Think About The Future

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Monday came with just a big a hangover as Fergal expected. They were both reeling from the night before, Wrestlemania was absolutely breathtaking both in sight as well as the event itself. It was going to be a long while before the smile left both of their collective faces. Waking up late as shit, Fergal sat up and literally didn't have a care in the world, he was ENGAGED! Let that sink in for a second, the man who once said in an interview that he was in a relationship with professional wrestling, now had the woman of his dreams and he was literally going to tie the knot with her. He glanced over and saw Pam laying there, her title was not far away from her whatsoever. She had on little booty hugging underwear and a small tank top. She looked absolutely incredible and peaceful, as well as comfortable. He slowly, and reluctantly got out of bed and stretched, rubbing his belly after he did so, the thought of work frustrated him and he knew that on Tuesday he had to go to New York City for the Today's Show. Him and Pam both, as a matter of fact. But it was not Tuesday, it was Monday and that meant one thing, RAW.. He sighed loudly now as he knew he needed to make his coffee and make it fast. The funny thing is he knew that the coffee would wake Pam up almost instantly, due to the fact that she loved coffee almost as much as she loved him. It was so insane to think of the journey that these two have been on, even Fergal trying to comprehend what happened was something that was all too difficult to grasp. He walked gingerly into the little kitchen area where there was a small fridge and a coffee pot on the counter, getting everything ready and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. The event took its tole on him, sadly. He was extremely sore and his mind was even more out of wack. It really was not something that most people can understand, Fergal never really wanted to get married and was it.. Spur of the moment that this idea came to him and he started planning it? Was it really something he has thought out thoroughly? He actually began to question his entire existence right now. The little things were haunting him and it was beginning to become painful to comprehend.. It was at this time that the coffee began to smell and Pam woke up..

Fergal's hands were shaking, he didn't really know what was wrong with him right now but it absolutely felt like a picture perfect anxiety attack. He needed to sit, really fast. Darting to the bathroom he shut the door as he sat on the floor, hanging his head low and supporting it with his hands. Pam rolled her weak body over and did not feel Fergal's right next to her, she slowly sat up, her hair was an absolute mess and her eyesight was extremely blurry. "F-Ferg? Baby boy?" She tried to look for him, the.. Late night festivities that they had after 'Mania had her lower body extremely sore, "I think you broke my pelvis, babe.. Where are you?" Fergal heard her talk and tried to calm himself down, controlling his breathing perhaps.. Perhaps reminding himself of how hard he had to work for her, and the sacrifices he made, and the things he has seen/done with her.. "Fergal? Are you in the bathroom?" She lightly knocked on the door, the walk there was probably hilarious looking, Pam could literally hardly walk at the moment. "Babe.. I can hear you shuffling in there.. Are you pooping?" She giggled quietly and Fergal exhaled deeply, "You can.. You can come in.. I'm not naked or anything, so keep your panties on." Pam sighed, "Oh darn it.." Opening the door, she was greeted with a sight she really didn't want to see. Her fiancé was sitting on the floor, face flushed of all color, he looked like he'd be sick.. "Holy moly, Fergal.. What happened baby boy?" She limped, "Ow.." as she got on her knees she felt it in her pelvis.

"Did I hurt you that bad, babe?" Fergal whispered as she placed a hand on his knee, in truth it was a combination of the incredible match she had last night with April.. And well, you know. The incredible pantsless match she had with him. "Well, yea. But that's okay cause I signed up for it. What happened? Are you sick??" She got really worried and rubbed his knee, Fergal tried to not check her out right now, Pam practically had nothing on right now. And let's face it, he's a guy, he's also a guy who is straight, he also is a guy who is incredibly attracted to the woman he asked to marry him. What harm is it? He avoided it however, the mood did not call for added, unnecessary sexual tension. "No I'm not sick.. I just." Fergal tried to fight the words out, but he had such a high level of fear that this would only backfire on him and wind up causing more damage than anything else. Pam softly rubbed his knee, she was trying to be as warm and nurturing as possible. "Go on darling.." Pam whispered, "Are my boobs distracting.." She looked down and saw that there was a.. Significant amount of cleavage at the moment. Fergal shook his head slowly, "Oh no, I actually quite enjoy the sight." Pam blushed and bit her bottom lip gently, she wanted to make him feel as welcome to talk about his feelings as she possibly could. "Well, okay. The girls won't go away just yet." She smiled and Fergal was trying to battle an inner demon, sort of speak in order to get this out and talk about his issue. This blew, the night before was the greatest night in his life and now he was ALREADY getting cold feet? "Did I.. rush things a little? Is there someone else there that maybe, just maybe.. Is better than me? Have you met said person?" He finally got the sentences out and it was at that moment that for him? Time stood still. He watched as the joy and love from her face was replaced with doubt, and concern. Her lovely smile was replaced with a straight line of emotionless inner turmoil. "Well I don't think you did.. I also think that it took too long. I wanted you to pop the question months ago.. I've wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, 'officially' for like, ever now. I don't care if it hasn't been five years, or six years. As a woman who has literally been drug through the dirt for years by men.. I know you're a keeper, and I was gonna freaking do it if you didn't to be honest.." Pam tried to make it seem like the thought didn't bother her, and it worked for the most part.

