This Just In

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The hospital was such a humbling place to really be stuck in for any length of time. If anyone has ever experienced the unfortunate time of being in one, you know what I'm talking about. For Fergal however, he luckily was brave enough to make calls and gather some of his and Pam's best friends to come and be with him. Support was always such an important role to the human psyche. If you lack that support, your entire foundation as a human being will be shaken up, your confidence can wane or disappear altogether. Fergal, Leah, April and Rami all sat in the chairs, it was now around two in the morning but they were not going to leave that damn hospital without getting an update on Pam's condition. Inside of the room (where Pam is), she had nightmares. Terrible, awful nightmares that caused her heart rate monitor to spike up with beats per second. The reason why she was on the monitor? Well, having such a traumatic experience, and also not even to mention the damage that the men inflicted, some people might shut down entirely, Pam's case was not being taken lightly. The police decided to show up now, at two in the morning are you kidding me? But nobody awoke from their necessary slumber. No one.. But April. This little night owl slept like.. Like if you were walking on a really really thin sheet of glass. And sudden movement, noise, anything. She wakes up. And in this case the sliding automatic doors were enough to wake her. She kept her eyes closed as she was somewhat snuggled up to Fergal. She had to, she was always cold and he was always warm. Logic my friends. The police were asking their typical run of the mill questions to the receptionist, and she called the doctor. April was the only one awake, and for her own sanity she assumed that Pam was also sleeping in her room. If she was awake then she would feel absolutely horrible and also a little pissed off. Sure, visiting hours have been over but they were not allowed to go in and visit her at all. At no point in time, whatsoever.. If Pam woke up alone? She'd FREAK out and probably have an anxiety attack, who could blame her? She just literally had the worst night in her entire life and she was gonna be alone right after it? Hell no. If April found out she was awake, she planned on going in there and being with her damn friend. The doctor came out and greeted the policemen, the next few things that were said would shake April to her very foundations. The doctor went into detail about how Pam has a fractured wrist, a concussion, dislocated hip, bruised collarbone, and.. Worst of all.. this was an attempted murder... The scary thing is to them? The didn't know if one or two people tried to do this to her, but just the fact that Pam was so beaten up it would be hard to safely say that one person had done all of this. The police then asked if Pam was awake, this was April's moment of truth, she feared no man, woman, or child. Law enforcement included. If her boo boo was awake? She was going in! Luckily for her wonder woman plan, Pam was still sleeping like a rock.

April felt Fergal move and it made her uncomfortable, he just ruined her little spot she has made for herself and now moved towards Rami. Rami was another warm bundle of sticks and it made life real easy for her, April slid her phone out of her pocket and saw Jon texted her three times. 'Where are you at?' 'Are you okay?' 'I bought pizza, it's in the fridge.' April almost let out her notorious snorting laugh at the last one, but she kept silent. Texting him back, 'I'm in the hospital. Pam got extremely banged up and Fergal called me here. Please save me pizza, or you're single. Love you babe.' April stuffed her phone back in her pocket and leaned her head against Rami's shoulder, falling back into an extremely light, highly disturbed deep sleep.

The next morning came and felt like it came in ten minutes, April was exhausted. But now the crew was awake, and Fergal had gotten them all coffee. He was such a clever boy, getting their coffee's exactly how they liked it, AND having it hot and ready right in front of them for when they awoke. April being April was the first to wake up, Fergal had bloodshot eyes, and black bags were very visible under his eyeballs. "Hey.. Did you sleep at all?" it was a trick question, April knew he slept, but for how long she did not know. "Yea. I did, I think it was from two to three. But I've been up all night." Fergal responded in a sleepy, raspy voice. Well that confirmed her suspicion, she woke up when he fell asleep, like freaking guard dogs. "Well the cops came finally last night. Only took them three fucking hours to be late and get here." April could finally vent about how the late arrive police aggravated her, but before she could, the nurse came out. "Hello, you must all be here for Pam, yes?" Fergal nodded, April nodded, and Rami and Leah began to stir. "Well I have good news. She is awake and functioning, but her concussion has her very loopy, and her memory is somewhat lagging behind the waking up process. You all can go visit her if you'd like. But please, be gentle with her, she's extremely fragile right now." Fergal got up to his feet and extended his hand for the nurse, who shook it in a very shy manor, Fergal bowed his head, "Thank you, miss." He turned around and kicked Rami and Leah's shoe, "Wake up. Pam is up." Those words made Leah spring to her feet, Rami rose and grabbed his coffee, of course Leah did too. You kidding? The woman is OBSESSED WITH COFFEE. She wasn't gonna leave it behind. April was overjoyed they could go see Pam now, and all four of them walked with the nurse towards Pam's room. Fergal began to become anxious, his nervousness was setting in now and he wasn't too sure if he was ready to see his little princess all gimped out in a fucking hospital bed. His hands shook violently, the cold embrace of fear gripped his heart and caused him to begin visibly sweating. Leah looked over at him, "Ferg? You doin' okay? You're sweating.. And your hands.. Hey.. It's okay.. I promise.. Pam is okay.." Leah got extremely worried about her practically brother in law, Fergal was a nervous guy sometimes, and sometimes being right this very second. She grabbed his finger, "Dude, breathe. Use those lungs that I know you have." Tugging on his finger like a child, Fergal finally acknowledged what she was saying, "Sorry.."

