Tomorrow Is Another Day

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It had been an awkwardly tense week, with Fergal back to being a ghost again. He hadn't been seen for more than six minutes at a time. When he wasn't in the ring? He was in in hiding somewhere. Now don't look at it like Fergal is being childish, he really was not doing this out of fear, or anger for Pam, Alexis, or anyone else for that matter. The reason why he his was because his heart was confused. He was not sure what he wanted anymore and it would be dangerous for someone so volatile to be around others. Fergal was not sure whether his dream about being in love with Alexis was a dream he wanted, or if it was just his twisted imagination playing the biggest of tricks on him. He figured that he needed to talk with Pam sometime, there was no hiding from her. Well there was, because he was doing quite a good job at it. But if Fergal kept away from her, he would never really have closure. He would never truly know where her mind and heart lie with him. There would be that gap, that void in his thoughts of why to everything. He could NEVER tell Alexis that he had developed small feelings for her. He could NOT help himself with this ever increasing desire for Little Miss Bliss. She was so kind to him, gentle, caring even. Things Fergal had not felt for quite a while. See, if we can be truthful.. The last several weeks, leading into months of Fergal being with Pam were not.. Perfect to say the least. And when Pam did what she did to him, it obviously drove a wedge into his heart and distance was now established. Alexis never stopped caring for him, even after Pam exploded on her and Alexis decided to keep her distance to not damage their relationship further.. The point being, Pam was being an unbelievable asshole to him, and Alexis was not. Sure, Fergal know why she was being rude, she was scared. Fear makes people do crazy things. It made Pam the most insecure person on the WWE roster. But that was no excuse for her actions.. People have control over their actions, the ones that get taken need to be thought about before you just go off and do whatever. Thoughts however? Thoughts are deadly, those are the ones that require extreme levels of care and patience to avoid. So Fergal did understand Pam's thought process, and he did understand why she did the things she did.. At least to a certain extent. Fergal was backstage, in his typical spot being all incognito and everything just to avoid an emotional wrestling match with Pam, or anyone else. He knew he had to avoid Alexis as well.. The intimate hug they shared made Fergal get butterflies in his stomach and made his heart skip several beats. His already growing care for her was exasperated when she held him like that. Fergal got tapped on the shoulder and it was one of the crew, "Mister Devitt, you're up."

    Fergal nodded, "Thanks lad." He rose to his feet, pulled his hood down and walked towards the prep area. It was a long walk, longer feeling than normal. Possibly due to the fact that he got lost in his mind. All he could think about was Alexis' beautiful smile. The grin that made him feel wanted again. And those eyes.. Those piercing blue eyes. Fergal slammed his eyes shut, shook his head back and forth. He attempted to shake the thoughts out of his head, literally. And it actually worked, a little bit. He got to the big room filled with the roster on it and they all greeted Fergal warmly. He greeted them back, and noticed Pam was poking her head around the other people, trying to see him.. He had eyes like a freaking hawk, he saw her and took the necessary precautions to avoid her at all costs. He wanted to speak with her, but now was absolutely not the right time, or the right place to have a heart to heart with Pam..

    As Pam watched Fergal avoid her, she surprisingly did not get disheartened by his actions. She knew what was going on in his head and she knew that it was not quite right just yet. Pam watched him walk through the curtain. She took a moment to make herself smile, she admired his butt that she missed oh so much and grinned like a dork. After he walked through, Pam parted the crowd and walked over to one of the television sets. She was approached by a rather large man from behind, who placed a hand on her shoulder. "How ya feelin', kid?" Paul was like a father to everyone backstage. Young or old, he was always there to guide you and give you the attention that you needed. Pam looked up at him and smiled, this was the first time she had seen him since her return to the road. She hugged him tightly, "I feel great! I've missed the heck outta you." Paul smiled, and hugged her back. He was overjoyed to see what seemed like the old Pam was back. The happy, self sufficient one who didn't let fear and negative thoughts consume her. "That's great news. You and Fergal doing okay? You don't need to sugar coat it, it really is no secret anymore." Paul needed to know how two of his top talents were doing with one another. This was always the fear that Vince McMahon had with letting his employees date one another, if they ever split.. It would make backstage an awful place to be. Pam huffed quietly and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, we're working on it. We're going to talk about it more once he's done out there. Don't worry, it won't be backstage so nobody has to worry about feeling awkward." Pam spoke with a renewed bounce in her voice. It was something that she used to have before anxiety became such a driving force in her life. Paul nodded, "Fair enough. Good luck to you both. I've gotta get outta here. I have a sick kid at home." Paul took his leave, "Aw! Well I'm sending my best wishes! Good luck!" Paul was off and Pam went back to watching the finish of Fergal's match. It was no thirty minute classic, but that was just WWE in a nutshell with their booking team. Let's have one of the most talented, and popular Superstars in the whole world be reduced to a five minute match that not a single person was happy about seeing. The only thing that the fans were actually happy about however, was that Fergal was THERE. That was it, them seeing him was the only redeeming thing about his current spot with the company. The fans knew that he would stick around after the match, signing things, hugging people, and taking photos. Pam smiled as this was beginning to happen, even though he clearly was not in the right state of mind, and it was quite obvious. He did have the wherewithal to go make sure that each fan he could reach would leave that arena with a new memory.

