The Most Powerful Emotion

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We need to address an elephant in the room right here and right now. We need to discuss the nature of fear. Because, there are two primary things that fear consists of. The fear of the known, and unknown. Fear is one of the most powerful emotions, if not THE most powerful feeling a person, or animal can feel inside of them. It can drive people into madness, and drive others into doing insane feats of strength such as picking up cars etc.. What is worse? That is the argument that has been going on for quite some time. The fear of the known is something you expect to happen, you know it's coming, hence why you're fearful of it. You KNOW the result and that terrifies you. But what about the counter? The fear of the unknown? That basically happens when you have no idea what's behind your bedroom door.. Or what might be under the bed late late at night. That feeling you get when you walk out to get water at two in the morning and you don't look back when you're going back up the stairs. The fear of the unknown can also occur when you suspect something is gonna happen, yet you are not clear on if it is going to or now. Also, when you don't know the gravity of a situation, case in point if you're doing a sport, or you just get injured by cutting yourself making a salad.. You don't know how badly you're injured, and that typically frightens you. Fear is a powerful emotion, it can turn the strongest of warriors into the weakest of souls. Fear can make you quiver, it can enrage you, for some people respond to fear with a burning anger for your only answer. The fear of the unknown in all honesty might be the worst fear.. People fear the dark for when you stare into it.. You really don't know what might be staring right back into your face. This unknown fear is exactly what Fergal and Pam were currently feeling as they barreled into the hospital in search of their apparently extremely hurt friends. This was not possible, they can't be hurt, no way no how.. Fergal clung onto Pam as if he was a scared child clinging onto his mother. "Baby you gotta lighten up on my little hand here, I don't think I can take much more. They're gonna have to amputate it.." Fergal lightened his tight grip on Pam's hand after she spoke, "Sorry Pam.." She pulled him closer as the automatic doors opened up, "Don't be.." Fergal led her right to the front desk and Fergal was frantic, trying to control himself, "Where are they? Where are the wrestlers you guys have here.." The front desk woman recognized Fergal and cleared her throat, "They're in the emergency room, all three of them.. I don't know their status Mister Devitt I'm really sorry.. Let me call." Fergal nodded and felt his heart tighten. All air was sucked out of his lungs as he struggled to refill them with the life energy known as oxygen. Pam saw this and noticed his chest was not moving anymore, "Ferg, breathe.. We don't need to leave you here too.."

The shitty part was that Pam had to be stronger here, she had to make sure that her freakout was contained and that Fergal did not see her be like that. For if he did? His rock was now cracking, and he would more than likely lose his mind. "Okay, I'll tell him. Thank you." The receptionist turned her head back to a struggling Fergal and looked up at him, "I just got off the phone with the doctor, apparently they're moving them.. You guys can go visit them if you'd like." Fergal nodded and began walking, "Where?!" The receptionist pointed, "Down the hall, take two lefts and a right and you're there.. Good luck Mister Devitt!" Fergal and Pam walked as fast as they could, following the directions given to them by the receptionist. Fergal's mind was racing so fast he almost couldn't even have a clear thought, the only thing he thought about was them..

He couldn't shake the thought out of his mind about them having.. Complications.. This scared him to death and the thought of their deaths, collectively, being a reality? He had no idea how to erase this from his head. Pam was keeping up with Fergal's frantic walking and her mind was in an equally as dark place as his was. She wanted to speak, she wanted to break the silence somehow someway, but no words would have been able to make this moment lighter, no reassurance, no nothing.. He needed the silence, he needed to just get there and so did she. Pam was freaking out over Shinsuke, poor guy didn't even get to the main roster yet and tragedy already struck him light a lightning bolt. And Rebecca? Poor girl just won the Women's Title at Wrestlemania ONE DAY BEFORE! And here she is now? She did not deserve this whatsoever.. And Lexi? One of the most innocent people in her eyes when she does nothing wrong to anybody and tries her best to make sure that everyone around her shines with a bright, happy, vivid light. This was a nightmare, the sight of the hospital walls sent Pam into a silent panic, she got really really jumpy in hospitals. It was primarily due to the Make-A-Wish things she has done before, not because she didn't want to do them because if anyone loved making children of all shapes and sizes smile, it was because of the thought.. That THOUGHT that everyone feared and no one ever wanted to talk about. The thought that if recognized, will make anyone fear doing anything in their lives. Death. Pam noticed Fergal slow down after they took the right turn, they had to be getting close. She pulled herself close to him as they arrived at a closed door, Fergal poked his head inside and what he saw somewhat horrified the shit out of him. He saw Lexi, laying in bed with a breathing tube shoved down her throat, the ventilator pumping air into her lungs. Fergal did not see Rebecca nor did he see Shinsuke.. Which sent him into an additional panic. "Shit, fuck, Shit.." He mumbled under his breath, Fergal never swore, as a matter of fact he tried to avoid it ESPECIALLY in front of Pam. He's old fashioned like that, "What baby what? What do you see??" Pam whispered, trying to not alarm him. "Look.." Fergal moved out of the way and put his hand over top of his mouth, trying to not sob like an infant who just fell down at the playground. Pam saw the same, horrifying sight.

