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There is always a time for talking, the time for speaking what you think is going to be the best course of action, a time in which you try and alter your own destiny due to whatever reason you might have. Fear of the future, fear of being forced to do something you don't want to do. The time for talking is something that makes most people frightened..It typically is that time in which you don't know how some particular person may or may not feel..It really is something that makes most people..scared. As a matter of fact, people do things they really don't want to do in fear of talking. Which is always the worst possible idea that you could ever do. Feelings and emotions have gotten so important in today's culture and society as a whole. It affected the work place, relationships, as well as general life. Not speaking your concern on an issue due to not wanting to cause problems, typically and almost all the time caused more problems than it would have if you just had the guts to speak up for yourself. No matter where you fell on the 'totem pole' you always were subject to being a victim of fear. And fear is a powerful weapon, usually it is used against people by themselves..They can't conquer their own fears..It really is a sad thing to think about how people can get so overwhelmed by not doing something as simple as just..talking. Talking and expressing concern, a worry, or fear is almost a lost art form in the world. People just expect you to know what is going wrong and what you're thinking about and instead of telling them like a normal human? MOST people freak out and THEN tell others what happened. Such as the case for Pam right this very moment. Being at work again had her nerves high, her stress level was through the roof and there was nothing that could bring it down. She knew that she had to get in the ring later and wrestle, which normally isn't a problem. But since her character on screen, Bayley, has such high energy levels it almost makes it impossible for her to hide her illness. She also knew that there was going to be further progression in the current storyline that she, well, hated. Pam slowly paced around backstage and had the saddest look on her face, it really sucked that this is how she felt about work..She just wished that there was a way for her to get out of this storyline. But she didn't want to complain about it, out of fear of becoming basically scrap, or used as an enhancement talent yet again. She did NOT want to go back to being squashed by everyone with a name..There was no way she was going to let that happen..

But sadly, in her mind she thought that if she spoke out against the current direction, that is what would happen. She tried to make herself feel better by thinking about Steve Austin, who didn't like the creative direction he was in so he left. But then again, Pam would never walk out on the WWE, and another important fact. That's Stone Cold Steve Austin..the MOST popular wrestler of ALL TIME. And she is just..Bayley. Some people don't even know who Bayley is..There was no way that her name would have the same pull that Steve's did. Or should I say, does. He still has a gigantic pull on the industry, if he even shows up to surprise people? The fans go absolutely bat shit crazy. Pam looked around the backstage area and just saw people going about their lives..Normally. Not freaking out about much of anything and it was refreshing and annoying to her. She just wanted to know why she couldn't calm down about, well, anything at all. She saw Mercedes in the distance walk into Paul's office and it almost confused Pam. She didn't know what that was about, but she was..more than curious, to say the least.

Pam continued to pace around backstage, she didn't know where Fergal was, he was in fact cleared to compete even, of course if the creative team thought the time was right. Which knowing them..Well, it straight up wasn't smart for business, or best for business if you know what I mean. Her mind was racing at a million miles a minute right now, she couldn't get the thought of Edge and Lita out of her head. Their storyline with Matt Hardy was so goddamn personal, well for real reasons. But the fact that it was a relationship transfer on television was something that made Pam fearful..And also? As recent as Rusev, Lana, and Ziggler was a storyline that Pam HATED to see go down. She was actually happy that they pulled the plug on it prematurely. It was just too much to know people actually date each other in real life, and on screen they have to watch the other one..makeout with another person. Pam didn't wanna be that girl, she didn't want to be viewed as an object and be used to further their storyline..Pam wanted to be her own thing. She wanted the name of Bayley to be recognized with words like honorable, fun, quirky, perseverant..Not next to words like..whore, gold digger, traitor..She couldn't emotionally handle hate like that in the world, especially if it was all literally directed at her. Mercedes finally exited the office and looked a lot happier than she did when she entered. She saw Pam in the distance and smiled, walking over to her slowly. Pam was growing worried and curious, did Mercedes just get amazing news about her story? Or did she get time off? What the hell could she be so freaking happy about? Mercedes finally arrived and instantly frowned, noticing how upset Pam looked. "Hey..Whoa, sweetheart what's a matter??" Mercedes spoke softly, trying to be as slow and gentle as possible. Pam's hands began to shake, "I-I really don't like this stupid story they have me in..I-I don't wanna be that girl." She shook her head and Mercedes got closer, "Hey hey hey oh my goodness don't cry Pam. It's okay darling, I literally promise.." She hugged Pam very softly and Pam squeezed the smaller girl as tight as she could. "Ooph. Pammie!" Pam let go slowly and softly let out a giggle to follow, "Oops..Sorry." Mercedes giggled as soon as she got a hold of her breathing again. "So what did you and Paul have to talk about? Are you still dropping the title again soon?" Mercedes shrugged, "I dunno about that, they're still taking it 'Under advisement. So I like..literally don't even know if I'll have this thing come two weeks.." Mercedes looked down.