    Pam began to get a little nervous, she was unsure if Fergal was even going to be interested in going to a hotel, or even a locker room with him to talk. But she had to try, it was time. It had been enough time to mend whatever wound needed to be mended. But Fergal was a volatile person right now, she needed to remember that treading lightly with him was almost necessary. Fergal began to slowly make his way towards the ramp, he continued to wave at people and take those ever so important photos with them.. Ensuring their happiness, even though that lovely emotion avoided him like a plague. Fergal finally had to separate himself from the fans, and he walked up the ramp, back facing them. He looked down, breathed hard and slow, trying to get control of himself before he saw her. He stopped at the top of the ramp right in front of the curtain, and waved. The smile on his face was so artificial.. And it was so obvious. He pushed his way through the curtain, and was handed a towel to wipe his forehead off.

    Fergal was instantly approached by Pam.. "Congratulations Fergal.. That was a great match!" Pam was trying to be bubbly and show him she was a different person now. Fergal nodded slowly as he wiped his face off. "Yeah, I don't really think it was great. Not enough time. But, thanks anyways." Fergal began to walk off, he was not going to ask her to talk, but if she did he would agree to it. That first step frightened him to no end, and he was not going to take it. As he walked away from the crowd and was officially out of sight, Pam grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into her.. She hugged him tighter than she ever has hugged him before. Her arms wrapped around his neck and at first Fergal didn't hug her back. After several seconds, his hands found their way to her little waist and he held onto her. "I missed you so much Fergal." Pam whispered into his ear, her voice was drenched with love and compassion. Fergal softly squeezed her hips. "I.. I missed you too.." He was so hesitant, he was not going to allow her to suck him back into her trap of love without an explanation and reassurance that the bullshit she pulled was not ever going to happen again. She pulled her head back and eyeballed his lips. To her, they looked incredibly delicious. It only took a second, but Pam attached her lips to his and the kiss that she dreamed about for weeks is happening. She moved her hands and cupped his cheeks as several more SHARED kisses were going on. After a solid minute or two; she had to stop to allow him to breathe. "Sorry.. Forgot you just got done wrestling.." She softly giggled and Fergal actually cracked a real smile.. "It's.. Fine, Pam." Pam's breathing was actually shaky due to being nervous. "Can we go somewhere private? My hotel? Yours?" Fergal nodded slowly and the two were off. They both got their things from their respective locker rooms, Fergal had to quickly get changed into public clothing. As in a shirt and pants. Soon after, they went to their cars. "Let's go to yours." Fergal stated as he got into his car. They were all at the same hotel, it was kind of a thing that WWE loved to do. They both drove in a somber fashion to the hotel and parked their cars. They wanted to talk kind of badly. Fergal was still mentally in a tizzy, he was not all that sure where his heart lie, but Pam was making him see the light on her more. They got into the hotel room and shut the door behind her. "Okay. So I know what I did was wrong.. And I know how dangerous I was as a person before I left.. But I still love you so much Fergal. So so much.." Pam spoke as she sat down on the foot of the bed. Her hands fell onto her legs, where she softly rubbed them. Her leggings felt strangely softer than normal and she noticed.

    Fergal sat down next to her and shook his head, "You.. Had every right to feel the way you did.. I don't fault you for being scared of people. Scared of me. Don't forget you had a freaking stalker.." Pam shivered at that memory, she didn't want to dwell on that for too long, for if she did she would become paranoid.. Primarily due to the fact that the person was never found, they had no idea who it was whatsoever. "I know.. I just. Let me be sorry, damn it." Pam smiled and looked over at him. Fergal was already staring at her. He was admiring her face, her perfectly sculpted face. His eyes ran from her jawline to her adorable little chin. Up to her little lips and eventually stopping at her deep, dark brown eyes. She knew he was feeling a certain type of way and she was too. "Do you still love me?" She asked and then proceeded to nibble on the inside of her cheek gently. Fergal placed a hand on her leg, patting it several times. "How could I have stopped.. Even though I was confused and lost.. I was mainly just scared of you.. Love never ceased.. Fear took more hold of me than love did.. But I NEVER stopped.." Pam blushed and proceeded to kiss him yet again, this time they both fell backwards onto the soft bed.

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