No Time To Rest

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Tensions were actually running quite high on RAW the following week. Pam really still hadn't recovered from her Make-A-Wish she did last week, it just held such a huge spot in her heart that there was no real way that she would be able to forget that adorable little face. They way she said Bayley..It touched her heart to know that even through all of her own doubt and insecurity, all her wonder and frustration..She was still someone that kids looked up to, that even apparently teenagers looked up to. It added more pressure onto her, but it was because of her own thought process that is why it happened. Who she was really wasn't a secret that NXT held anymore, she was a public figure people sought after and strived to emulate. Pam was getting more frustrated this day and age with work than any other problem that might exist. Fergal not being with her due to his injury was the worst thing that could actually happen. Him not being there was just a weight on her mind that was never going to be lifted. Ever. Not until she can see that doofy little face again..Pam was busy managing the road life as well as sometimes having to talk her friends into calming down, for they were under an equal amount of stress. The Women's locker room was growing tired of the same material being pushed out every single day, every single night. Pam was not exactly one of them though, she was more on the boat of hard work pays off in the end. But it was growing harder and harder to believe such an idea when realistically? The same two people got television time every week. There was no giving others a chance, maybe the company didn't fully believe in them like they thought they would. But it was disheartening if Pam were to be asked about it, and she was at that point where she really didn't care who asked, she'd tell them exactly how she thought. She ran into Ashley while she was wandering around backstage and smiled, "Hey champ. What's the good word?" Ashley smiled a bit and lowered her phone, "Pumpkin flavored donuts is the good word. Err, words." She giggled quietly and Pam rubbed her own belly, "Mmm mm mm that sounds delicious, tell me catering has them.." Ashley nodded quickly, "Oh they sure do!" Pam gasped loudly and began walking towards catering, "I'm not on my way to devouring them all." Ashley giggled, "Hey Pam really quick, lemme ask you something.." Pam froze in her tracks, shit. She was almost certain that Ashley would as her something about Mercedes and their work in the ring. Or to deliver a message to her, that wasn't anything new, but it was just as frustrating as it ever was.

"Yea what's up?" Pam stopped and shuffled her feet, "Well I hate to bug you, but you and Fergal are such goals that I need advice. What do I get Rebecca for an anniversary gift? She's such a hard person to shop for..All she talks about is working out and tummy flattening tea." Pam smiled at how cute this was, "Aw, Charlynch LIVESSS!!" She giggled and composed herself, "Sorry, sorry. Me and the internet are now happy. Ummm..I'd go with something simple. Becks is a simple little thing, she doesn't need extravagant things. If I were you? I'd go with a cute little pair of cowboy boots. She seemed to love them last time she had the chance." Ashley gasped, "Oh my gosh how did I forget that.." Pam smiled, "It's okay..And a card, a card is always super sweet and adorable." Ashley smiled, "Thank you Pam, you're a freakin' life saver!" Pam smiled and took a bow, "That's partially what I'm here for. The other part is devouring donuts! See ya Ash!" Pam began to walk away and Ashley waved goodbye to her donut loving friend. Pam felt a little accomplished that she managed to help Ashley out, not knowing what to buy

Pam approached the catering tables and saw all the arrangement of foods, from all over the world. She figured that it would be wise to just stick with one thing over grabbing tons of different things. With how her nerves were right now? Scary foods were sure to destroy her intestines. As Pam got to the tables, she saw the donuts and smiled like a little child. But as she walked towards them she felt arms wrap around her waist and heard a whisper, "Hey pretty lady. Come here often?" Pam was frightened by the touch, for honestly other than Mercedes, no one ever laid a finger on her. And all Mercedes used to do was hug her. This was more intimate, more personal than Mercedes hug. Pam gasped quietly until she heard the voice. That thick Irish accent was impossible to hide, she slowly turned around and squealed, "BABY!!!!" Leaping up and hopping right into his arms. Fergal grabbed and held onto Pam as tight as he could, with the sudden nature of the leaping hug kind of catching him off guard. "Hello there you sweet little thing. I see you found your home again..In my arms." Fergal laid that line of cheese on her and he didn't care who heard. Pam kissed his cheek probably close to a hundred times. Fergal smiled a bit, "Alright alright alright..I missed you too baby. A lot. A lot a lot." Pam smiled and sniffled, "I missed you so much Fergal, dude you have no idea how much I missed just even smelling you." Fergal giggled and Pam slowly climbed down off of him, she really didn't want to, but she knew that she was in fact at work, and therefore she had to. "Are you here just to surprise me? Or..are you here to make an appearance?" Fergal shook his head at the second one, "I got cleared..I'm here to get back in the swing of things and start working out my comeback." Pam beamed a smile so bright it almost blinded Fergal, she squealed a little again and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, but you know, not too tight. "That is honestly the best news I could have ever heard Fergal! Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!!" Fergal smiled and shrugged, "Apparently my rehab was far more effective than it felt. Cause I'm good to go. I could go in the ring and throw down right now if I wanted to." Pam's smile was practically glued to her face at this point. She wanted nothing more than for him to be back on the road with her again and boom. Here he was, just as she asked for. It almost felt too good to be true, she literally pinched her upper thigh and Fergal chuckled a little, "What was that for baby girl?" Pam shook her head slowly, "Just to make sure I'm not dreaming."

