still feels threatened. Pam squeezed his thigh tight, "Please.." The anticipation was mounting inside her heart and was tugging it down into the dark recesses of fear.. Fear that was only getting worse the longer her dorky, moronic fiancé was taking to talk..

Fergal cleared his throat, "Alright. So no interrupting me.. Please just let me get the whole story out in one shot here. I don't wanna try and talk and then have you ask a premature question and I don't know.. Just gimme a few minutes." Pam nodded and Fergal carried on. "Well it all started the other day, remember when you had all that media to go to and I didn't? Yea. Well I made the tragic mistake of taking a nap. You know how bad it is for me when I do that.. Well i woke up at this big ass house. There was a nice cute little fence there and it was honestly really comforting. I heard a familiar cute voice, and I went inside. Looking around I saw what appeared to be a family house, there were photos we just took together literally yesterday, some I've never seen before.. But I saw you, looking absolutely stunning I might add. And you were talking to someone in the living room.. I walked through the kitchen and looked around, things seemed fine up until this point. But the person.. Or thing you were talking to I wasn't allowed to see. I tried to enter the living room and was met with an.. Invisible wall. Literally, I pushed my hands up against it and I couldn't enter the room.. I heard you talking about yourself. Me, us even.. When you mentioned I was upstairs I listened, very intently. This is where I started to panic.. You claimed I was up with.. Her. but never used a name for who her was. I was aware this was a dream, and I could physically feel everything. The table, the fridge, the walls.. The mounting pain in my chest.. Everything was so REAL.. I hated it.. But after you said that I regrettably walked towards the steps and listened, I heard banging around, some grunts and a possible scream. It frightened me.. I considered not even going up there but that was something I just couldn't ignore.. The sunlight pouring in from the windows downstairs rapidly decayed into a dark shadow as soon as I began to walk up the steps. The noises got louder as I walked up the rather quiet stairs, when I reached to summit? There were no doors. Not one. Well, there was one. But looking around there were no windows, no pictures I can remember.. But this is where I don't know if I have the heart to tell you what happened after.." Pam was listening so intently she forgot that this was real life. She shook her head again and moved her hand from his leg to his hand, "No baby, please. I need to know.. Please just get through it. I'm not gonna get mad.." Pam spoke softly, reassuring almost. This is how relationships should work.. Not freaking out at each other, just understanding fears and doubts. Instead of getting upset at the person for feeling such things, and then even harder.. Expressing them? Welcome your loved ones issues. Don't make them fear talking about them.. "I opened the door.. The only one left and walked inside. My vision became so blurry for a few moments. Just the weirdest thing in the whole world.. After I regained my vision? I saw myself laying in bed.. And.." Fergal paused and looked away from Pam, "There was a pink haired woman.. On top of me.." Fergal felt instantly nauseous for talking about this, his skin boiled..

Thinking that she was going to get angry at him, Fergal literally was bracing himself to be smacked. Pam instead froze, her face went pale and her body numb. She knew who he was talking about and it stung. It stung because.. "Fergal.. I-I've.." Pam tried to fight words out, "Don't get mad at me Pam.. I'm so sorry.." Pam shook her head, "No, Fergal. I.. Literally have had the exact same dream for. MONTHS now.. To a T, there is nothing different from what you just told me than what I've seen for myself.. Holy.. Shit.." Pam was sitting there, in stunned disbelief. There was no way that they have had the exact same dream.. But then again? They're around each other so much that surely thoughts, fears, doubts, hopes, dreams can be felt mutually.. Right?

Fergal looked over at her now, Pam had a calm and collected face on and was very.. Informed, she knew what he saw and what he felt, for apparently she herself has felt it. Pam got up and stretched.. Fergal looked down and then Pam grabbed his head and raised it up, bringing it to her tummy where Fergal then wrapped his arms around her waist.. Or more specifically her butt area. Both arms wrapped around her bubble butt and she rubbed his head. "I'm not mad at you.. You just.. That's the stuff I think about all the time Fergal. Literally not a day goes by where my head doesn't just dip into that dream, or some variation of it.." She continued to softly rub his head and caress his tense skull. Fergal was so distraught inside, on the outside he looked fine, normal even. But in his mind? Nope. He was totally fucked up. "I have to go out to the car real fast. I forgot my charger and I know you did too." Pam pulled on his ear gently and smiled, Fergal raised his head up and pushed his face inside her shirt, kissing her toned tummy very gently. Pam giggled at his sudden cute outburst and tried to contain her laughter. "Hhhey that's my belly!" She smiled and Fergal proceeded to blow a fart onto her belly with his mouth. The loud noise, along with the tickling sensation caused her to BURST out with laughter, squealing and squirming violently. "FERGAL DEVITT OH MY GOD DON'T YOUUUU" She couldn't even speak, the laughing was too hard and he finally, reluctantly stopped. "Okay okay okay.. Go get your charger babe. I'll be here." Pam leaned down and softly kissed him on the lips "I love you. No matter what happens. Okay?" Pam whispered to him, Fergal felt the love seep into his heart and all he could do is smile, "I love you too darling." Pam smiled and bit the inside of her cheek and sadly had to walk away. Fergal watched her walk out and then sat back in his seat, letting out a sigh of relief. That confession literally couldn't have gone any better.. She not only understood what he felt, and dreamt about.. But she herself has too? It was honestly best case scenario for him. Pam got out of the building and the parking lot was ominously dark. She heard a little cat squeal and cry not far from where she was at. Looking around for the tiny furry creature, Pam noticed it ran towards their rental car. Pam smiled at it, "Aww little kitty, I'm not going to hurt you.." The lot was so dark it was really hard to see a black cat darting under the car.. Pam felt a weird sensation grip her body, her brain felt like it was a wet towel, being rung out of water. It kind of hurt to be honest. She found the kitten and it slowly, very cautiously walked out from under the car. Back in the locker room, Fergal was watching the show on their television, he was so comfortable and relaxed right now it almost felt criminal, the fans were so into it tonight and he was kind of relieved, feeling like the fans didn't care was any Superstar's worst possible nightmare imaginable.. Or so.. Or so he thought at this point.

Pam picked up the kitten into her arms, "I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you little kitty." She gently ran her fingers through the really soft kitten's fur. At this point, she felt like there was someone else in the parking lot with her, the sense of foreboding was mounting with each breath she took in. Fear of turning around was right there with her, so guess what? She didn't. But.. She surely was in no danger. She looked down at the kitten, "I'm right here.." She smiled at it and looked up, at this time she saw a rather large black figure in the reflection of the window of the car. A disgusting deep voice lowly spoke, "I'm right here too, little kitten." And Pam had ZERO time to react. All of a sudden she was shoved head first into the car, her skull bashing into the hard metal and two men grabbed hold of her, lifting her up. "There there, little kitty, I've got you.."

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