Absolute Corruption

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The room grew silent. A silence that you couldn't even put into words, after Colby stood up for Fergal, Pam made a face like she didn't want to fight anymore, but she also still felt as if she was in the right here, and Fergal was the cause of what happened here today. She shook her head, looked dead into Fergal's eyes and spoke quietly, "I am so disappointed in you." She turned before he even had a chance to respond and walked off with Sarath, possibly going towards the hospital room. Colby nudged Fergal's arm, "C'mon man.. Let's go get a beer or something." Fergal stood there in stunned disbelief, everything felt as if it were running by him in slow motion, his body went from a feeling of cold, emptiness, to a hot, burning frustration. "H-have one without me. I have to go to work." The show didn't start for hours, and he would be incredibly early to the arena.. But Colby knew what he wanted, nodding his head, Colby patted him on the back. "Hey, if you wanna talk to someone, you can add my name on the list of people who will listen. Got it?" Fergal nodded and Colby did too, then he walked out, leaving Fergal there. The thing Fergal could not get out of his head was that look of complete disgust and rage on Pam's face, he couldn't forget the things she said to him.. You see, getting yelled at by anyone sucks. But getting yelled at by the one person who you love more than the air you breathe every second? That's a pain and an indescribable emotion that you can only know once you feel it. And trust me it REALLY is something to avoid entirely if possible. Fergal felt like.. Like sobbing right now. But he didn't have the tears in his eyes to cry, his body just felt empty and cold.. After a few minutes of him looking at the ground in a trance like state, one of the kind nurses walked over to him and tapped him on the upper arm, "Excuse me, sir? Are you okay? I hate to bother you but, you've been standing in the same spot for ten minutes now.. Do you need help?" Fergal shook his head, "No, uh.. I just zoned out for a minute. Long day, thank you though lass. I'll be leavin' now." The nurse smiled, trying to make him feel better, "Well okay. You have a great day!" He nodded, "You too." Walking out of the building, Fergal had nowhere to go. He had only one idea and that was to get his shit and get as far away from Pam as humanly possible. This was their break. Was it a break up? Who knows anymore. But a break was something that Fergal had nightmares about for weeks now. A nightmare that was now.. That was now his reality, and the bad thing about this was that there was no way of just waking up..

Getting into the car, Fergal sat there for a long few minutes, he was barely breathing, if you were to check his pulse you'd be hard pressed to find a heartbeat even. Small, cold tears rolled down his cheeks as he made no sound, but cried all the same. He finally had the wherewithal to start the car and to get the fuck out of this god awful place. He drove away from all of this, Pam, Mercedes, the hospital, everything. If you were to see a visual representation of what he was thinking, it was like being on the side of the road on a highway at night, and all you can see is hundreds of cars zipping by at eighty miles an hour, and the only thing you see is their lights darting by you.. Being unable to even comprehend what you see for a moment.. It was just like this, except he couldn't even think about.. Anything anymore. He finally got to the hotel room and up to their room. This was going to be the last time for a while that he roomed with anybody. He packed all of his stuff, and took once last look at all of hers as well.. Fergal turned his back to the room and walked out, very slowly closing the door behind him..

Pam was in the room now with Sarath and a sleeping Mercedes. The long bandages that covered her wrists looked extremely tight and itchy. She was completely blown away that she tried to do this and the method that she took. Sarath wasn't really one to talk all that much, and now was not the time to even try to talk to Pam. She was just doing so well with her therapist that it was unbelievable this sudden turn in feelings towards literally everything in her life was even possible. She sat there and looked at her, well, former best friend in the hospital bed and she looked so.. Peaceful. Now just because Mercedes tried to do this to herself, this in no way excuses her for what she did before, and what she thought/felt about Fergal is still absolutely not okay. But this is something that needs to be addressed now, since she's pissed at her still, Pam needed to be an adult here and put that to the side. She almost freaking died her, that's a little more important than high school feelings about her man. Pam was beginning to calm down from the rage she felt towards Fergal a while ago. Her conscious was kicking in now and she began to panic quietly. Her brain was now running a million miles a minute.. Did she make a mistake in getting so boiling angry that she just finally pushed him away for good..? Was this the straw that broke the camel's back? Mercedes began to wake up slowly and her little eyes peeled open, immediately finding Pam and Sarath. "Why.." Pam looked at Sarath before she moved closer to the bed, this probably wasn't what she expected when she woke up. Two people who really don't like her all that much. But then again, in this day and age? After all that's happened, Mercedes is kind of alone and she's the only one to blame. She didn't burn down bridges with people, she blew them the fuck up. Pam shook her head in confusion, "Why what?" It took several painful moments for Mercedes to respond, "Why am I here." It wasn't clear to Pam what she was talking about, nor did she know the point of it.. "Sweetheart, I'm not following.." Mercedes shook her head, "I didn't want to be here anymore. Why am I here." Well there it was, Pam's face flushed pale as she understood what Mercedes was talking about. "U-um. Well, we care an awful lot about you.. And we don't want to lose you, we want to help you." Mercedes shook her head after Pam spoke, "I don't want to continue being a freaking burden for everyone that I see, or ruining relationships, friendships, every kind of ship.." She sniffled loudly and Pam felt what can only be described as a dagger jam directly into her heart.

