The First Step

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It was time to grind. Pam had an early morning after Fergal left for the road. She needed to get back to one hundred and ten percent and do it fast. The wheel of WWE would continue to spin with or without the lovable hugger on it.. She knew that and it was time to stop wasting precious moments. She knew she wouldn't get to see Fergal for a good week, which meant she got to focus on things like physical therapy, meet and greets locally in Florida. And most importantly right now? Light packing. Her shoulder would prevent her from doing any kind of serious packing.. But that didn't mean she couldn't get a mixture of physical therapy and packing done at the same time. Pam rolled out of bed and looked at her shoulder, it was throbbing this morning which worried her, but also made her focus on the future. That was a weird way to word it, basically the thought process inside of Pam's mind right now is that this particular problem has a solution. Bust ass and get better. That was done with one thing and one thing only.. Working hard. She got up and dropped to her knees, she began to train like Rocky and was doing one armed push-ups as long as she could. Pam got through at least twelve before her good arm began to fade in strength. She laid on the floor, a partially sweaty mess and she smiled. This was a good feeling she hadn't had in seemingly a long time. She sat up and then stood, looking at herself in the mirror, Pam lifted her shirt up to look at her stomach. Pam was notoriously a freak in the gym, and it showed. She had a chiseled body, like a statue or something. And that was a hard thing to maintain, the only problem with being on the road is that typically it is WAY harder to keep your body that you had before the road consumed your life. Pam wasn't satisfied with how she looked, she wanted to get back into being shredded Bayley, ready to hug and kick ass. She nodded at her own thoughts and self determination, she was ready to get this started. The doctors told her she was set to miss Summerslam which sucked terribly, one of the big four pay-per-views and she had to miss out? That was a tough pill to swallow. But it was only, ONLY a dislocation of her shoulder. It was indeed nasty, but it wasn't bad enough to tear muscles or anything of that extreme nature. Pam walked into her bathroom and got ready for a shower. A nice cold shower was just what she needed to wake up and get the day going.. That and coffee, which was coming in a little bit. The shower was perfect, the cold water beat on her skin and rolled down, crashing into the tub. She had to carefully clean her whole body, not trying to raise her banged up arm too high, risking further injury.

    Wouldn't that be some embarrassing shit? The basically super athlete Bayley, further injures herself.. In the shower. No, that was unacceptable. Pam was as careful as she possibly could be, washing her hair and her body. After this concluded, she got out and dried off just as carefully as she washed. She was somewhat positive about physical therapy, most people dreaded having to go and slave over these preset workouts that were designed to push injured people to the brink of insanity. She was ready for the challenge, Pam was as close to Fergal's rehab as she possibly could be. And seeing him just become a better person afterwards was extremely inspiring. Now it was her time. She got herself dressed in her workout clothes, black tank top, black leggings. Hell, even her bra and panties were black. It was go time, no bright colors, nothing that would draw too much attention, just plain old determination. She got downstairs and made herself some coffee. She poured it into a travel mug, and off she went.

    Pam was trying to think about the last time she was THIS determined to accomplish something.. And she was drawing a blank. There was nothing she ever wanted to do this badly in her entire life. Pam's phone buzzed in her pocket and she checked it. It was Rebecca of course, who else would be up this early. Rebecca and Alexis were the earliest risers Pam has ever known. And today was of course, no exception. Rebecca texted her and said, 'Hey girl. I'm going to be seeing you today! I tweaked my knee a little bit last night and they wanna test me out. See you soon!' Pam was even MORE excited than she was beforehand. Pam responded, 'Hell yes! I get my orange haired sexy mama today! See you soon lovely.' Pam's smile was so embedded on her face that she possibly needed surgery to have it removed. Okay that's a joke, obviously. But she was so happy it was almost impossible to put it into words. She began to drive now, and just before she left her driveway she sent Fergal a snapchat. Pam tried to look as cute as possible and put her 'Demon King' hat on, smiling as she started the video. "Heeeey Fergie babe. I don't mean to send this so early, BUT! I wanted to jump start my rehab program by coming in super duper early! Don't worry, I got my cold shower and coffee, I know you were gonna remind me anyways! Oh, and Rebecca is gonna be there too. Apparently the poor little thing hurt her knee.. Well, at least we have each other! Text me when you wake up baby! I miss you! I love you! Byeee!" She concluded the snap and sent it to him. Now it was time to go. No more distractions.. Pam pulled away and turned on some Paramore. Possibly her favorite band and even this early in the morning she was able to get her adrenaline going and flowing fast. The car ride was another smooth sailing session. She got to deal with virtually no traffic, no bad weather for the first time in weeks, and basically nothing shitty happened. Pam began to wonder though if this was going to last.. You know the saying, 'If something can go wrong; it will.' She was fully aware of this fact and was determined to not let it come true. Pam pulled into the physical therapist's office and was ready to go. She didn't need to go to the big doctor in Alabama, this was just a dislocation. Nothing to freak out about. But it was bad enough that just pushing it back into place and icing it was not going to cut it. She parked somewhat in the back and guess who was pulling in behind her. That had to be some kind of crazy weird fate, playing the hand of awkward timing. Pam parked her car and grabbed her things, quickly getting out so she could help her Irish friend out of her car. Pam darted over and Rebecca was visibly so happy to see Pam, she turned her car off and opened her door, "Pammie!" Rebecca tossed one of her legs out of the vehicle and Pam reached down to help her with her one arm. "Look at us, if you combine us we make a whole person." Pam's joke made Rebecca laugh loudly.

