Draft Night

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Tensions settled down between literally everyone. Weeks had passed since the hot tub night, Fergal and Pam were closer and stronger than they ever could have thought, it was truly remarkable how far they have come from being just strangers, to close friends, to now lovers. Lexi loved to see her little ship develop for she was one of the only people who believed in them full heartedly. It was an unspoken, obvious secret now that the two were romantically involved. However; not everyone was to keen on liking it. Some thought that they were both going to be heavily favored due to the fact that, yes, they are both incredibly popular. So if one person gets the short end of the stick, the other would complain. Stupid right? They both know how the wrestling industry works..Your time comes, and it goes. Embrace it while it's here for it will surely not last forever. The fans of today's wrestling are so fickle and lame sometimes. One minute they're pulling for you, 'We want _____' the next minute? They put on their tough pants and go on the internet to trash the product. It was a different time from the Attitude Era, a time where people accepted storylines for what they were, just storylines. Sure people were upset when their favorite didn't win the title..But back then? Most of the characters on screen were so lovable, you usually never lost. Fergal and Pam were getting ready for the draft..That indeed was tonight and that familiar nervous energy of the unknown was setting in. However, they did not know where either of them would end up. Fergal did indeed almost know that he was going to RAW, Paul had confirmed it to him weeks ago. But it still was something that was heavily debated, was he ready..? Were the fans ready for the Demon to emerge?

Pam on the other hand had no idea if she was going to RAW, SmackDown, or even worse..Staying in NXT..She was the one who was more scared than nervous. She looked over at a shirtless Fergal and tossed an empty bottle of water at his leg. "Hey. Can I ask you something?" Fergal looked over at her after she hit him with the object, looking down at it, then back up at her and raising an eyebrow slowly. "Y'know, you coulda started out with just that, didn't need to go and hit me." He smiled wide and nodded, "Ask away lovely." Fergal always was there to listen to and help her out. Pam was filled with fear right now, her future was so undecided, especially with today's fans. A character like Bayley on camera is..lovable, but is she a believable champion? Is the Hugger from California really a believable contender for the likes of Charlotte? She had so many doubts, at the same time; if she were to change characters now and try and go a different route with her career, who knows if the fans would even like her.."Do you think I'm gonna go?" Pam bit down on her bottom lip and played with the hem of her purple Hugger shirt. She was so worried right now, if she didn't go..and Fergal did? That would be so..sad for her. She literally has been by his side since they started dating and in a healthy way. In the way that the two used each other as a crutch when need be. And literally in the case of Fergal's tweaked ankle. He of course was healthy now. Which absolutely influenced whether he would go to the main roster or not. "Do I think so? I do think so. Who else deserves it more than someone like you sweetheart. You're a hard worker, you're beautiful inside and out..and the crowd adores you. How can you not go there?" Fergal was unsure, he wasn't sure about this whole draft thing actually. There was no guarantee that anyone would actually go if they deserved it. Then he received a text..His phone buzzed quietly twice and he looked at the locked device on the end table. Then back at Pam..

"It's Paul.." Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek and looked at him with admiring eyes as he opened the message and he couldn't hide the smile from consuming his face. He did try of course, which..failed. "What is it? Good news? Is he telling you he got drafted?" She was filled with anticipation from this and was so excited for him. Practically forgetting all of her own personal fears and just embracing the fact that she was currently dating the future of professional wrestling. "He said that several, SEVERAL NXT Superstars would be drafted.." Fergal looked up at Pam who then proceeded to cover her mouth with her hands, "Oh my gosh, that is incredible..I can't..I just." She was even now getting hopeful that the night would go her way. They continued to get ready, getting some comfy clothes on yet professional ones as well. He looked over at Pam and gazed upon her, just admiring her..her curves, her cute face..Her in general. "Goodness Pamela.." Fergal blushed a little as he saw Pam's head whip up and look at him, "W-What?" He walked over to her and placed his hands on her hips, looking dead into her eyes, "You are just..so goddamn beautiful, sweetheart.." He smiled a little and leaned down, gently planting a kiss on her lips, "I just get overwhelmed sometimes with who I get to kiss everyday.." He smiled a little and now saw some blush overflowing on her cheeks. Pam's heart fluttered as if it had wings, she didn't know what to say, completely caught off guard. I mean, she was only in a pair of leggings and a cut up one of her t-shirts. "Aw..Holy moely, Fergal that was..goodness..Adorable." She leaned in and pressed her cheek against his, letting him feel how warm she was becoming, "You make me feel things I didn't know I even had in me." He smiled and blushed a little bit more than before. The two had been dating for two months now, and the surprising part to both of them is that sex had never even been a topic. I bring this up, for this is something that Pam, in her mind, thought would have already been talked about. Especially with her past relationships with guys, most of them are in it for the looks and the sex. And most of them fail, miserably. Fergal was different, he didn't give a shit about sex, what he cared about lied inside of her chest and wouldn't stop beating.

