Plane Rides And Red Lights

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Pam had been imprisoned inside of her own mind for a week now. This really was the worst case scenario. Fergal just hadn't been the same since that night. Since she had to be an idiot and just not call him. Just to let him know that she was watching, which she was, and that she was proud of him. He reeked of innocence in this entire thing, the first person to call her, and see her after she won the NXT Women's title was..him. He was the first one there. She couldn't possibly understand how he feels right now. She packed her bags and got on a quick plane, she couldn't sit back anymore and let a phone show how sorry she really is. Fergal was arriving at the next town, he traveled alone, although Mercedes offered for him to ride with her and Colby, he promptly denied the offer. He would rather sit in his own shadow as opposed to spew it on all around him. He still felt like someone took a giant chunk out of his heart. A time where it was literally so important was passed up on for something..that must have been more important than his very own debut. Perhaps he was dreaming..He might be having just a really, really vivid dream. A really vivid scary nightmare that would be considered a disease of the mind and heart. Everyday he felt as if it would be the last with her, he didn't know if she cared right now, after all of this she still just called and/or texted him. He needed to see her as soon as possible, but he wouldn't tell her to come, this was her time to prove how she really felt about. He felt like her puppet right now, that she could totally just manipulate him in every fashion and he didn't have the courage to tell her how upset he really is. He couldn't interfere with the grand scheme of things that were obviously happening all around him..Fergal had to put his teeth to the grindstone and forget about all of that, he couldn't be distracted by anything while in the ring, that is a scary combination for a professional wrestler. And god forbid he injures someone, he prides himself on being one of the few to hardly EVER injure another. Pam sat on the plane, looking out the window and considering on how the hell he hadn't kicked her away like a soccer ball by now.

She felt her heart succumbing to darkness, it was a cloudy, cloak like feeling that weighed it down. She felt her fear grow strong with each passing second. Looking out the window she saw nothing, there was just peaceful Earth, the land was so calm looking, no stress, no worry and just..quiet. As soon as she began to enjoy the view, the plane flew over clouds, thus blocking her view for the foreseeable future. Thank god Fergal didn't have to actually wrestle tonight. It would be hard as hell for him to keep his mind on the task at hand, Pam is basically his life partner..He felt rage grip him as his fist was balled up rather tight. No one better try and mess with him right now. The black hole of despair grew ever prominent inside of his chest. His mind was being torn into little pieces as he thought of how much this was weighing on him. Not being able to just talk to her face to face was the most painful thing that could ever be going on. Of course this was the time where he would hit every single goddamn red light on the way to the arena. It just had to happen that way. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and looked over at the passenger seat just for a moment. But in that moment he felt a different kind of pain..It was actually sadness, such an odd emotion in the face of rage. Not having her by his side was hard enough, but literally on week one of this ever changing business, he had to deal with a mega fight. All he had worked for with her, all the things he told her felt like they almost were for nothing at this point. If she knew all of these things about him and this still was going down like this? This was worse than hell.

Pam's plane began to make its descent, luckily it wasn't like he was in California and she was in New York. It was a mere half hour plane ride, but a long ass car ride. She needed to get to where he was as soon as possible. She watched as the ground approached her rapidly. Remembering how much she hated planes to be honest, not for them crashing, just for them being a giant metal tube that CAN crash, malfunction, at a whim. It doesn't take much for something like that to get all janked up and just stop working. Which in this situation is the worst possible thing to happen. As they entered the zone where phones were okay again. She picked hers up and noticed that Lexi had texted her, 'Hey girl. I know you're busy or stressed or both. But good luck with Fergal tonight. I hear he's been in rare form since last Monday. I don't know what happened, but Mercedes said he's all over the place.' Seeing that text solidified that Fergal was just trying to protect her from how he really felt. Fergal on the surface was a kind hearted, gentle dork. But deep down; no pun intended, he had super demons that he battled. All of which were hard as hell to control. Inner demons such as fear and anger were things that took much patience and skill to master. Normally he was good at stopping them, for Fergal had never really lashed out on someone in pure anger. He just hides himself in a little turtle shell and doesn't let even the light in. It was a scary, unhealthy thing to do. That's how he drank himself stupid the night that he thought Pam was actually on a date with Rami. He hides himself so much that the only thing he knows is the dark. Pam on the other hand was more vocal with her emotions, she openly cried if the situation, well, made her cry. And with Fergal? Her heart gushes over him all the time, almost as if you jab a juice box and squeeze it..Kind of a gross analogy when referring to a heart, but hey. You get it, right?

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