There lay the tiny, big hearted blonde woman.. She could not breathe on her own at this time, Pam was horrified.. She couldn't even comprehend this happening to someone who deserves nothing but happy things to occur in her life. "Does Matt know?" Pam mumbled under her breath as she took note of the GIANT FUCKING BANDAGE that was wrapped around Lexi's skull. "Oh god.." Pam looked down and began to cry, she covered her mouth and stumbled over to the wall where she slammed her back against it and slid down, crying violently. This was her breaking point, it all had not been reality up until she saw Lexi in this state, she could be fucking brain dead right now. She had no idea what was going on and it terrified her, her body began to shake at an alarming rate. Fergal had to try, he went to her and fell down next to her, placing his hands on her knees before sliding to sit next to her. "I'll call Matt if someone else has not already.." Fergal pulled Pam close, this was the worst goddamn thing that could have ever happened and.. NOW? Of all times it happens now? This all felt like some sort of cruel joke that life was throwing at all of them. Pam was just getting over her troubles being secure with her body, and her mind. Especially with Fergal, and now we have a new problem.. Was this her fault? Was this because Pam was threatened by how close Fergal and Lexi always were?

Was this all because of Pam.. She always thought that Lexi was more beautiful and that Fergal thought it too.. This had to be her fault, this had to be because of her thoughts on jealousy. Pam's mind was beating this idea around and her forehead began to physically warm up. Fergal grabbed his phone out of his pocket and immediately dialed for Matt. After a second or two, "Hey buddy, it's.. Obviously me. Look I have some horrible news.." Fergal looked down slowly, "There was an accident.." He cleared his throat and a long, few second pause was all that existed. "Lexi is in the hospital, we're here right now and buddy.. You need to be here. We're in Orlando at the-" Fergal was interrupted by Matt, "Yea that one. Look, just hurry up. We need you, she.. Needs you.. Okay. See you soon, mate." The phone was hung up and Pam looked up at him, "How is he?" Her voice cracked a little, Pam had a typically deep voice and now it was as if she was a pubescent boy. "He's freaking out, like we are. And probably everybody else is..-" Fergal looked and saw the doctor approaching, "Doc, where is Shinsuke and Rebecca. Where are they.. They aren't.." The implication was dire and dark, the doctor looked at Fergal and shook his head, "No. They're still here. Luckily their injuries were not as sever as Miss Kaufman's are.." Fergal exhaled deeply, "Well what happened? Where are they now?" Fergal had to be the one to instigate the gathering of information for this. "Well Miss Quin just got out of surgery. She broke her leg and a few ribs, and there was a rather sizable glass chunk that was jammed into her non broken leg. Her muscles were shredded by the chunk and we had to try to repair them as best as we could. Which we did, the emergency surgery was very successful, she's just sleeping.." Fergal nodded and exhaled, of course Rebecca is okay, she's a goddamn badass. Err. Badlass. "Shinsuke?" Fergal blurted out, he needed to know and know NOW. The doctor exhaled, "Mister Nakamura had a fractured hand and a severe concussion but other than that? He's okay. He didn't need to have any surgery. He was in the back seat, the lucky one out of the three. I suppose."

"But what happened to Lexi. Is she gonna pull through? She's gonna, right??" Fergal spoke and this caused Pam to look up, her insecurity could NOT ramp up now, but she couldn't help it. Fergal showed such extreme concern for Lexi that it kind of frightened her and made her think that he cared more for her than he did for herself. The doctor inhaled deeply, "This is where I have to be.. That doctor, Mister Devitt.." Fergal felt his heart attempt to pound out of his chest, his worry and desperation to know that Rebecca and Shinsuke were okay was now in a positive light but, now? This didn't look good.. "She had massive head trauma from the accident and she.. Has a punctured lung, and internal bleeding, mainly in her body not her brain. Which is lucky for all of us. If she did? We would not have been able to do anything to help her. Currently, Mister Devitt we do not know if Miss Kaufman can pull through, we're doing all we can, we have her on twenty four hour surveillance and.." Fergal cut him off, trying to not cry in front of this unknown man. "And what??" The doctor could see Fergal's pain, he glanced down at Pam who still sat on the floor, "We have done all we can for now.. The rest? Is up to her.. And it is up to god." In simple terms, Lexi was beyond the point of outside forces helping her, she was either going to make it, or she was not going to make it. Fergal looked down, "I am terribly sorry, sir.." The doctor had to go now, for the intercom called for him. Fergal stood there, shaken, broken, completely helpless. Pam continued to cry now on the floor, trying to calm herself when she heard Matt, storming up the halls. Fergal raised his head, glanced at Pam, "Shit.. Matt! Don't go in there, please.."

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