"Look at you, you're flawless..Just a utter goddess." He kissed her again before dragging his hands over her hips and eventually, reluctantly actually. Off of her body. "Literally dude, your touch makes me almost faint, every time. I swear.." She giggled at the little fact she just dropped on him. And Fergal, he winked as he kept backing up, "Oh I know..Like no joke, I can feel it in your body..You..god what the hell is the word that's appropriate here..You quiver when I touch you. I can't explain it better than that." He smiled a little and grabbed his keys. "You ready, angel face?" She blushed, "Look at you with the nicknames today..goodness you..Uh yea I'm good. Lemme grab my phone then we can head out." She looked around for her phone, can't find it anywhere..Great. On a day like today now is NOT the time to be losing your phone. She sighed and then removed the blanket partially and found it. She sighed quieter this time, and headed for the door. He of course, being Fergal, opened it for her and let her go first. "Thank you baby." Pam's voice shook a bit as she got chills from the wind slipping inside the back of her shirt. She walked out with him and they both climbed into his car. "I'm so nervous about tonight, Fergal. Like you have actually no idea." Fergal half smiled and then looked over at her, "I do understand lass. I'm nervous too y'know..I'm not exempt from anything..especially following this little ankle injury I just got over.." Fergal had nerves too, but he had to remain strong..Especially for her.

Upon arriving at the Performance Center, Fergal and Pam were greeted by Leah, Natalie, Lexi, Matt, the whole NXT Crew was there. Apparently they had this big party planned, and as the newly dubbed 'SmackDown Live!' would roll on, and the draft selections were made..They would celebrate for them. Appreciate the time they all spent together for this would be, for some, the last time they'd get to share a brand together. Fergal and Pam smiled at the pack of their friends who were eagerly awaiting the choices to be made, "I don't know man, I don't know why I even got brought out..I ain't goin' nowhere. I got a lot to learn still and I ain't about to get embarrassed on the big stage." Leah was one of the inexperienced ones, she was learning quickly, and was indeed improving. But even in her eyes she was NOT ready to be placed on the biggest stages of Professional Wrestling. "Oh shut it Leah. You get picked? You're ready to get picked.." Lexi smirked at her friend and nudged Pam, "Hey there..Someone is wicked quiet today. Everything okay?" Lexi saw right through Pam's strong front as she now reached down and grabbed Fergal's hand, squeezing it tight. "Of course, just got the jitters is all. Tonight is important.." Pam's fears were unanimously felt by the rest of them and more than likely everyone else that was at the Performance Center. For they did not specify who would be selected, but they knew that NXT Superstars would be picked. This was a massive statement to all of them, claiming they were all ready was something that was terrifying to some, and welcomed to others. "Everyone cool it, we'll all get picked, then take over the world of professional wrestling, deal?" Matt butted in and caused everyone to slightly giggle at his comment and Lexi nudged him lightly, "Oh shut it Matt. You poophead." As the tension calmed down a little bit, SmackDown was starting up..Here we go.

Fergal and Pam were stuck on each other like glue, she needed comfort right now..Sitting in his lap, Fergal had his arms gently wrapped around her and his hands rested upon her thighs. She loved the fact that the locker room didn't really give them too much shit about being an item. They respected them both so much that they didn't dare give them any kind of trouble. As the first selection was made, RAW picked Seth Rollins..Nobody was too surprised, the show rolled on and on and eventually..A familiar name was selected by RAW. Every RAW pick, caused Pam to tense up for if she heard the name..'Finn..' She would practically faint with excitement. She was indeed a fainter, she passed out a lot as a kid and it didn't change going into adulthood. Fergal..was selected by RAW> The Performance Center erupted with cheers..Pam hugged him oh so tight and Fergal practically squealed with excitement. The building began cheering, 'You deserve it' and it was rightly so. Now the level of happiness would not go down, ever. Pam whispered to his ear, "I love you..So much..I'm so proud of you, Fergal." He hugged her now and resisted the urge to cry loudly. "I love you too.." The show, of course, rolled on. Selections like Lexi, whom was embraced by a blubbery Pam, Natalie was picked. It was getting late..SmackDown was almost over but luckily they finished after the show ended, even if they weren't picked, they still got to see if they were after the show ended. As Ten rolled around, the end of SmackDown..Pam was still not picked..Neither was Matt. They both were defeated..so defeated. But here come the extra picks! And..The last choice..All the others steamrolled by as Pam had no concept of time anymore...Last choices were made..SmackDown picked Leah..Pam hugged her tightly, missing the last pick entirely..But..to her complete and utter disbelief, and everyone else's..it was NOT her..Pam, who was dubbed the heart and soul of NXT..was left out of this historic night.  

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