"Hey..I'm sorry. Remember though dude, you're always gonna be my champion." Pam reached over and nudged Mercedes' shoulder. She smiled, "You're an angel. I swear. But hey I have some wicked amazing good news dude. You really are gonna wanna hear this.." Pam was curious to what Mercedes had to say. Perhaps it was going to be her big push! Maybe they would intertwine their storylines and make it so that Pam would be battling two different things here at that would at least make it more believable for why she would go to the dark side of things. Pam's hands were still shaking, but she was doing her absolute best to hide her increasingly rising nerves. She looked passed Mercedes and saw Paul there in the distance, he smiled and waved to Pam. She felt nervous again, he was the boss. But he was also like a best friend. The 'NXT babies' all grew so attached to Paul and it was no secret. Pam smiled lightly and waved back. "Is Paul coming?" Pam shook her head at Mercedes who exhaled deeply. "Wheew. I thought he might have changed his mind already or something. I woulda been pissedddd.." She giggled a little and dropped her pink head down a bit. She knew Pam was going to be so happy with the news she was about to give her. There was no way that smile wouldn't reappear.

Pam grew anxious, "Dude please tell me, I'm gonna freaking faint if you don't get it out soon.." She giggled and Mercedes grabbed her elbow, "Well now I'm gonna hold onto you until you DON'T faint. Last time you said you were gonna faint, you freakin' did." The two women laughed quietly amongst themselves, the tension was high for whatever Mercedes was about to tell Pam was incredibly important. "Well okay. So I had a talk with Paul, and I expressed concerns about certain aspects of the creative direction. I know how this sounds, I literally sound like a suit now." She giggled and Pam nodded, she was far too invested to even laugh right now. "Anyways, um. I asked him what the whole point was of this angle involving you, Fergal, and Colby.." Pam raised her head a bit, now this was becoming a little bit more..clear. She was beginning to figure out where Mercedes was going with this but she did NOT under any circumstances want to get her hopes up too high..That could be dangerous. And stupid. Stupid is another good word to use for getting your hopes up too high.."Go on..." Pam crossed her arms slowly and Mercedes was already beaming a smile, she knew this was going to make Pam's day and it was all going to be so worth it. "Well me and Paul were talking, and again I expressed my utmost concern with the issue at hand. And of course the issue is that real life is crossing over into a storyline in a really bad way.." Pam nodded, obviously agreeing with the clear understatement. "So I talked him into not doing that particular angle involving you anymore!!" Pam beamed a smile and squealed, she instantly scooped Mercedes up into her arms and spun her around in circles. After a few adorable little moments, Pam put a giggly Mercedes back down to the floor and exhaled deeply, "What am I doing then?" Mercedes cleared her throat and put a hand on her chest. "The plan is to set up a Women's Championship run for you. Regardless of who it is.." Mercedes clearly wanted to be the one who got to feud with her..But time will tell if the WWE trusts her enough to actually let her be a fighting champion, not one who just gets dumped on at every pay-per-view. Pam squealed again and hugged Mercedes this time, she didn't pick her up primarily due to not wanting to break the smaller girl. "Dude this is the best news I've gotten in a long time. Like you honestly have no idea how thankful I am for all of this." It was at this time where Fergal came around the corner and stopped at the two ladies, "Hello there..Why is everyone all smiles right now?"

Pam cleared her throat, Mercedes was clearly not as happy as she was two seconds ago however. "Well remember that dumb storyline with me going with Colby on screen? It isn't happening anymore!! No more awkward tension or any kind of goofy bologna." Fergal smiled himself "Well dang, that is amazing news. What happened to it?" Pam motioned over to Mercedes, "This little one got the whole thing dropped." Mercedes smiled and cleared her throat.."Well, not entirely dropped, Pam..I-I hadn't gotten to that just yet.." Pam glanced over at her, "Oh? What's gonna happen then? Are they gonna try to set something else up instead of you?" Mercedes nodded, she was not okay with where this was going. The Pam thing bothered her enough, but this clearly shook her to her core. "Hey..What's wrong??" Mercedes cleared her throat, "They plan on tonight having a girl come out and speak for Fergal, speak on his behalf, and make sure that the switch is clear and apparent. It will be set up with Fergal having his entrance ring out to show he supports her and the switch is still happening.." Pam looked over now, this was getting bad and getting bad fast. "Who is it sweetheart.." Mercedes exhaled deeply and looked up at the ceiling, she clearly didn't even want to say this. "The girl is going to be Saraya.."  

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