Opposite End

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Fergal being back on the road was a peaceful thing. He loved being with Pam, and he missed her very much. But sometimes being alone was the best medicine a person could have. Today he knew Pam was going to her first rehab session, they were set to figure out where she stood on the shoulder injury and it was possibly going to be determined when she was going to be done or not. Done meaning healed, of course. Fergal had to get up and ready for the day, but he was reluctant to. He didn't have much motivation right now, he just wanted to bum around his hotel room and not move out of bed. But alas, that was not an option for him. He threw his legs off of the bed and rubbed the back of his head with his hand. He was a morning person, just not THIS morning. He looked over and grabbed his phone, he had a Snapchat from 'Bubble Butt' with a purple heart after. That was Pam, and he was sure that she was going to wish him a good morning. Opening the Snap, "Heeeey Fergie babe. I don't mean to send this so early, BUT! I wanted to jump start my rehab program by coming in super duper early! Don't worry, I got my cold shower and coffee, I know you were gonna remind me anyways! Oh, and Rebecca is gonna be there too. Apparently the poor little thing hurt her knee.. Well, at least we have each other! Text me when you wake up baby! I miss you! I love you! Byeee!" He smiled so big when he heard her voice, and saw her adorable little face. He missed her already, it was hitting him that he would not be seeing her in person for at least a week, depending on when the WWE possibly cleared her and/or when the tour was over. Summerslam week was coming faster than he wanted, and his match with Colby was gaining momentum faster than he expected. The fans seemed to enjoy their feud, and it was ironic that they were going to have a rematch of sorts just one year after Colby blew up Fergal's arm and put him on the shelf for almost five months. He responded with a little snap of his own, knowing full well that Pam wasn't going to see it for hours. "Hey there little one. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your first rehab day, I feel like complete shit over that. But.. I know you, and I know that you'll do amazing things. I'm happy that little fireball will be there with you, at least you'll have some company.. Well I gotta go, I have to start my day and all. But I have you in my thoughts, and I love you lots. Bye sweetheart." Fergal ended the snap and sent it to Pam. He put his phone down and realized that they were kind of.. A long distance relationship at the moment.. Which mentally hurt him more than anything. Primarily due to the fact that the degree of trust a long distance relationship must sustain is incredible, I mean come on now. You LITERALLY know nothing of what this person does on a day to day basis, that can scare even the most fearless of people into a corner..

    But Fergal was not fearless, he was not invincible, he was not perfect. And he did have his doubts. The insecurities that he carried on himself like a badge of shame shined in moments like this. He needed to be happy, content, comfortable. And leaving Pam so quickly just damaged him mentally more than anything he has experienced before. Fergal stood up and got headrush, he was super dizzy and had to sit back down on the bed to compose himself. It was such an opposite feeling.. That Pam was surprisingly okay with things, and Fergal was literally falling apart. He knew he had a signing to go to, and then he had to do the last RAW before Summerslam. The weekend was more than likely going to be the end of his story book title reign, which both saddened him, and filled him with relaxation. That vacation is coming soon..

    Fergal got himself ready in minutes, the shower he took was no more than ten minutes, he trimmed his beard a bit to be presentable and was off to work. First was the signing, he got out of the bus along with the other Superstars and due to the fact that his headphones were in, he didn't hear much. Fergal actually removed them as his feet hit concrete so that he didn't ignore anyone and look like a major league douchebag. He signed a few things, posed for some photos, and then apologized to the others for having to leave. He loved seeing the fans, and he loved making them happy. It was really a crazy concept that just seeing someone made you realize how important you are. The crazier thing to accept as a 'celebrity' is that the fans just want to SEE you. The don't know you, they have never probably spoken to you before, yet just laying eyes upon you made them happier than anything else in their lives. It was humbling to realize that you're that important to people.. And for some it was more motivation, some it was just more irritation and a constant annoyance. Mercedes is who I'm referring to. She practically hated doing things for fans outside of signings. If you were a male, aged eighteen to thirty four? And you wanted a photo with THE Sasha Banks? Yeah that probably wouldn't go well for you. As history shows, she often puts people on Twitter, 'on blast' and has her legion of fans attack said person for NO fucking reason. It was not okay to do, if you don't want to take a picture with someone.. Say you're at the gym, or the grocery store, or even just ANYWHERE that you might be busy? Just be polite and tell them that you are indeed busy, and you'd love to stay and chat but you simply cannot. Nope, not Mercedes, THE Sasha Banks is not to be bothered by anybody. Fergal got to his table and sat down, he put his ice cold water bottle and Universal Title in front of him, the bottle more towards the side of the table and he slapped a smile on his face. Trying his absolute best to forget about the fact that Pam was hundreds of miles away.. The first person who greeted him was a young man with short dark hair. He had on a tank top and a tattoo of a Rottweiler was slightly exposed. "Hey that's a crazy cool lookin' tattoo, may I see it?" Fergal asked the man who nodded, pulling the shirt to the side and exposing a dog head with some dates. "What happened on that date? Did you lose a dog and I reopened an old wound?" Fergal felt like shit, but the tattoo was gorgeous. "No of course not. Something did happen then, but the dog isn't who almost died." Fergal understood what happened right after he said it. Holy shit that's tragic and fucking sad. "I'm sorry mate, I didn't mean to-" The man interrupted him, "Hey it's okay. Don't worry about it." There was no ill feelings right now in the air.

