Pull Yourself Together

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Matt was an absolute mess, it took all of Fergal's strength to hold the man back from bursting into Lexi's room right here and right now. "Matt, please, buddy no just.. Just slow down.." Fergal pleaded with the frantic man who just wanted to be there with his love. He got a glimpse of the horrifying sight that was inside of that room, he'll never ever forget it for as long as he lived. As soon as the realization hit him, Matt all but stopped his frantic pushing inside of the room, Fergal lightened the force used to hold him back and all the while, Pam slowly rose to her feet and continued to stare at the two men. "This is my fault, isn't it? This is somehow something I did to her.. I.." Matt was spouting nonsense right now, he was just being a guilty man, a man who for no reason other than the fact that his mind hated him, felt this way. Fergal latched onto him now in a, definitely needed, hug. "Listen to me man, this is not your fault, this isn't even her fault.. From what we were told, they were blindsided.. That's how this happened, no outside force from you did this.. Don't think like that." Fergal did his absolute best to reassure his friend in need right now, as Pam watched on and felt utterly helpless, she walked over to them and rubbed Matt's arm, whispering, "It'll be okay buddy.. We're gonna be here. Okay? Ferg, I'm gonna go check up on Shinsuke and Becks.." Fergal nodded and Pam walked away promptly. Fergal released Matt finally who was doing his best effort to manly cry, "You don't gotta try and be tough around me mate, I'm just now getting over the crying fit honestly.. If you gotta do it, go ahead.. I won't judge." It was almost like that opened a floodgate for Matt, he instantly burst into an insane crying fit and he was no longer trying to stop himself for what he was doing. Who could blame him though? Your love was sprawled out in some cold, hospital bed all alone with basically machines keeping her going right now. Who the hell WOULDN'T be upset right now? Fergal's biggest problem with all of this was there was no clear word on if she would realistically be okay. The injuries were fixable, but this was going to take months and months and MONTHS for her to ultimately get better and that is what terrified him personally. "How could this have happened Fergal? Why is it that whenever you have something you love more than yourself, life decides to make an attempt to rob you of it. Why does that always happen.." Matt got himself under control and spoke, the words not only struck a chord with Fergal and hit that nerve he tried to avoid.. But the words were accurate, and true.. Life had a crazy way of seeing you be happy, knowing it, giving you things you want.. And then doing all it can to rob you of it. Whether it be an unpreventable accident, or a thought that you cannot fix to mend your lover's old wounds.. Life really did like to fuck with you.

It was cold in the hospital, and as Pam walked down the narrow halls looking around and trying her best to not break down in the middle of the hall. It was even colder inside of her heart, she felt like a piece of shit for thinking that Fergal cared more for Lexi than he did for her. Like really Pam? NOW YOU DO THIS?? She was frustrated with herself and no longer felt that warm embrace of love that she had grown so accustomed to.. It was replaced with a sinking, almost painful feeling of being replaced. She thought it was happening before, but that was squashed not too long ago. Perhaps it was just Fergal's attitude that drove her mad about girls, perhaps it was not. Who knows, Pam knows for a certainty however, that there is no immediate fix for this. She cannot expect him to NOT be friends with them.. That would be just unfair to him.. But this? This put a whole new outlook on how she thinks of him, and putting him with other people..

It was no secret that Pam had inner demons when it pertained to calling herself an "Average Jane", but this time it was real, this time she had something that loved her more than life itself and she was going to piss it away with one wrong word, or one wrong fight. But then again why shouldn't he know how she feels? She even was insecure about Rebecca for god's sake. REBECCA IS A LESBIAN! There is LITERALLY no chance in hell that Rebecca poses any form of threat to her relationship, oh and Rebecca is also heavily committed to Ashley anyways.. So Pam thinking these things were complete nonsense, but she still thought them and no amount of reassurance from anyone or anything could prevent her from thinking it. She found the room where Rebecca was in, and Shinsuke was separated by one door; She quietly walked inside of the room, "Becks? Hey.. Oh my goodness, sweetheart.." There lay the gimped out Rebecca, normally so full of fire and energy, now there she lay, crippled in essence at least for the time being.. "P-Pam? Holy, aren't you a sight for sore eyes.." Rebecca mumbled quietly as Pam walked into the room, "We came as soon as we heard.. I'm so sorry love, you still look incredible though.." Pam tried to make the orange haired woman smile, to little effect. But hey it did a little. "Thank you Pam.. Who is we? You and Fergal? Does Ashley know?" Pam nodded at her words, the tiny voice that she heard was such a far cry from the energetic Rebecca that normally existed. "Yea me and Fergal.. He's outside Lexi's room.. With Matt.. And I called Ashley while I was walking over here. She'll be here soon." Rebecca actually opened her eyes and looked straight into Pam's. It almost felt like Rebecca was staring a hole through Pam and it almost.. Hurt a little bit. Pam felt physical pain from Rebecca's icy stare, "Is Lexi.." She mumbled quietly as Pam got closer to Rebecca's bedside, the Irish Lass Kicker stretched her hand out weakly in an attempt to grab onto Pam's hand and was met with the warmth of Pam's touch. "Lexi isn't.. Doing so well. She had super injuries and is.." Rebecca cut her off, "Is what, Pam? That kid is like my sister.. Is she going to.. Make it?" The mood was dark, it was such an uncertain time right now and it was even more painful for Rebecca to move and readjust herself in this uncomfortable bed, but she tried nevertheless. "Is she??" Rebecca found some kind of energy inside of her, Pam cleared her throat, nervous as shit now, "They think so.. They've done all they can for her, Becks.. The rest is up to her and God now.." Rebecca shut her eyes and painfully squeezed them closed. It was clear that this was the worst thing that has ever happened to her. "I failed her, Pam. When she came up, she was so scared.. I pinky promised her I would never let anything happen to her.. Look how long that lasted. What, not even a year and the girl is almost freaking dead??"

