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Being transparent in a relationship is almost the most important thing you can possibly ever do. What does being transparent mean in this context? It means being truthful upfront. It means that if a question is asked you better make sure that all details are covered, otherwise they will almost always become obvious later on down the road and you will look absolutely terrible. You must never forget this. For if you do, you will pay a horrible price.. You can hurt the one you're really trying to protect, you can ruin friendships, relationships, yourself. How can one forgive themselves when in reality they just LITERALLY hurt and possibly lied to the one person whom is always supposed to be on their side? Oh yeah, that's right; you don't. Never hide things from your spouse, never hide things that might carry weight, and if someone you're with is sensitive to the past? Be sure to protect them, but by doing so don't isolate them, or make them feel crazy about a particular event that may or may not have happened. If they know something? They more than likely KNOW something. Don't fuck with their head. Ever. Pam's physical therapy was going swimmingly, she was enjoying the time off again, even though she loved wrestling until her dying breath, but honestly that road life was the most brutal thing any person could ever embark on. She was excited to get back now, her time off had taken it's toll and she was more than ready to get back there and get back into the title picture. RAW was tonight, and she remembered that this was a key night for Fergal. It was the night where he would start his program with Joe leading up to No Mercy. As for the Women's Title picture? She had no idea at this point. It was supposed to be Alexis versus.. Mercedes tonight in Alexis' rematch that she was entitled to. Pam was heavily invested in this program for this would more than likely determine her new opponent. She was saddened a few days prior due to the fact that one of her best friends, Kanako, was to her knowledge, injured. And it was shitty, Kanako was one of the sweetest, craziest people she has ever met. It was a shame that her groundbreaking title reign had to come to an end due to injury like that. Pam had a secret little feeling that this injury was bullshit however. So she kept it in the back of her mind that she was okay, and it was just a shoot to get Kanako to RAW or Smackdown Live. But also.. This really worried Pam in a dark corner of her mind. Kanako was a fan favorite by FAR. And possibly the most protected Superstar in the entire WWE. Nothing was going to go wrong for her, and considering how she hadn't lost a match ever since arriving? That was surely not about to happen anytime soon. Especially to the likes of a Sasha Banks, or Bayley. The entire women's roster versus Asuka would be a win for Asuka. That's how powerfully she has been built over the last two years.

    Pam received a text from an unknown number and was confused at to its context. It was from Barbara Blank, AKA Fergal's first serious relationship in his entire life. 'Hello Pamela. This is Barbara, may I meet up with you? I would like to talk.' Pam bit her bottom lip, she was jealous of this woman, she was Fergal's first real love.. He told Pam that he did love her and he somewhat downplayed it to an extent. He always avoided the topic but Pam did keep it in the back of her mind that Fergal loved another WAY before Pam was ever in the picture. But there was always a little pinch of resentment for the gorgeous blonde woman who claimed Fergal's heart for the very first time. 'Sure. When and where.' Pam responded. Only to get one almost immediately back from her. 'Starbucks? Fifteen minutes? I can pick you up if you need me.'

    Pam was hesitant about this for some reason. She didn't want to give in and see someone who she didn't like if she didn't have to. 'I'll just meet you there Barbie.' Pam was feeling a fire in her and she was worried about this now. Why the fuck would Fergal's ex want to meet up right now. This was odd. Pam didn't even bother to get herself too presentable. Afterall, why would she give a fuck? Oh because she didn't. She simply did her hair, and tossed on some mascara and was off. Throughout the entire car ride it was such a mixed bag of emotions. Pam used to love Kelly Kelly as a performer, and as a talent, and as a beauty. But, that was before she found out that Barbie Blank was not the greatest of people. Pam had to do her own digging on the one Barbie, due to the fact that Fergal would not be truthful about the ending of their relationship. Pam cracked her neck a few times to ready herself mentally as she parked in Starbucks. It was just the most basic of meeting places but Pam was A okay with it. Pam got out and walked inside.. There in the window just before she got in she saw the blonde woman sitting at a table by herself. Pam took in one last hostile breath before she let it out and washed away her anger, trying to be an adult here. She got inside and walked over to Barbie who was just as bubbly and happy as she was when she donned the name of Kelly Kelly. "Hey! You look amazing Pam. Thank you for coming here.." Pam sat down, "Thank you. You look beautiful as always, how are you?" Pam looked at Barbie as the woman she could never be. The hot blonde with the 'perfect body' and 'perfect smile'. Her insecurity stemmed from the fact that Fergal dated her, the perfect girl. And of course more recently, his friendship with another 'hot blonde', Alexis. "I don't wanna waste your time honey, I just felt like it was time you knew the truth about Fergal and I." Pam pulled her head back, her stomach began to turn inside out and her blood began to boil. "What do you mean. In regards to.. What exactly." Pam clenched her hidden fist trying to suppress a freakout. Barbie immediately sensed this and tried to calm her down, "Oh, no no no.. This isn't recent. This is from the past.. It just. I know him, I know he didn't tell you everything. And why I don't know.." Barbie would go on to explain herself. "Okay so hear me out.. I know by default you must hate me.. I'm the ex who broke his heart. But.. We were serious. Fergal was my first serious boyfriend since Andrew.." (Test) She inhaled deeply, "And I made my mistakes in the relationship.. I just. I know how your mind would be working right now love. He didn't do anything at ALL wrong in that relationship. He gave me space when I needed it.. He held me literally and figuratively when I needed it.." Pam shook her head, "I don't know why you needed me to come here to tell me that." Pam's patience was running thin with the blubbering ex girlfriend. "I had plans to marry him. I wanted to show him the world he never knew before. I wanted to have children with him, a nice house with a fuckin' dog or something.."

