The Plane Ride Home

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It was time to go back home. Time for them to finally see their place all done up and prepared with all of their belongings there. Fergal was very excited, but Pam? She was bouncing off the walls with excitement. The fact that they had to fly from Las Vegas to New Jersey was going to be a ball busting ride, and also there was one of those annoying ass little kids continuously hitting the back of Fergal's seat with his annoying little fucking knees. Pam would see him jerk forward, and she would softly giggle. "This is why I don't want kids anymore." Fergal whispered as he was pouting up a storm, this is the literal worst thing that can happen on a plane ride that was going to be longer than an hour. He looked over at Pam who was looking absolutely fucking gorgeous. She still had on her deep blue dress and she crossed her legs as she looked over at him. Fergal was trying to not get caught with his jaw on the floor from staring at her, but he's sure she caught him. "Well, when we do have babies, we'll properly raise them. And not let them be little hellions on the plane, or a bus, or anywhere. I refuse to let my kids not know what is right and what is wrong." She reached over and grabbed his hand, turning her head around  and making immediate eye contact with the child's mother, "Hey.. Can you have your son stop rapidly kicking the back of my fiancé's chair? Thank you so much.." Pam was such a sweetheart, she could probably tell someone she was going to kick them in the mouth and they would nod and smile because Pam is just that nice of a human being. The boy stopped after the mother swatted his hand and whispered to him to stop what he was doing. Pam looked over at Fergal, "How is it that you look so amazing right now.. Is it just now that I'm noticing this? That dress looks unbelievably good on you.. Did I pick that one out?" Fergal asked as he was still all heart eyes over Pam. Pam blushed at his words, these little moments are the ones that she missed when he was gone, when Fergal wasn't there.. That void in her heart that he left would only be able to have something in it once he returned to her, and here he is. Back to being a sweetheart, back to drooling over her, back to loving her. Pam shrugged, "U-um.. I don't know baby.. I've been like this all afternoon.. And yeah! Remember? You picked this one out, and the black one. You said it hugged my body enough to show off how gorgeous I am, without sacrificing class." Fergal nodded at her words, "And here I stand corrected yet again. You look like the classiest, sexiest woman on planet Earth." Fergal winked playfully and leaned his head back quickly, closing his eyes and exhaling deeply. Pam smiled at how cute and sleepy he looked, it was funny honestly but yet.. The most precious thing in the world was a relaxed Fergal. He was such a busy man, he has been Universal Champion going on six months now and the wear and tear that being World Champion typically pulled on most Superstars..  Didn't show on Fergal whatsoever. It's almost as if once the pressure gets turned up, he shined more.

    Fergal was a unique specimen.. He didn't fold under pressure regardless of where it came from, he typically thrived on it. When Pam and Fergal were basically broken up, Fergal was obviously bending from that pressure.. And when he found out she slept with another man? He almost broke. But Fergal gathered himself and bam.. Look where they are now. Right back to where things should be. Pam's actions were not forgotten, but they were forgiven. And Fergal was not the kind of man who would use the past as an instrument of offense for the future. Pam fucked up, okay and? That's done and over with. Within minutes, Fergal and Pam fell asleep.

    Fergal slept like a baby, nothing but happy dreams about his life, Pam being there and everything was literal sunshine and rainbows. As a matter of fact, there were indeed rainbows in his dream. Which was absolutely hilarious come to think of it. Pam on the other hand was plagued with a nightmare. She envisioned what her life would be like if Fergal had decided to not forgive her for her deed. She had visions, brief flashes of her hands covered in her own blood. As she looked around for someone to help her, nobody was there. Each person she went up to and begged for that much needed help.. She was mystified to find out that as she went out to touch them they would always vanish before her hand came into contact with them. Pam screamed, and screamed. And begged. "I'M HURT! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" She felt herself become dizzy as fuck, her eyes began to flutter closed as she looked down to her wrists and saw gashes. Giant gashes. Right as Pam felt life escaping her body with each breath that left her lungs, she looked up. She looked up and saw Fergal. "F-Fergal?" Her broken, weak voice mumbled as Fergal turned and revealed that he had Alexis on his side. She was far too close to him and that was way more than just a friend thing. Alexis grabbed his face and planted a giant kiss right on his lips. Fergal returned the kiss, closing his eyes and embracing the tiny woman as Pam fell to her knees. Blood was steadily exiting her as she heard nothing, there was no sound.. And all of a sudden there was a quiet sound, the sound of dripping. Like if you were to leave the sink on just barely. That sound was her own blood falling off of her and splashing into a crimson puddle on the ground below her. As she looked up one final time she saw Fergal walking away with her. And that's when Pam collapsed to the ground.. And woke up. She was a sweating mess, and panicking immediately. The plane was getting close to landing and she could NOT be more thankful for that.. The fact that she was still fearful of Alexis and Fergal someday becoming an item even though she has reclaimed her place at Fergal's side was incredible. That fear.. It was so real.  Pam felt the cuts in her arms, she could feel the cold embrace of death consuming her body. She could feel breath becoming harder and harder to get into her system. Pam looked at her wrists and even pulled her dress up a few inches to look at her thighs.. There were no cuts, no bleeding. She was okay. It was just a dream. Fergal slowly stirred and immediately smiled, looking at Pam with his eyes partially closed. "Hey.. Did you fall asleep?" Pam didn't say anything. She was visibly shaken and shaking.. Once Fergal's eyes opened more, he saw that his fiancé had dilated eyes, sweat on her forehead, and she was clearly having an anxiety attack. Fergal reached over and grabbed her hand, he could feel her physically shaking, "Whoa, Pam.. Baby girl what on Earth happened? Did you.. Have a bad."