    "C'mere let's get a few pictures." Fergal stood and the man walked around the table, the Universal Title was used to pose for several of them, and the 'Too Sweet' hand shake was used as well. "My cousin loves you, and he's going to absolutely love this. Thank you so much, and be sure to kick Rollins' ass on Sunday!" Fergal smiled upon hearing that not only did he make this man happy, but his cousin as well. "I plan on it, lad. Take care!" After Fergal spoke, the man left and the rest of his day proceeded without so much as a hiccup. The signing was a huge success, and Fergal somewhat learned a lesson of 'don't ask questions about shit you don't understand.' Even though that's kind of contradictory, you need to ask questions about things you don't understand for the EXACT reason of desiring to understand. Fergal was on his way back to the hotel, where he was hoping that Pam was finished with her session, it had been hours after all, and she should be either post ice bath, or relaxing and resting that shoulder..

    Fergal got back into the bus that was set to take him back to the hotel. He popped his headphones back on and zoned the fuck out. Time seemed to fly by as he looked out the window in a lonely fashion. It was odd, all of his friends were there, people he knew.. Very close friends like Alexis, Rami, Joe even. But they were all together, and unbenounced to Fergal, but they all noticed that he looked so out of it. Alexis was the one who had the idea of giving him space, which Fergal more than likely needed in a time like this. She expressed a deep feeling of wanting to hug him and make him feel better, Rami did too. Joe wasn't the biggest hugger so he wasn't for that idea. But they all respected Fergal too much to annoy the fuck out of him with a bombardment of questions that he didn't need to answer right now. Fergal was surrounded by people who loved and supported him, yet he still felt alone inside. After the bus arrived, he got off of it and disappeared faster than you can say 'Fergal wait.' He went back up to his room and threw his title gently onto the bed, not wanting it to fall obviously, he still loved that goddamn hunk of metal more than himself. But right now he just wanted to climb in bed and sleep until he can see Pam again. He sat at the edge of the bed and figured that it was time to call her. Granted, he really did want to.. But he didn't feel happy at all. The phone rang a few times and finally Pam had answered. "Mmm helloooo?" She was so happy all the time, it was great to see her back to her old ways. "Hey." Fergal simply responded, Pam was not sweaty anymore, which meant that she has been since relaxed and cooled off. "Hey baby! How was it? Did you have fun?" Fergal wanted to tell the truth, 'No I didn't. My life partner wasn't there..' But.. "Yeah of course I did. There were tons of people who came out. It was pretty cool. I'm sure you'll see pictures soon enough on Twitter or Instagram." Pam smiled and nodded, panning the camera over and showing Rebecca. "Oh, hey Becks. If this is a bad time.." Fergal began an attempt to make an exit. "No no no no no, I've got some news for ya lad." Rebecca responded with that crack in her voice, signifying that she was excited about something, and something big. "Oh? What's goin' on Becks?" Fergal responded, he was curious and didn't know legit anything. Rebecca tried to hold in her excitement. "Me and Ash are gettin' married in a month!" "And I'm going to be her maid of honor!!" The two ladies squealed loudly, and Fergal literally felt like the proudest friend in the whole wide world. "Holy shit, that's incredible Becky. Congratulations Lass. I'm so happy for you two." Fergal did seemed genuinely excited, and it was a good thing that he was so good at hiding his sadness. The problem right now was that he needed someone to tell him things are going to be okay, he needed that person to person connection.. And right now that is exactly what he had NO access to whatsoever..

    "Thank you Ferg! I'm still in shock over it honestly.. But hey, I gotta scram, I ordered us food and I gotta go pick it up. Love you!" Rebecca smiled and waved bye to Fergal. "Drive safe Becks. Bye lass, Love you too." Rebecca walked off as fast as she could. And when the door closed behind her? Pam's entire facial expression shifted drastically. "So what's wrong. Why are you so down right now.." Pam knew him better than he knew himself. There was no point in lying about being fine. "I just miss you. It felt great to see the fans. But I couldn't look over and see the Bayley booth. Because Bayley wasn't here. And honestly I don't like it." Pam furrowed her eyebrows and bit the inside of her cheek. "Hey.. Bayley is right here. She always has been here. And she always WILL be here.." Her words were kind.. "I'm sorry that I'm feeling this way."

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