We'll Take it

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Pam and Fergal were both collectively so nervous that they couldn't even really rationally think about what to do next. They both sat in the car and said practically nothing, they weren't too sure if this first place was going to be the one that they rested their hats on, or if it would just be another place in a long list of places they had lined up for the day. Fergal and Pam wanted this to be perfect, they wanted their place to be their home, not just somewhere to go to rest their heads. Sadly, Fergal only had today to do this and then he had to go back on the road and Pam had to go resume her physical therapy/crossfit sessions to heal her dislocated shoulder. The funny thing about what has happened to them recently is that Pam has heard no words from Mercedes, the person who really almost ruined her life has not even once tried to reach out and talk to her 'best friend.' It was kind of pathetic, and yes Mercedes did do something that was almost irreversible, but her reason? Her reason was not justified by fact. It was done out of being selfish, and stupid. She claimed to have feelings for Fergal and that drove her over the edge when he refused her. Why does that not add up? Mercedes is a person who acts on emotions rather than sit on them and let them stew for years. If she found Fergal attractive, and fell in love with him all that time ago, then she would have not only told him, but she would have tried her best to take him from anyone who got in her way. Inside Fergal's mind, it was hilarious actually. Because if this was a question posed to him, 'How would you rank dating the girls in the locker room?' Fergal would basically put Mercedes last behind almost everyone else there. He didn't have feelings for her like that, yes she is talented, yes she is a kind person, at least to him. She is a pretty lady, but there was something about her as a human being that Fergal never could get invested in. The two most genuine people in Fergal's life were Alexis and Pam. And it's funny how Fergal is set to marry one of them isn't it? Pam was trying her best right now to think of something to talk about, primarily due to the fact that if she doesn't talk now, then her mind is going to wander, wander to a place where she needs it to not go.. Right now she's thinking about how much different and possibly better Fergal's life would be if he was with Alexis instead.. How much easier it would be on him to not deal with such a damaged person like herself. Pam shook her head, she needed something. But her phone rang, her phone rang and she was startled by it. "Hello? Oh hey Becks. What's up lovely?" Pam asked quietly as Fergal looked over at her and heard it was Rebecca, then back to the road. "Yeah. Oh. Wait really? Are you KIDDING!?" Pam sounded so excited, the energy was bursting out of her pores. "What is it baby?" Fergal asked quietly and glanced over at her. Pam couldn't control herself right now.

    She put her hand over the microphone portion of her phone and looked at Fergal, "We just got invited to a wedding!" She squealed and smiled, "Oh my goodness I'm so happy Becks! Holy moly that's incredible!!" Fergal smiled a little bit and did some simple math, holy shit. Rebecca and Ashley were going to get married! "Tell her I said, congrats squirt." Fergal spoke quietly and Pam did as he kindly requested, "Fergie says 'Congrats squirt!'" Pam giggled and waited a moment as Rebecca responded accordingly. "She said, 'Thanks old man'." Pam giggled loudly and Fergal huffed, "I'm not THAT old.. C'mon now." They finally had arrived at the house that they were set to look at and Fergal was kind of happy with it already. It was isolated away from the rest of the world, it looked rather nice outside.. There's that fence Fergal wanted..

    It already seemed perfect, but Fergal couldn't bank on it until he got the full tour, told of his surroundings, and seen every inch of the place. "Oh, crap, Becks I gotta go baby doll. I'll call you after we see this place. Congrats again and tell Ash I'll call her in a bit! Love you!" She hung up the phone and looked at the place now. Pam instantly had butterflies and smiled wide. "Holy moly.. This place is super cute already!" Her voice was filled with optimism and hope. Hope that the life they both desired was going to come to reality, hope that their future with one another starts with this place.. Hope that things will be okay. Fergal turned the car off and saw the realtor come out of their SUV and walk over to them. Fergal looked at Pam and smiled, "Let's go see this place sweetheart." She nodded at him after he spoke and they both got out of the car. The realtor greeted them and Fergal shook her hand, then Pam shook her hand. "Let's see this beautiful place!" Fergal spoke with a renewed enthusiasm that he hasn't had in quite some time. Pam grabbed his hand and squeezed it very tight, they were both so nervous, but extremely excited and anxious. They walked up the little path to get to the front door, a big set of dark brown double doors swung open and let's just say that both Fergal and Pam were blown right the hell away with the sights. A giant chandelier hung up above them, with a rather nice set of winding stairs were off in the corner to get to the upstairs area. They were shown the downstairs, a lavish and amazing looking kitchen with all new appliances, new fridge, new dishwasher, new oven.. Goodness this place looked fucking amazing. The floors had just been redone, as well as the counter tops. The wallpaper was a warm, inviting color. When they arrived at the living room area, they were shocked to see that it was fucking massive, with windows in the background that showed an incredible view outside. The peacefulness of the trees, nature was literally yards away. Fergal's jaw was agape for the entire tour of this house, and they had just started it. The basement was huge too. The fact that there was a basement blew both of them clear away. "So this is where the man cave is going.. Awesome. How does the owner feel about installing a secret door down here?" Fergal chuckled as he asked a silly question, everyone there laughed at it of course. They got to the dining room, more lavish chandeliers hanging, a few windows and it was rather sizable. It was such an incredible place that it almost didn't seem real to be in their budget. They had to look at the garage too, it could easily fit three to four cars comfortably inside it while having room for other things there. There were several more rooms for things like decorations, knick-knacks, just small time things but the room were fucking huge. There were two bathrooms in the downstairs area, two FULL bathrooms.. It would be an empty house even with all of their collective things in it.

