The Return Of The Century

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Today was the day, the day in which the WWE Universe would see the RAW Women's Division be forcefully flipped onto its own head. Pam was excited, she was happy today, the stress and worry from last night had all but evaporated from existence. Fergal still clutched tightly onto fear, the only emotion he knew how to feel right now. The fact that Pam hadn't told him exactly what happened with her test made him more worried than ever, he needed to know, but she was busy doing things backstage and they didn't really have any time at all this morning to talk about the biggest issue in their life right now.. Fergal was now being talked to by Rami, and Paul. Whom were concerned about him, they claimed he seemed distracted, looked sickly, a genuine concern definitely is what they were feeling about their friend and fellow co-worker. Fergal tried to reassure them by just letting them know that everything was going to be alright. He just was having a rough couple of days, Fergal tried to reassure them and quell their fear of his not so well being by just being as vague as possible. Pam was getting her typical Monday Night RAW makeup on when she saw them all talking, it was adorable honestly, she admired Fergal from afar and then saw Rami, she wondered how her old friend was doing since they really drifted apart from one another over the last several months. She decided then and there to make sure that she got closer with Rami again, she missed his company, she missed his calm, 'don't worry about anything' attitude. It was a good thing to have in your life, but right now she was far too curious about RAW, and who Stephanie was talking about last night. What were they going to do? Sadly, RAW specifically had a bad reputation with things NOT panning out all that well, and the payoff not being worth the struggle to get there. Fergal walked over to Pam and rubbed her shoulder, "Hey babe. How goes it?" Pam loved cute little shit like this, especially publicly displaying their love for one another. She shivered a little under his cool, gentle touch before responding, "I'm doing okay. These fine ladies are just putting my face on." Fergal giggled, that expression would never NOT make him laugh, whenever girls said that it just sounded so funny, when they made it seem like makeup was essential to beauty, when in reality, it was most certainly not. "You mean your mask, your face is beautiful with nothing on it." Pam visibly began to blush, the makeup ladies saw this and all went "Awww!" At the same time, "N-no it is notttt!" Pam tried to play it off with a dose of being silly but hey, Fergal was no fool.

"Oh come now baby. I know that little face, you're tryin' not to blush cause you know I'm right!" Fergal proudly stated, crossing his arms. It was such a funny thing, to the rest of the world Fergal could be an anxious, scared, sickly looking wreck. But with Pam? He was happy, silly, looked good, acted normal.. Perhaps it was he only truly felt comfortable around her and PERHAPS a select few people. "Oh stop, you're really reaching now baby boy." Pam's makeup finished and she turned in her chair, smiling a bit almost.. Almost trying to show off to him. "Sooooo? What do you think??" Fergal smiled, "You look beautiful, as always princess." Pam stood and flung herself into his arms, her knee was still an issue, but it was getting better after she decided to get it looked at. A slight MCL sprain is what she was told. Rest for a few weeks and she'd be set. Luckily for her, Wrestlemania was still on the table. "Let's go get some privacy, we still have to talk.." Fergal lightly whispered into her ear, "Okay babe. Let's go right now, yea?" Pam whispered back and began walking with him towards their locker room. Fear lightly set in..

Fear was setting in for Pam primarily due to the fact that she really didn't know how Fergal would take the news. It was something that bugged her for the entire day, but she wanted to wait until the right time to tell him, she wanted to make sure that if he was not.. Okay with everything that she would be there for him, she would be there for a potential freak out or a potential.. Acceptance of what is going to happen. They got back to the locker room and shut the door behind them, Pam walked a bit ahead of Fergal now and began to pace, Fergal grew slightly nervous. To be honest, how he can still be nervous even after Pam told him she missed his period is amazing, you'd think that THAT was the harshest news he could have ever heard, but nope. Here he is now, awaiting the most important piece of information in his entire life (up to this point) and he had no idea which way it would go. He needed to purge this fear from his heart, whether it be by fiery anger, or by passionate love. Something had to give, he was going to be sick. "What is it P-Pam." He spurted out before he felt his stomach turn on him. His mouth grew watery, eyes began to become over imbued with tears. Too soon. She hadn't even dropped the news on him yet and here he was on the verge of both fainting and barfing all over the floor like he just drank for six days straight. "Well.." Pam stopped pacing, "You know I love you, and you know I would always stay with you. No matter what, no matter the scare, no matter the problem that comes up. I love YOU Fergal Devitt. Okay? Do you promise to not be upset with what I'm about to tell you?" Fergal nodded quickly, "Yes. I love you too. And I promise not to be upset, but if you don't spit it out soon, I'm literally going to paint the walls with my lunch.." He began to break out in a cold sweat, this was awful feeling, lightheadedness took over his entire being as Pam sprinted to him and grabbed his arm, "Sit sit sit sit sit.." She sat him down gently on the bench and rubbed his back gently. This was more proof that Fergal loved her more than life itself, "Throughout my life Pamela, I have never been this fearful for something in my.. Ever. I just said life didn't I?" Pam nodded, "Okay well. I do love you. And I do not care what happens.. Baby or not, here I am.." That was one of the worst jokes Fergal has ever made but, hey here we are. Pam smiled at him and continued to rub his back, "Okay baby, I just. Wanted to make sure that you knew how I feel about you, even though you do.. I needed to remind you more right now.. You know that, right?" Fergal nodded, this was it. She was about to drop the most important news to him. He was ready.

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