Get Her Out Of Here

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Paul grabbed Fergal by the arm and yanked him outside of where Pam was being taken care of. He knew that this was not going to be good news whatsoever. Like literally in no way shape or form did Fergal think that getting yanked away by the boss was a good thing. Paul exhaled heavily. "Goddamn it..We're pausing the program we had scheduled for you three. And you're going to take her home. You have the next week off Ferg. Just make sure she's okay. Got it? I want you to try and pamper her. No lie, I know it sounds funny. But you guys' health and well being is the most important thing to us." Paul was trying to both be a friend as well as a boss. Fergal on the other hand was somewhat devastated. Not only did he LITERALLY just get the nod to come back, but now he was being sent home again..But Pam, the one person in his life who meant more to him than anyone else ever, needed a doctor, and fast. Fergal nodded, feeling a sinking feeling dip into his heart and then his stomach. "Yes sir..What do you think happened?" Fergal wanted some kind of other thoughts about this issue, except his own. His thoughts were so cloudy and misty due to every other thing that was happening in his life. From friends, to family, to his shoulder, to winning back HIS Universal Title..He couldn't think about one of his many problems for more than two seconds before another one decided to pop in and say hello. Paul rubbed his chin with his fingers as he thought about it for a moment or two. "Honestly I think it might just be nerves. I think she got overwhelmed with..something, anything, and she freaked out over it. Anxiety is a real bitch sometimes, y'know?" Fergal nodded, "Yea, I know I know..Just hope it's something simple like that. And not.." Fergal was cut off by Paul now who was in friend mode, "Don't do that. Don't put those thoughts into your head like that man, it isn't worth it cause you know she's okay. And she's going to be okay." Paul was like a father figure for everyone in the locker room, and now was no different. Fergal appreciated the kind words, and nodded, "When should we go?" Paul thought again, "As soon as possible honestly. The faster you can get her to an environment where she can not worry about literally anything, the better." Fergal nodded again and began to walk back inside the trainer's room, "You got it mate." Paul nodded and walked away. Somehow, during that five minute exchange, Pam got up and was alone. She was sitting up now on the table and was looking around, ridiculously confused. She saw the door creak open and her eyes were now glued to the opening door. "Who is it..??" Her voice cracked quietly.

"Just me, sweetheart." Fergal closed the door behind him and Pam felt her shoulders drop from defensive mode over and back to a relaxed one. "Fergal..Where did everybody go? Weren't there people in here..?" Fergal looked around and saw only one trainer writing things down, and nobody else. "Don't worry about them. They're not important. You are..Are you okay?" Fergal had to erase any thought of hers that could drag into an upset, anxious one. Pam looked around and rubbed her arm gently, "I feel like I'm in school and I got hurt in gym class..What the heck happened? One second we were talking, the next? I woke up here.." Fergal pulled his head back, "You..don't remember how you got here?" He slowly approached the frightened woman..not trying to alarm her in any way whatsoever. Pam shook her head slowly, "No..I don't..Fergal what's wrong with me.." Fergal quickly embraced her in a gentle hug, Pam buried her face in his stomach and grabbed onto his shirt tightly. Pam was more frightened than she ever has been in her whole entire life. She had too many things on her plate right now and this was just adding gas to the fire.

"Don't worry about anything, okay? Paul said we both have the next week off. To get you back to healthy happy Pam..alright? I'll be right next to you every single step of the way. Nothin' is gettin' to you without gettin' through me first." Pam was listening to Fergal as his hand rubbed the top of her soft head very gently. Pam hated she wouldn't be able to work? Great. That takes any kind of momentum she had going for the title right away from her. She was so excited to work with her best friend for that title..It would have been great on the main stage. Don't get me wrong, NXT was literally historic, but on premier television? And pay-per-views? Goodness, the amount of history they could make there. But now? This was all just a dream, a mirage of hers trying to ignore the fact that she could have some kind of neurological damage from..god only knows what. Pam felt her heart beat quicken and she felt kind of dizzy. Fergal literally could feel this due to her head becoming more reliant on his body to keep up. "Hey..Pam?" Pam lifted her head as best as she could, Fergal saw this and quickly leaned in to kiss her, Pam kissed back and held it for as long as she could, before giving up ultimately. Fergal knew this was the last thing she needed was more stress. "Let's get you out of here baby." He scooped her up, carrying her like a new bride and walked to the locker room. There, he grabbed her one bag and slung it over his left shoulder, and his bag to his right. I mean, this was one helluva workout. Carrying Pam AND two rather large/heavy bags? Screw it, positivity man. It's contagious. Fergal got out of the building rather unbothered, except by Colby, who looked a little too concerned to be honest. Fergal quickly dismissed him by just saying he was told to make sure Pam got home safely. Colby requested a text from her when she came to. Fergal nodded and understood where he was coming from, Colby was just being a good buddy. He needed to relax a little bit more, realize that there was no immediate threat from Colby, or anyone else in the world. Nobody would ever try to take Pam away from him. Not now, not ever. Fergal got Pam into his car and buckled her seatbelt. He placed his hand inside of her shirt and on her tummy, Pam's little belly was so incredibly warm..That honestly was not good..He whispered, knowing she can't hear him, "I'll take care of you princess..don't you ever worry.." He leaned in and pecked her cheek, before sadly having to pull away. Pam actually was conscious during this, it melted her heart to hear how concerned he was for her and how much he loves her. Although it was a faint state of consciousness, she was still about, mm, fifty percent awake. Fergal got to the driver's side and started the car.

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