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April's visit had sadly come to an end far too quickly. And Monday night had somehow came out of nowhere. Pam was so happy to get back to work honestly. There was nothing that she wanted to do more than to just get back in the ring and get right back on track. Luckily, her spot was filled for the previous week with all of the live events even though it really sucked ass that she had to miss all of them. But lucky for her, she didn't miss RAW, so on television she missed exactly no time at all. Fergal was driving with her to the arena, he was very happy for her and glad that she felt happiness for going back to work, but Fergal did not share the same feelings about work. Not with this new program that Paul wanted to do slowly emerging and becoming real. Fergal was quiet, very quiet. He returned back to being an introvert like he had been for his entire life. But it was obvious that something was on his mind, everybody was going to be able to tell that and Pam was no different. She however knew what the issue was and knew that it was going to be hard for him to go through with this. She was just going to have to hope that Fergal didn't break under pressure. Pam's thoughts were flashing back and forth from being overjoyed to get back into the ring, to a darker more sinister thought process where her man was super depressed and she would have to have an on screen relationship with Colby. Even she wasn't exactly the most excited about it obviously, I mean how awkward is that honestly? At least a movie is one and done, but for Sports Entertainment? It really does get a lot more personal, well sometimes of course. After they arrived at the building, Fergal got out of the car and assisted Pam with her things as usual. Pam still loved the fact that he was truly such a gentleman at the end of the day no matter what. To her, Fergal was the sweetest guy in the world. Which is another reason she was beginning to consider the possibility of telling Paul that she had no interest in doing this program, that if this is what she was going to be used on she would rather take a back seat to someone like Mercedes. But she resisted it, opportunities to shine in WWE were few and far between, granted some got more chances than others. But for the rest of the world they came rarely and were honestly hard to come by. The building was filled with electricity, everybody seemed to be absolutely lively and just crazy almost. It was exactly what Fergal didn't need to deal with tonight. He in no way shape or form wanted to deal with this kind of energy, he wanted tonight to be way more low-key and just sort of float under the radar. Tonight started his return.

The only thing Fergal was excited about was the fact that this started the video packages for his return. It was common knowledge to the whole world that Fergal and Pam were a very serious item now, and it was, in classic WWE fashion, going to be taken advantage of on television for ratings and money. How they were going to do this in simple terms? Have Pam grow fond of Colby on screen. Make Colby treat her like shit the whole entire time, Fergal returns to save her and protect her. But shortly after, she turns on him and goes with Colby. That was the basic plan, of course there were much more things in between there that needed to be ironed out. But for now the general census backstage was that Pam was going to temporarily double cross Fergal. Fergal kissed Pam for a long time on her soft lips, whispering, "Be safe babe. If you need anything, just come get me. Okay?" Pam blushed a shit ton and smiled, "You be safe too baby boy. Of course I'll come get you. Good luck tonight." They had to separate due to locker room things obviously, Fergal decided to stay quiet, continue to walk with his hood popped up.

He was being way quieter than normal, usually. Fergal was the kind of person who didn't like social interaction, true. But recently Pam has been helping his typically shy nature by breaking him out of his shell..It was sad to see him regrow the shell and hide away from the world again. Pam got to the locker room and saw Ashley getting changed. Ashley was so happy to see Pam back in the building again. She ran over and hugged Pam as tight as she possible could, it was kind of a shock for Pam to be hugged like this out of nowhere. "Hi to you too darling!" Pam giggled and Ashley followed suit by laughing gently, letting go of Pam. "I missed the crap out of you Pam. How do you feel? Do you feel better??" Ashley was such a little sweetheart, on television she was a relentless bitch who wanted nothing more than to just beat you into the ground until you can't stand up. But in real life? She was practically an angel. "I'm okay! I feel a lot better. Fergal was with me the whole week. I was lucky to have him honestly. How did work go? You guys do well at the live events and all that jazz?" Pam was curious about work even though she wasn't involved directly. Ashley nodded and shrugged. "It could have went better, I'm afraid." Pam tilted her head, "How so?" "Well. Mercedes tweaked her knee real bad. Like I mean so bad the match had to literally be stopped." Ashley had no hesitation in telling her this, Pam was confused but it all made sense, "Is that why she texted me this morning saying she won't be at work and she's sorry??" Ashley nodded, "Yea. She was having a match against Savelina with Saraya as the referee." Pam immediately got suspicious. She thought for a long second, "Let me guess, Saraya is the one who actually hurt her, right?" Ashley turned her head over almost like a realization has been met. "Well, yea. She did. She put her in the PTO but before she did, she..for lack of better terms, abused Mercedes' knee. Why?" Pam shrugged and shook her head, "I dunno, just a hunch I guess." Nia Jax was an easy person to pawn an injury off, I mean let's face it, Savelina isn't exactly the smallest of women's wrestlers. But honestly? She is unbelievably safe and professional. She really doesn't get enough credit for how great she really is and it sucks major ass. "Oh, well..I was going to go out and visit Becks tomorrow night on Smackdown. Do you wanna come with? Ferg can go too. I'm down for the crew getting back together." Pam felt happy about this, a little sad that the 'crew' would be down a person due to Mercedes being out. But she was happy for this.

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