    Time for upstairs. Fergal and Pam were set on picking this place before they even took a single step up. When they got up there? Four bedrooms. Three would be considered guest rooms due to the fact that they only really need one. But they do have friends, they do have parties, and April lives actually fifteen minutes away. She'd be there ALL THE TIME. They got to the master bedroom and were blown away by the size and design of it. Pam could close her eyes and just picture all their stuff in it, filled to the brim with pictures, lavish dressers and stands, hell even a ridiculous queen bed, fit for them.. The fact that she could already see this house as their home was a clear sign that this place WAS the place to pick. The other bedrooms were incredible on their own.. And the other two FULL bathrooms? So huge.. This place was it.

    Fergal and Pam were lead back downstairs by the realtor and they were asked how they felt of the place. "Well I. To put it lightly.. Absolutely love this place. I don't even think I need to see another place, what do you think Pam?" He looked over at her after he asked his question, he was curious as to how Pam felt about this, but then again he knew exactly how she felt. Pam took in a deep breath and smiled, shaking her head. "This place has me speechless. I adore it. I think my heart and mind agree on this." Pam squeezed Fergal's hand hard, giving him the sign that this was it. This place was the one that she wanted to start the rest of their lives in. The realtor was overjoyed to hear this from her, and him. Both of them were extremely happy and seemed satisfied and and the lady opened up her folder that was tucked under her arm and pulled out the paperwork necessary to make this deal official. They sat down near the temporary table that was set up for just such an occasion and read it briefly. Fergal and Pam briefly read over the lease and were not swayed by anything in it. They knew how much it was, they knew how much money they had/made. They knew everything about this. Somehow, without even really discussing it all that much, they still were on the same page when it came to this rather important topic. Fergal signed the lease, and Pam signed the lease. That was it. The decision was made. It was final. They were now residents of New Jersey. The fun part was still to come, moving from Florida to New Jersey. But both of them subconsciously weren't all that worried. Granted, they had an apartment filled with their crap, but had an entire month to get prepared. "Thank you so much Miss, this has been incredible." Fergal shook her hand one more time, and Pam did as well. "Really, he's right. This place was perfect, thank you for contacting us about it." Pam smiled at her and the lady asked if they wanted to stick around a little while longer. She pulled the keys to the house out, as well as the remote control for the garage and set it on the counter. "Well this place now belongs to you guys.. Take your time." She smiled and walked off, leaving the area entirely. Fergal looked over at Pam, who had a tear in her eye building up rapidly. She squealed, "WE'RE MOVING IN TOGETHER!!!" Pam wrapped her arms around Fergal and he did the same, "I KNOW!" Fergal responded with just as much giddy energy as she did. "I HAVE to tell April and Jon and Rebecca and Ashley and Rami and Kevin and Lex-.." Pam was going on and on and Fergal interrupted her with a kiss, he didn't want her to pass out from freaking the fuck out. Her heart fluttered as she allowed her shoulders to sink down, returning the kiss and replanting it on his lips several more times to follow him.

    The kiss broke and she blushed like mad, biting down on her bottom lip fiercely. "I love you Fergal. So much.. This is the happiest day of my life.. So far." She smiled and Fergal blushed very lightly. "I love you too. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings us after this." He was so hopeful for the future, as he began to be lost in thought, Pam called April. "Hey sweetheart. Guess what?.... We LIVE IN NEW JERSEY NOW! Well not now, but we bought the place! It's a freakin' palace, dude I'm telling you, you're going to love it! Here, I'll send you the address. Come over! Bring Jon if you want!" Pam was so happy and Fergal loved seeing her happy. This was a long time coming, all the things that life has tried to do to destroy them as a couple, and as individuals failed miserably. Now it was time for a new dawn. The time of Fergal and Pam. Together, inseparable. Nothing and no one could stand in between them. Fergal actually thought about that for a moment, as a matter of fact? He could really get used to happy.

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