    Pam nodded her head, "Any girl would. He's practically a perfect guy." Pam gushed over her man just to rub it in honestly. Why shouldn't she? Pam struck gold with Mister Devitt and it was time to finally brag about him. "I broke him. Pamela. That's what I'm getting at here. I broke the man down to nothing but dust." Barbie hung her head low in shame and she just admitted to Pam what she did wrong to him. And it was most certainly not done yet.. "What did you do to him." Pam felt her anger rising again, she was one of if not THE most chill person in the entire world, but when it came to her man and being wronged? Watch out.. She will fuck you up. Barbie took in a deep breath and honestly was not prepared for what she was about to say next.

    "I blamed him. For everything that could have ever went wrong in my life. I would use him for sex.. Because honestly let's be real, he is amazing at it. And I didn't think about anything to do with his feelings, his wants, his desires.. I just wanted to have him fuck me stupid and then leave me alone. I didn't even think it was wrong. I thought so low of him.. I loved him, at the end of the day I did indeed love him more than myself. And I cursed myself daily for how I abused him. But at the end of the day? He was mine. And in my young, stupid fucking brain I had the right to fuck him, and treat him like absolute dirt because he was beneath me. Why am I telling you this? Because you should know. He wasn't going to tell you. I was never going to be the bad guy to anyone. He took the fall for it. I blamed him for us falling apart and that's the story everyone was told. He just took it on the chin and learned from it. I broke his heart. I crushed it into nothing. I'm still amazed that you have managed to heal him.." Pam has heard enough at this point. "I have to go Barbara. Thanks for telling me this and if you don't apologize to him, and then leave him alone forever? I will fucking break you." Pam tossed some money down to pay for the little coffee's that were sitting there, she took no drinks from it, she didn't care to. Pam had never gotten that defensive over anything before, but this was a new type of anger in her body. She wasn't too sure if she was more upset at the fact that she did that to him, or that he blatantly lied to her to protect some.. Girl. For no reason. Pam got into her car and started it. She sat there for a moment.. And then more time went by.. She felt her heart pump faster and faster. Ultimately? Pam SCREAMED at the top of her lungs to get all that bottled up aggression out. Her throat hurt now, quite a lot and she drove off. Arriving at the RAW arena, Pam wasn't on the road per say, but she did travel late and used other physical therapists just in case she gets cleared. It literally can be that spontaneous. When she got there, the Women's Segment was on and it was Alexis versus Mercedes. Alexis was holding her own against the 'Boss' and ultimately? It was she who prevailed. Alexis was apparently destroying Mercedes throughout the match and Pam smirked when she saw her former best friend have ANOTHER title bust. Alexis stood there, raising the title over her head and with one last 'jab'? She kicked at Mercedes to get her out of HER ring. The fans erupted and everyone thought it was because Alexis had just slayed the 'Boss'.. But that wasn't the case. Pam's eyes widened as this new woman wearing a ski mask climbed the top rope behind Alexis.. And when she turned around? Alexis was dropped with the Eclipse. The fans BLEW up. And Pam all of a sudden felt extremely small.. Bayley had never wrestled against Ember Moon before.. But she was about to soon enough..

    Pam paced around the backstage area and was looking for Fergal.. She needed to talk to him because she was exponentially upset at him for not telling her what really went down. Fergal was being noble, but he also had no right to hide something that important from the woman he was set to marry. Pam found him, he turned the corner and seemed just as intense as he always was. He looked up and saw his gorgeous woman, smiling big. "Hey! Oh my goodness I'm so happy to see you. Are you okay?" Fergal was instantly concerned with her due to the very very angry look on her face. Pam shook her head slowly, signifying that she was indeed not okay. Fergal reached over and grabbed her by the arm very gently. "C'mon.. Let's go somewhere private.." he walked her to his locker room and shut the door. "Talk to me Pammie.. What on earth happened to you? You were happy an hour ago.. What changed in that time?"

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