    Before Fergal could even get it out, Pam nodded quickly. She wasn't breathing steadily and actually felt light headed. Fergal reached over and put his other hand on the middle of her chest. Feeling her heartbeat, it was POUNDING at an incredible rate and Fergal immediately moved over in the chair, folding up the armrest and pulling her close to him, "Shh.. Baby. Nothing bad is going to happen. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Fergal softly whispered as he kissed the side of Pam's head. She quietly whispered what had happened in her dream.. Every.. Graphic.. Detail. Fergal knew she was insecure and pained due to the past and past fears that just didn't want to exit her body. But nothing like THIS. Fergal; after her entire explanation whispered into her ear. "Well.. It's a good thing that I love you more than life itself."

    "It's a good thing that there is nothing that can permanently take me away from you. There is nobody on this planet that can take me away. I swear to god. Literally that's why I'm marrying you. I want YOU. Not Alexis, not Cathy, not Mercedes, NOBODY." Fergal's voice never left a whisper, but he did emphasize names due to the fact that these were the biggest culprits that Pam had for her insecurity. "And this thing about you self harming.. Pam I really don't like how these thoughts keep coming back to you.. I'm worried that one day when I'm not there to comfort you like this, that you will act upon them. You have to promise me you won't ever do that. Ever. I mean it.." He moved her face up to look at him, dead in the eyes and he has never been more serious in his whole relationship with her. Pam whispered, "I won't.." She felt so bad about dumping her problems on him, but then again? That's part of the responsibility of being in a relationship. The plane landed and everyone got off of it. Fergal looked at his watch and was STUNNED by the time. "HOLY SHIT. Pam.. We're here three hours late.. What the hell happened when we slept!?" Fergal was almost shouting now, someone grabbed his attention and informed them that they had to avoid a storm, so a detour was taken to not get caught in the middle of that shit show. Fergal thanked them and they went to baggage claim. They gathered their things and were on their way. The rental car was a nice 2018 Cadillac CTS Luxury. "Damn.. We should get this car someday babe." Pam was a sucker for luxury cars and this was the granddaddy of all luxury cars. Fergal nodded, "Aye. I wouldn't be opposed to that." They got in and began driving home. Such a weird thought.. HOME. In New Jersey. It was such a weird thought that they lived together, but indeed it was reality. As they got closer, Pam was finally getting over the anxiety that her night terror brought upon her. "I'm so excited to see how everything got laid out. April better have done a good freakin' job.. I'll kick her cute little ass." Fergal laughed at Pam's threat and looked over at his drop dead gorgeous wife to be. "I'm sure she did an amazing job baby girl." As they got closer and closer the excitement factor was increasing in severity. They both were so ready to start the rest of their lives together.. Together. That was such a magical word in this context. Fergal parked their car in the driveway and got out, grabbing his bag and Pam grabbed hers. "Are you ready baby?" Fergal whispered as he patted her bubble but gently. Pam squealed. "YES!" They made their way to the front door.. That previous feeling of excitement has turned to an overwhelming need to get the fuck in their house and see how perfect everything was. They told April their ideas, but it was up to her to do it.

    As the key was inserted into the door, Fergal unlocked the big deadbolt that kept people out. He removed the key and grabbed the handle. "Here we go.." The door was slowly opened and Fergal stepped aside, "After you, baby girl.." Pam took a cute little bow and walked inside. It was dark as fuck and neither of them could see anything. Pam reached over and grabbed the switch, flipping it on. And when she did? "SURPRISE!!!!!!" There were several voices shouting this word all at once and Pam squealed in fear. "Hey Pammie baby doll. I thought it would be a good idea to have a house warming party for you two, kinda like a welcome home thing, y'know?" April emerged from behind Pam and hugged her. Fate delayed their plane, for Rebecca, Alexis, Rami, Ashley, Jon, Kevin, Joe, Leah, Colby.. All of their closest friends were there, ready to start this party.. So long as they were ready for it. "Oh my god.. This.. This is beautiful.. E-everything.." Pam tried to speak, Fergal took over, hugging both ladies, "Thank you for this, AJ. Thank you all for this.. And what Pam is trying to say?.. Is.. Let's get this party started!" Everyone cheered and raised a glass of wine unanimously as Pam let some happy tears fall down her cheeks.

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