But Pam was a creature who fed on emotion, she fed on the idea of feelings being the biggest driving force behind anything and everything she does. Right now however? That thought process was betraying her in the worst of ways, at the worst of times.. "You really mean that, Pam? This doesn't bug you?" Fergal got more words out somehow, he really didn't think he would even be able to at this moment in time. Pam shrugged, "Well I feel bad that your head went to that dark spot I was kind of worried about. I know you, okay Fergal? I know how your brain works.. I know that no matter what you want what's best for me and sometimes? That scares you cause you don't reaaaally think you're the answer to that question. I know the internet scares you with what people say about my boobs, or my butt, or things they wanna do with me. I know this stuff scares you and makes you question your self worth." Pam slid now in between his legs, laying them flat and she climbed into his lap. "I love YOU. Not horny fourteen year olds who wanna see my butt.. Okay? Look at how I am right now.. Half naked, no makeup, hair looks like I was electrocuted.. And I'm sitting right here, mere centimeters away from the thing that tore me up last night. And I am RIGHT. HERE. Nothing will change that. You are my one and only. Okay?" Fergal listened to her heartwarming words and nodded as Pam leaned in and softly kissed him on the lips. It was amazing that people like Pam existed in the world, it was also very, very rare to find..

After a moment or two of a rather.. Steamy kiss, Pam broke it and felt something touch her. "Hey.. Tell that big guy to relax, I can't handle it right now." Fergal chuckled at her words and watched as she struggled to get off of him, "Sorry lass. You're just incredible looking right now I can't.. Control myself." They both giggled as Pam eventually made it to her feet. "Let's get some breakfast before we go to the gym, yea? Going on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster." Fergal suggested and Pam nodded at him, they both walked back into the little kitchen area where the coffee was smelling oh so very good. "My goodness, I can't wait to literally drink all of it, what are you having to drink? I got the coffee covered." Pam exclaimed as she walked to grab her travel coffee mug. Fergal shook his head as he sighed quietly, looking down. "Why did I think I can make breakfast? Damn it to hell.." He put his hands on his hips and was a little irritated. "Hey, it's okay babe. Just do room service, it'll be just as romantic as if we made it." Pam filled it half way, obviously she was not gonna take it all for herself. She isn't that much of a coffee hog. Fergal walked over to the little tablet that was locked into the nightstand and began to order things on the menu. He adored the new ways that hotels had technology integrated into the, typically tedious, things to do such as order room service, or call for someone to fix a broken thing. Pam was in the kitchen area and was trying her absolute best to tease Fergal when he looked over, she poked her butt out and leaned on the counter. Playful teasing hopefully could calm him down more, making him realize that things were going to be good between them, and that things reaaaaalllly didn't suck as bad as he thought. After the order was placed, he locked the tablet and looked up, "Order is.." He blushed at the sight of Pam being as suggestive towards him as ever. "Placed.. But I think I found my breakfast.." Pam never was the type to show off her boobs, or her butt. Her abs were basically all she 'showed off' and that was just due to the fact that her wrestling gear showed off her belly a bit. Fergal walked over to her quietly and slowly, as he arrived there he placed a hand on her lower back, "Hey good lookin', come here often?" Pam squealed and tried to keep in character.. Sort of speak. "Well I do, as long as you're here, baby. By the way, your hand missed the target I see.." She was hinting at him to grab her butt, Fergal was the one who typically made the first move but sometimes he didn't and Pam always picked on him for his shy little nature.

"Oh, I get it darlin'.." He slid his hand down her back and to her butt, gently rubbing over

top of it, Pam allowed this to go on primarily due to the fact that she asked for it. But secondly due to the fact that she liked to have her butt grabbed. She slowly spun and forced his hand to remain on her butt as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Fergal held the smaller woman in his arms as she was EXTREMELY close to him. It was physically impossible to get closer in fact. "You know I'm always going to be here, right baby? You know I would literally die for you if I had to.. Right?" Fergal nodded at her words and softly kissed her forehead, "I know. And I love you so much Pamela. I know sometimes I get-" Pam shushed him with a swift kiss, "No need to apologize for anything. Honestly, the only thing that can take me from you is if I like, died. And I don't plan on dying anytime soon so don't worry about that." Pam softly chuckled and Fergal hated hearing her mention when she dies. He kissed her once she finished talking. "Let's lay in bed 'till the food gets here - Perhaps I can give you a leg massage, a shoulder massage.. And if you're good. I'll even give you a butt massage!" Fergal exclaimed and Pam squealed, "Okay baby. I would love that sooo freaking much.." the mood re-shifted to the calm one that had preceded it.. 

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