    "Yeah, seems you got the legs, and I've got the arms. We're a regular walkin' talkin' Frankenstein!" Rebecca fired back with a lame joke of her own, the car door shut and the two ladies walked together towards the front door of the building. "Well, I think we make a pretty awesome Frankenstein if I do say so myself." Rebecca nodded at Pam's words, she opened the door for the hugger, "After you sweets." Pam nodded her head, "Aw, Becks, you are just the sweetest little thang." She jokingly spoke in a southern accent to make some giggles come out, and it worked. Rebecca chuckled and followed in behind her. Pam looked over at Rebecca and it seemed like there was something she wanted to talk about.. It was clearly plastered on her face but.. Was going to take some work, and time to get out of her mind. Pam was ready.

    Somehow this felt like it would be a test of not only her body, but of her mental strength as well. Pam gave Rebecca a quick hug, "Good luck babe. Want me to wait for you if I finish early?" Rebecca nodded at Pam, replying to her in a quiet voice, "Yes please. I gotta talk to ya anyways.. So stick around lass." Rebecca released the hug and the two separated. What followed can only be described as a painful, PAINFUL few hours. Pam was pushed to the brink of crying several times, the amount of stretching, and arm workouts that they had her do were indeed possible. But holy shit did they really make her try. Several times Pam felt like she needed to cry, literally cry. She sat on the floor at one point, sweat dripping off of her forehead and all she could do was think about quitting.. Why was she going this hard in the first place? Why was it that she needed to destroy herself before she can rebuild.. Well it worked. This was something that most people needed to do in order to start up again. Pam was finished, she managed to get through the first of her three scheduled sessions of this painful healing process. She walked out of the room that she was in and looked around, she had a towel draped over her good shoulder and she was trying to find Rebecca. She felt a swat on her butt and she squealed, turning around and seeing an equally sweaty Rebecca giggling up a storm. "I got ya! I got the Bayley booty!" She giggled harder now and Pam fought the urge to giggle herself. "Sometimes Becks. Sometimes." She shook her head and the two ladies walked over to a table slowly. Rebecca was visibly sore and Pam was clearly in pain. "So it looks like they kicked both of our arses in there didn't they?" Rebecca spoke as she sat down on one of the pull out chairs. Pam nodded, "Definitely.. But.. What did you want to talk about? Are you okay?" Pam was still in concerned mother mode, she was worrying that possibly her and Ashley broke up, or maybe the injuries sustained in her accident were coming back to haunt her.. The anticipation was killing Pam, and she just had to know. "First off, relax yourself love.. I'm okay. This is good news." Rebecca tried her best to reassure Pam, "Oh, well yay! But what is it?" Pam asked quietly, it couldn't be something like Rebecca being pregnant or anything.. Primarily due to the fact that she isn't dating a guy. And a guy is kind of needed to get someone pregnant. Crazy right? Rebecca smiled and blushed, "Well. Me and Ash are gettin' married in a month and.. Two days." Pam's jaw hit the floor. "Are you SERIOUS!?" She was so happy, and the joy was overflowing out of her body. Pam reached over with her one good arm and hugged Rebecca as tight as she could. "Congratulations sweetheart! I feel like you might have told me before.. But.."

    Rebecca grabbed Pam's hand, "No, I don't think I did honestly.. Thank you so much sweetie.. I had to tell you first before literally anyone else. Fergie included. I just. I can't believe how life has led me around and taken me up and down so fast.. I just. I almost died, y'know? And here I am set to marry the woman of my fuckin' dreams.. It just.. It can't be real life." Pam smiled at Rebecca's adorable denial, "Well it is true. I promise you that." Pam smiled at Rebecca who almost looked relieved to tell her this. "Will you be my maid of honor?" Rebecca blurted out and blushed like mad. She was or some reason super embarrassed to ask Pam.. Pam on the other hand just had her day made by this.. "Oh my goodness.. I would love to be your maid of honor Rebecca..!" The two ladies stood now and hugged very tight, Pam had to be careful due to the arm.. Kind of a buzzkill. But hey.. The moment is here, Pam was going to be a maid of honor, she's moving in with Fergal soon, and she WILL be a Champion once again..

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