"Don't even say that. No matter what you've done to me, or Sarath, or anyone in your life. Nobody wants you dead. Nobody wants you to go away like that, not even for a moment even at our darkest hour have I wanted you to no longer walk this earth.." Pam reached over and gently grabbed her finger, "Get that out of your head. Please. We're here to help you, the company will be here to help you once they find out what happened. I promise you, everything will be okay. We just have to be strong here." Pam was trying to be supportive now and trying very hard to make this situation better. "You're not mad at me?" Mercedes whimpered quietly and slammed her eyes shut, basically anticipating the worst. Pam shook her head and Sarath cut in, "Nobody is mad at you.. At all. We're here." Pam nodded her head in agreement, she was burying her own problems with Fergal right now to try and at least help someone who desperately needs it. "We're not mad at you for this, we are worried about you and we care about you." Pam spoke yet again and Mercedes opened her eyes to look right at her. "I'm.. sorry." Mercedes two words just dug a hole into Pam's heart and mind.. She really took blame.

Fergal took to the road alone.. He drove to the arena and parked the car in the parking lot. He was emotionless right now, somewhat like a robot man who had no feelings. The only reason why he had no feelings right now is because his were actually shattered into a million pieces and he didn't know how to pick them up anymore. After about ten minutes of just sitting in the car, Fergal exited the vehicle and grabbed his bag, it was hot out and he still had a hoodie on. This was going to be his sly way of getting into the arena without anyone seeing shit. It worked too, Fergal got inside the building and had a blank, pale, emotionless face.. Nobody dared to try and talk to him right now, and with good reason. Fergal himself didn't even know how he would react if someone were to try and talk to him. He got to a small locker room that wasn't designated for him, typically he shared one with Pam and it required more space, but Fergal slid out the sign that read 'Bálor & Bayley'. He looked at the little sign for a while before tearing it in half, sliding the 'Bayley' portion into the big locker sign. And he walked quietly over to the smaller, vacant one and slid his portion of the sign into the slot. He walked inside the room and shut the door, locking it behind him. He didn't care if anyone tried to find him. He was coming out last and working with Colby, who was front row center for all of this bullshit that just transpired. He got out of his casual clothes and into his wrestling gear, for the first time in a while he didn't have help with his boots.. It felt almost wrong to not have Pam here with him, regardless of if she would be working or not. For the locker room was designated to both of them, even though Pam was on leave of absence from work. She still had every right to go to the arena and be there to help Fergal, and be backstage for a potential interview to keep people on their toes; hence why their locker room was still shared. Well not anymore, Fergal sat on the much smaller bench now, staring at his Universal Title.. Just wondering where it all went wrong for him. At what point in his life.. What exact point in his life did the right thing become the wrong thing. What even was the wrong thing anymore. His eyes darted all over the shiny status symbol, going from the top, to bottom, examining his custom side plates and then back to the big 'WWE' logo which was.. Just a giant ass 'W'. He knew he wasn't going to see or even talk to Pam for.. Who knows how long. He was not going to be the one to broach any kind of conversation with her.. She was the one who is angry at him, she was the one who lashed so hard she left scars that were so fresh it was just not his place to try and talk to her just yet.

No, instead Fergal was going to keep quiet, he was going to go back to the way he was before he ever met her, except worse. Before; he was kind, but quiet. Always willing to answer questions, help anybody out, regardless of experience, race, gender, beliefs or anything. LITERALLY anything. Now? Fergal would talk to no one. This wasn't even a consideration in his head, it was just how he was thinking and it was proven when it was his time to go compete with Colby. He didn't give a shit who looked strong and who won. He walked up to the staging area in his 'Bálor Club' jacket and didn't even care if the fans knew he wasn't feeling well. See, Fergal still competed, and he did it safe with all the professionalism in the whole world. Colby not once during their match worried about either of their physical safety, just Fergal's mental health was a huge concern right now. At every possible opportunity he asked him, "You okay? How do you feel?" This occurred during headlocks, and tie ups. Fergal always one worded him, POSSIBLY two. The most he spoke during that match was to reply to him.. "I'm fine." Biggest lie ever..

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