Like Matt before her, Rebecca was taking unnecessary blame for the accident. It caused great pain inside of Pam's chest, who possibly felt worse than anyone about this. For just two days ago, Pam was thinking that Lexi was trying to potentially steal her man from her. That there was some sort of manipulative motive inside her.. "Listen to me Rebecca.. Lexi has almost left this world like, two times before. Remember? The eating thing? Yea well, she didn't.. She's such a strong girl, she WILL pull through this.. And one day? Maybe not soon? You'll get to hear her SUPER embarrassing laugh again.. Okay? I promise, sweetheart.." Lexi had a notoriously goofy laugh, and Rebecca voiced her love for it on numerous occasions. Pam interlocked their fingers, "I promise Rebecca.." Rebecca calmly nodded her head, and closed her eyes again, she began to slowly drift off to a quiet, peaceful slumber.. Pam watched on as this happened and thought it was one of the most beautiful things she has ever seen. A person at peace is a magical sight to see.. As Pam walked out of the room, Ashley was SPRINTING up the hall, "She's in there?" Ashley blurted out, completely out of breath from the panic and running. "Yea.. She's dozing off.." Pam simply whispered, being then embraced by Ashley in a gigantic hug, "Thank you so much Pam for coming.. And telling me.." Pam hugged back, "Of course sweetheart.. Go on, go on... Be with her!" Ashley released Pam, and walked inside the room.

Fergal and Matt had all but calmed each other down now and were thinking rationally now. Fergal looked around and saw there really was no people around. "This hospital looks exactly like the one from Walking Dead, doesn't it?" Matt let out a tension filled chuckle and nodded, "Yea mate, it definitely does.." His voice was drenched in pain and sorrow, it was so hard for Fergal to see him like this with LITERALLY no way of fixing him or the problem. Fergal was no miracle worker, he couldn't just go into the room, put his hands on Lexi's injuries and magically fix her. This isn't World of Warcraft. "Matt? Do you wanna go check on Shinsuke? Pam said she went to see Becks, and I wanna know if he's doin' alright." Matt looked over at Fergal and nodded slowly, "Yea, let's get over there.." They stood and began walking towards Shinsuke's room. This literally was the most stressful night in Fergal's life, and for Matt? This was his worst nightmare, it was even worse for him because the WWE hadn't given him his main roster push yet, so he was only really able to be here because of timing. Wrestlemania was in Orlando, so they were RIDICULOUSLY close to where Matt was at the time of the.. Event. They arrived at the room right next to Rebecca's where Shinsuke was put in, slowly opening the door and walking inside. There he was, the King Of Strong Style, with a giant cast on his hand and bandages around his head. Holy shit that concussion must have been wicked in order to have him looking like a zombie mixed with jello. "Hey, Shinsuke, you awake buddy?" Fergal spoke quietly and both him and Matt walked in, closing the door gently behind them. Shinsuke was awake but only because the concussion forced him to be. For falling asleep with a concussion is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. "Yea.. I am.." Shinsuke obviously hadn't spoken for a while, made obvious by his raspy voice. "We came as soon as we heard, Pam should be here in a second, mate.. How do you feel?" Matt spoke, trying to basically find positives in this.. Everybody was alive, and that was what he was thankful for at this point in the day. Shinsuke shrugged in his classic, sassy way. "Eh. You shoulda seen.. The other guy.." His Japanese accent made his joke almost unbearably hilarious. Fergal and Matt both collectively let out a necessary laugh, "Well we haven't yet, but we're both so happy you're okay." Fergal spoke, clearly shaken up by seeing such a close friend, or better yet, some of his CLOSEST friends like this, his thoughts were only getting darker and darker by the minute. "Relax, Ferg..al.. I'll be okay." Shinsuke, being Shinsuke still found a way to be cool even hurt.

Pam quietly entered the room and saw everyone there, she didn't need to say anything, and nobody needed to say anything to her. She walked over and gently hugged Shinsuke and softly cried, whispering to him, "I am so sorry this happened to you guys.." Fergal softly rubbed Pam's back and Matt rubbed his extremely sore eyes. Pam reluctantly pulled away, only doing so because her back got a little sore. "Thank you, all. For being here. For us." Shinsuke spoke, "I don't.. Know what happened. We got.. Hit and I instantly was.. Knocked out.." he continued, this meant that he literally had no idea what happened, his head made contact with possibly the seat and knocked him out cold. He must not have even known how bad Lexi was.. Or even the state of Rebecca. "Everybody is going to be okay, Shinsuke. Even you, ya big bafoon." Pam smiled as she spoke, trying to make everyone smile and guess what? She was successful. Fergal and Matt both wrapped an arm around Pam's shoulder and the tree stood there, unified they were strong as hell and were able to handle anything, even during this dark time where basically anything and everything was uncertain.. That.. Ladies and Gentlemen.. Is truly the power of friendship.

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