"Don't be sorry, just don't try to make yourself hyperventilate, ya big goof." Leah was always so calm and chill with life. She just kind of busted her ass to succeed, and be the best version of herself she could possibly be. Some, if not most fans hated the Carmella persona, which was understandable.. She was loud, obnoxious, arrogant, annoying. But that couldn't be further from the truth, honestly Leah was such a kind hearted, gentle soul who wouldn't hurt a fly. The finally arrived at Pam's door, all three of them turned to Fergal, waiting for him to go in first. The normally calm Irishman took in a deep, nervous breath and opened the door. They let him have a few minutes alone with her, it was the only right thing to do.. Fergal walked inside and closed the door. She was laying in bed, bandaged to all hell with her wrist in a little cast. They had to, the fracture called for one. Fergal laid his eyes on her for the first time since last night and instantly felt tears build inside of his eyes. HIs heart pounded as he was unable to breathe properly. Pam cracked a light half smile, "Baby boy.." She gazed upon her man and felt a certain sense of peace for the first time in a long while. It really is amazing how important your loved ones are when you're down and out, it can be the difference between comfort, and panic.

"Hi baby.. Um.. God.. How are you feeling?" Fergal walked over to her bedside slowly, remembering what the kind nurse had suggested he do. Fergal opened his arms and Pam slowly raised hers up into the air, wanting.. No, needing him to hug her. Fergal stopped talking and leaned down, wrapping his arms around his damaged love, he was heartbroken to see such a pure soul destroyed so badly. He was hoping that she remained calm, knowing that everything would alright eventually. Pam felt like her pureness that she prided herself on was disintegrating right before her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there.." Fergal whispered as he held her tight, Pam couldn't hold on all that tight, but she definitely tried to. "You couldn't have done anything Fergal.. Please stop thinking like that.." Pam was really calm and doing quite well for herself, at least on the surface. Inside she felt disgusting, she knew what those men had done to her and she was only not sure if the sounds of her shrieks and cries were all that potentially saved her from eternal peril. Outside of the room, Leah was on Twitter when she made a discovery that would piss her off to no end. "No. Fucking. Way." She spoke quietly as the other two looked over at her, "What happened?" Rami finally was awake enough to be social, "The news ALREADY knows about this. It's all over the internet now." April shook her head, "Start from the beginning.. What the hell? You mean Pam? How?? We barely know all the details and we were here all night!" April was furious, Pam's private tragedy was now national news. 'WWE Women's Champion Bayley assaulted in the parking lot last night!' The fact that Pam was basically the talk of the wrestling world was sickening to all of them. "Pam cannot know this is going on, I can't stand to see her realize she's news now.." Rami spoke again, and he was right, there was no way that she could know this right now, it would destroy her to not being able to recover. Leah shook her head, "I can't even acknowledge this shit right now dude. Honestly." She was so pissed it was not even funny right now.. "Pam will find out.." Rami said quietly, "Well she won't find out today. No way, no how." April cut in and she was right. In no possible way will Pam know that her story is now a headline. She needed to physically recover, and mentally heal. Fergal opened the door and poked his sleepy head out, "You guys can come on in. She would love to have this surprise." Implying that Pam didn't know who was out there, and she didn't. Seeing her friends was going to be such a warm, welcoming gift from Fergal.

April slid in first and darted to the bedside, hugging Pam tight, "Oh my, April hi baby.." She rubbed her back and saw Rami come in, followed by an emotional Leah. Upon seeing Pam in this state, the relaxed Leah was two seconds away from crying. "Leah come on over, Rami? I wanna hug you get your freaking face over here." She opened her other arm up for the two of them and they both shoved themselves into this group hug. Fergal hugged Pam too, this was exactly what she needed to heal her broken heart. "You g-guys are freaking amazing.. I love you. All. So much." Pam's voice was so broken right now, the loving warm embrace of her friends and love was really what she needed in her life. "We're always here.." Rami softly spoke as the hug had to be broken, Pam leaned back in her bed and Fergal sat down right next to her bedside. "And guess what? We are not leaving until you get up and can walk out of this room on your own." April grabbed Pam's hand, Leah was silently crying in the background like a scared child. Rami wrapped his arm around Leah, trying to comfort her as a loud sniffle was heard, "I hear you, Leah.. Don't cry baby girl.." Leah shook her head, "I'm not leaving either.." All of this is exactly what Pam needed, again.. Support is one of the most important things in human life..

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