Terror Comes In Many Forms

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Fergal watched as Pam walked away and headed towards the outside area. She needed her charger which was classic her at this point, she always had to remove herself from typically stressful situations because, well.. Her heart couldn't actually handle a lot of pressure like that. Fergal remained where he was, his eyes closed for a moment and he imagined how bad that COULD have gone had Pam lost her shit on him. He was extremely thankful to have her be so cool and relaxed about his bad dream, and he couldn't really get over the fact that they had very similar dreams. Trying to relax a little, he managed to think about everything he really shouldn't have.. He was beginning to worry more and more about Lexi, who to his knowledge still hadn't woken up from her.. Coma.. He shivered at the word as it entered his mind, a coma was literally a neighbor to death. And losing Lexi forever would devastate him. Losing any of his friends would destroy Fergal, Rami, Kevin, Shinsuke, Becks, anybody he has any kind of affection for would crush him. Fergal heard a knocking on his door, "It's open!" The door slowly opened and Joe walked in, "Hey man. How are things? I heard a lot of shit has been going on and I haven't heard from you in a long ass time." Joe walked in and was a welcome sight for Fergal. If he remembered back, Joe was one of the few people to whom Fergal confided in about Pam, WAAAAAY back when. "Hey. Yea it has been way too long, I almost forgot you were on RAW." Fergal laughed as the obvious joke was taken by Joe, "Oh ha ha ha funny story little Champ. There's a lot of buzz going around backstage right now about who your next opponent is gonna be. I tossed my name into that hat first chance I got. Let's see if they make it as big of a deal as they did down in NXT." Fergal nodded and finished his light hearted chuckling. Joe was right, the amount of time they spent trying to get Joe into the title picture was an exceptionally large amount, but they got there and it was possibly the best feud in NXT history. "I can try to put in a word that I'd rather face you than anyone, you're one of the best bad guys that even exist on the main roster, nonetheless RAW alone." Joe shrugged after Fergal gave him some praise, "Hey what can I say? Being an asshole is kind of easy for me." Both men laughed quietly, "So how's Becky? I hear she got out of the bed finally.. Shinsuke has been doing great, the guy is a freak to be honest." Joe tried to breach the subject that Fergal still wished and was trying to make just a dream. It took Fergal a few moments to think about it, honestly he hadn't heard anything about Rebecca getting out, Shinsuke he kind of knew, but they didn't particularly tell him anything because, well. They know how Fergal's head would have thought of things. He's practically Superman. Fergal wants to fix all three of them and since he can't? Even hearing good news will somehow be just.. Bad for him.

He inhaled and exhaled quickly, "Yea yea I did hear about that. I'm so relieved that they are doing well.." Joe could read Fergal's face like a book, he narrowed his gaze onto the Irishman, "Lex still has you in a tizzy doesn't she." Fergal hung his head now, oops.. His facade had faded quicker than it showed up. He nodded slowly and took in somewhat panicked breaths now. Joe patted him on the back, "There there buddy. You don't need to think like that. Lex is gonna be okay. I know how this must be for you, one of your best friends goes down like that and you can't do a goddamn thing about it. It'd be the same if it were anyone honestly. You just CARE a lot." Fergal knew what Joe was saying was just an attempt at comforting him and hopefully alleviating some of the tension that was mounting inside of his chest. "Thanks man.. I just hate all of this."

Joe shook his head, ready to drop this sick ass exposition on him. "No Fergal, it isn't just you. We all hate this, not only do we hate injuries that happen in the ring, but how do you think the rest of the locker room feels when it happens outside of it? Not only is the company reeling now cause of Lex being out, but they're petrified because there is NOTHING they can do for her. It literally is up to her, and god. Honestly I have hope that Lex is gonna be fine, and you should too. Look at her man, there has been a few times now where she could have left this world, but did she? No. She didn't, why? Cause she's a tough little thing. You know that better than anyone, you're the first person who trained her and all. But listen to me, She. Will. Be. Fine. Have some faith in her, I bet the first thing she does when she wakes up is kicks your ass for worrying so much. We're all here for each other, and Matt? He's actually doing better, I just saw him yesterday. Guy is a wreck emotionally on the inside, but on the outside? He seems fine. The company gave him time off so he can literally just be with her every single day. I can't have you like this buddy, you have so much to be happy and thankful for that dwelling on shit you cannot control is just... Senseless. Look at Pam, she is stupidly in love with you and you two little shits are gonna get married. MARRIED! The goofy awkward Irish kid is getting married. Ever think about that?" Fergal nodded, Joe's words were true, he did have a lot. He had his health now, Pam, his job, tons of amazing friends and people who cherish his presence.. Being sad about Lexi's predicament is something that is expected, but it cannot be the only thing he thinks about. "You're right Joe.. I'm sorry mate." Joe patted his back yet again, "Don't be sorry. Just remember sometimes? Bad shit just happens to good people.. Right now is sadly one of those times." Fergal nodded again, he was taking deep breaths in and even deeper out. Joe stood, for the show was closing down soon and it was main event time. "Alright buddy I gotta go. Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to give me a shout if you need to vent out your crap. Got it?" Joe spoke and pointed at Fergal as he headed for the door, "You got it. Thanks again, Joe. You definitely helped put things in perspective.." Joe nodded with a smile, "That's one of the reasons why I'm here, the other is for that title." He put a thumbs up and walked out of the locker room. Fergal laughed at his last jab and turned his attention to the television. The crowd seemed strangely invested in the show tonight which was not only a good thing, but it was a VERY GOOD THING. Recently they seemed more invested in.. Literally nothing, it was classic for the WWE fans to be SUPER INVESTED in something, then the next week they just didn't give a shit. Case in point, Dean Ambrose as a character. One day they LOVE him, cheering so loud and loving everything he does. Then the next minute? The internet is bashing him for being, 'Boring.'