Fergal was both touched and..kind of humored by this. He didn't think himself to be anything more than just a guy to Pam. I mean a serious relationship is dictated by those who participate in the relationship. And since they both loved each other very much, it wasn't hard to see why and how she got like this. He just thought himself of a lesser kind of person when it came to Pam, like he didn't deserve her..his small mistakes were the things that made him think so. And honestly? He couldn't be any further from the truth than that. Pam loved this stupid idiot more than anything. But sometimes he didn't think he deserved all of her love. Mercedes walked by them and got herself a rather delicious looking salad, "God if you guys are gonna be this mushy get a rooooom." Mercedes giggled as she got her things finished and walked away, Fergal shook his head as they were both giggling quietly, "That Mercedes is an interestin' one isn't she?" Pam still felt exactly the same way she felt before about Mercedes, threatened slightly, like the pink haired woman was trying to encroach onto her territory and her territory was..well, Fergal. Weird analogy I know, but it made the most sense and applied here, so that's what I got. Colby approached the catering table and smirked, "Oh, you're back. Thank god, things here have been way boring.."

"Well you're in luck, I'm actually cleared." Fergal snipped back as fast as he could, he liked Colby a lot, there were no ill feelings in his heart over the injury. Pam smiled a bit and broke her hug with Fergal, to hug Colby, "Oh I'm not enough to keep you entertained?" Colby stopped what he was doing and hugged back with one arm. "You definitely enough to keep me entertained." Colby's comment stung Fergal a little. And Pam literally dropping him to hug someone felt weird. Fergal put his hands in his hoodie pocket and stood there like the now established third wheel. "Well I'm gonna go talk to Paul. Sure he wants to see me. You guys be good." Fergal slowly backed up as Pam turned around, somewhat shocked for why he would dip out like that. Fergal's entire being felt gross. It was a harmless hug and a rather inappropriate joke, but it was all in good fun. But his mind just couldn't get over the suggestiveness of the situation. As Fergal walked, he bumped into Ashley who was in as before. She walked with him accidentally, "Fergal? Holy crap, HI!" She was ecstatic to see him backstage and hopefully healthy. "Hey Ash. What's up?" Pam felt foolish, she probably made another mistake and made Fergal feel bad, or whatever else the issue might be inside that little head of his. She took note of his body language as he talked to Ashley. His posture was poor, his walking speed was slow, it was almost like he was the personification of a person who was sad over something. And to be honest he wasn't sad, he actually hadn't been happier in a while. But Colby's comment and Pam hugging him like that just felt weird. It made his skin crawl a little and maybe it was due to him literally taking time out of preparation to go see her and she..hugs another guy? I don't know honestly, Pam was just being herself, friendly, hugging Pam. Fergal just felt like second place and it sucked to feel like you aren't good enough. It was in no way shape or form Pam's fault that he felt this way, sure it was Colby's fault for cracking such an inappropriate joke, I mean honestly I'd be pissed too. But that had nothing to do with her..She literally was so innocent here but felt ridiculously guilty over..something she had nothing to do with.. Pam had no idea what they were talking about, she was too far away and Colby had since walked off into the distance. Ashley hugged Fergal and he gave one of the sorriest excuses for a hug she has ever seen. She knew he was bothered, and now was beginning to piece together why he was bothered..Shit. It hit her like a truck. All the pieces lined up in a row and she literally felt an overwhelming sensation to get sick..Her forehead became clammy and her skin turned a rather petrifying shade of white. It was to her luck that Kevin, (Owens) and Rami were getting ready to compete, they glanced back to notice that Pam was looking faint as shit..Both men immediately ran over and grabbed both of her arms, checking on her as quickly as they could, "Pam? Hey, are you okay? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" This was the worst possible thing that could happen to Pam, she literally just felt like she was going to die.

Pam nodded and the two men helped her, by literally carrying her off towards the bathroom and they knocked to ensure that no other female was in there. Kevin being Kevin, "Hey listen if anyone is in there, two sweaty men and a sick girl are coming in, cover your eyes or whatever." He really didn't care at all if anyone was in there, his friend was clearly sick and there was no stopping him. The two generous men helped her into a stall where Pam hung her head low into it as sweat was literally dripping off of her forehead, "Kev, go get a trainer." Kevin nodded and sprinted out the door, in the distance all you could hear, "HEY! WE NEED A TRAINER HERE, NOW..!!" When it came to friends, Kevin and Rami had undying loyalty, it showed here..Rami sat with her, rubbing her back really gently, "Shh..Pam it's okay, just relax..I'm right here. If you gotta do your business, do it. You'll feel better." Pam's entire world was spinning, it felt like she was suspended in the air, upside down..and spinning violently. All she could do was let out some very confused, sickly grunts. "Shh..Docs are here Pam, it'll be all okay soon enough.."  

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