The WWE was the land of changing every single week. Well that just makes sense, at least for the live crowds, as it pertains to the internet? Or the IWC, (Internet Wrestling Community, at least that's the internet definition for IWC) they typically have a pack mentality when it comes to live shows in combination to what the big social media accounts dictate what the other people think. Fergal specifically avoided TOO much social media things primarily due to the fact that the comment section on specifically Instagram? Totally a disease, he hated looking at Pam's social media things, god forbid she posted a picture where her body was showing, the fans would always scream and yell about, 'Bayley's ass is so huge!' it just made Fergal sick to see the objectification of women as a whole, nonetheless his baby girl. Just stupid, Internet? STOP IT!

Speaking of Pam, where the hell is she? It had to have been at least twenty five minutes since she left the locker room and headed for the car to grab her charger. Fergal picked up his phone and texted her, 'Did you get lost, baby?' His message was sent, and delivered. Classic. He heard the ding noise of the message coming in and that meant one thing.. Pam left her goddamn phone in the locker room. Fergal huffed quietly and got up, he stretched a little bit as Joe made his entrance to the ring. Fergal actually had to be invested in this and he had to stay in the locker room. Since they were quietly building a Joe vs Fergal angle, the WWE Crew had to film him to show him watching the match, furthering the angle. Fergal had to stand there like a caged zoo animal with the cameras stuffed in his face, Joe was wrestling Chris Jericho, which was fun to watch, both men were extreme perfectionists in the ring and both of them reached that level of said perfection in their respective careers. The matched raged on and the longer it took, the bigger amount of dread creeped inside of Fergal. Like a cold, icy wind from the north; it started up high in his head, and blew it's way down his body, slowly enveloping his being and finally settling into his heart. Did Pam just leave? Did she have some kind of emergency that called for her attention? That was not possible, it just wasn't. Pam had everything she needed in her bag, that was in the locker rooms as well as her phone. If she had an emergency period? She had pads and all that in her bag. It wasn't like she didn't have things in preparation for an emergency. The girl even had a freaking industrial flashlight in her bag, you know? One of the BIG ass flashlights where you can confuse it for a car high beam. So Pam's rather extensive absence was causing Fergal to feel a new level of fear he had yet to experience. The match continued to captivate the fans and Fergal himself even found that he was enjoying it, despite the negative thoughts coursing through his brain. Finally, the match concluded and the cameras could leave him alone. "That's a wrap now? Awesome, thank you guys so much." Fergal was always so kind and respectful but.. He had things to figure out. Detective Devitt was on the move and he needed to find his long lost lover. He stuffed his phone into his pocket and walked out of the locker room, dodging anyone and everyone who would try to stop him from doing so. Fergal found the exit and placed his hand on the handle, he had an extremely bad feeling about this.. But nevertheless he had to find her, Pam's safety was his number one concern and now that work finally, FINALLY let him go? He can focus on that. He pushed the door open and was met with the blackness of eleven at night.

"Pam? Pam honey? Are you out here? If you're trying to scare me, it is working now.. But can you come out now? The show is freakin' over!" Fergal pleaded with the darkness and got no answers.. He walked around the packed parking lot and pulled out the spare rental key, they both had a key just in case of, well an emergency that needed their immediate attention. He pushed the lock button twice and heard their car beep twice. So the car was still here.. But where was Pam? He continued walking through the maze like parking lot, beeping the car to guide him through the metal minefield to find his car. When he finally made it in back, which in case you didn't know, Fergal loved to park in back due to the fact that he felt nobody cared about his car and would do anything to dent/scratch it. Which would cost him money.. Fergal finally made it to the car and saw a big dent in the spot uncomfortably close to the window. On the ground lay Pam, bloody and unconscious.. Her clothes were torn quite a lot with her shirt ripped open and her leggings thrashed. Fergal ran over IMMEDIATELY, screaming; "SOMEBODY HELP! SHE NEEDS HELP!" He grabbed her hand with one of his own and his phone with the other, examining her wounds as he dialed nine one one.

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