Stranger Than Fiction

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Pam was absolutely not okay with what she had just been told. Not only was the creative direction hated, but she even tried to voice her opposition to it..She could do nothing right now, nothing except stand there, like a sad child and just hug Fergal as tight as she possibly could. Colby felt his phone buzz, and buzz again, and again and again, "Crap. I gotta go guys, I'll uh. I'll see you both later." Colby darted out of the locker room, it almost seemed like he had been summoned to go somewhere else and it was more than urgent. Inside of Pam's mind all she wanted to do was the right thing. But in the world of WWE where as soon as your business even slightly gets air time? They will exploit it and destroy you over it. Case in point, Nikki Bella. They still are pushing the whole dating John Cena thing even though she hasn't for quite some time. But the fact that her business was found out and then put on Total sold. It made money, people like 'Nena' even though it kills her inside to just put on a front like that while her real man has to sit in the background like some kind of asshole. Fergal rubbed Pam's back very gently, caressing her almost, just trying to get the woman to calm herself down a little bit.."Shhh Pam..Everything'll be alright.." Fergal's voice was welcomed, but what he said was not. She was not trying to hear that everything would be okay, because inside of Pam's mind it most certainly would not be alright. "Paul didn't even wanna hear my ideas Fergal..he was so set on this and he wants this to happen. I'm gonna have to reevaluate my entire career..Fergal..Everything I stood for I'm about to betray..I don't know if the fans are gonna buy it..I don't think I can do this.." Pam was beginning to heavily self doubt herself and it was going to only get worse from here on out. "Hey. If the plan stays like this until the end, then we'll work on it. We'll try our best to make sure that you do in fact have a way to be a believable villain.." "But I don't WANT to be a villain.. It isn't something I ever thought I'd have to do..I can't do this.." Pam was panicking, her chest began to tighten and her head felt like she was underwater now. "Hey slow down speed racer..You can't get yourself so..emotionally distraught. We can't have another fainting episode okay?? Just..Let's sit down..okay?" Fergal led the woman over to the bench and sat her down, Pam slowly calmed down and realized the error of her ways quickly. "I'm sorry babe..I just really am not looking forward to this..At all." Fergal understood completely, a heel turn could make or break a superstar. Sometimes it just wasn't right to turn someone into a bad guy..especially when they're so successful as a, dare I say, top good guy in the company. This is where Pam's fear began.

There began to be an apparent scuffle outside of the locker room where Fergal had Pam hidden in. It wasn't loud, just the sound of commotion..Like there was people out there, and a lot of them. Far more than there normally would be. Fergal noticed it, and tried to shield Pam from it, he knew that she was a curious little creature and she would more than likely want to get over there and inspect the area. It was inevitable however, Pam eventually lifted her head from Fergal's chest and looked over at the door.."What the heck is going on out there.." Pam continued to look at the door, as Fergal tried his best to make out some of the voices that were loudly now heard throughout the outside area. "Honestly baby? I don't know..At this stage in the game, I can expect anything and everything..would you want to go check it out? Maybe we can calm everyone down with our amazing people skills." Pam chuckled quietly and nodded, "Sounds good..let's go.." They both reluctantly got up from their comfort and walked over to the door, slowly opening it up..

What they saw was exactly what they didn't expect. But it was there, and it was apparently happening right in front of their very eyes. It was Mercedes and Saraya. They were having to be separated by the other members of the locker room from beating the shit out of each other. Pam immediately ran over to Mercedes and got right in front of her, "Hey, HEY! Stop. Whatever you're doing, just stop it okay..?" She grabbed hold of Mercedes' arms and held her still, meanwhile as she calmed down, so too did Saraya. "You NEED to listen to me Mercedes, I'm actually begging you. I don't want to fight with you, or anyone else here..Give me this chance..If you don't wanna hear my shit? Then I'll go. I won't consider us friends, I'll literally vanish from your life. Okay?" Pam whispered to Mercedes, "Just listen..Don't charge. Promise me." Mercedes snarled her lip up, but slowly nodded her head. This caused Pam to let her go, and step away. Saraya was visibly in pain, both physically and emotionally. "And everyone who isn't involved get the hell out. This doesn't concern you." Saraya's words carried weight, everyone who was once helping separate the two ladies, was now exiting the area to let them have their moment. After the crowd cleared, Saraya actually took a chance and got closer to Mercedes. "I know you heard, but please just hear me out.." Mercedes glared again, "Yes, as a matter of fact I did hear what you did.." She was trying so hard NOT to lash out with some kind of cold insult, it was posing as extremely difficult to pull off. Saraya nodded, "I expected that..But that night? I had NOTHING to do with his drink getting popped..I swear to god Mercedes. I would never do something like that..What happened..was..I was at the bar. Obviously, and I had just gotten out of the relationship of my life due to my own stupid goddamn temper. I lost the one thing in my life that made everything feel like it was worth it." Saraya was obviously referring to April, "And she was gone. I felt low. So so low..Colby was at the bar too. He was drinking and seemed down too. I went up to him and asked him what was wrong. He just said he didn't feel like he was enough for you. Like you deserve someone so much better..Then he went to the bathroom, and I went to toss a few darts. When he came back, he finished off his drink and he seemed so..Forward, like he WASN'T still with you..He was talking like you guys had split, like, like he said things like, 'I wish I could have done more'." Mercedes was beginning to understand Saraya here, it was all beginning to make so much sense but it still didn't mean that the wound was still wide open.

"So lemme get this straight.." Mercedes spoke, and Saraya held her breath in anticipation, "You went away from him, and what you're implying is that someone else roofied his drink..?" Saraya nodded slowly, "I would never betray a friend, two friends actually..I just hate the fact that just cause I have black hair, and I'm outspoken about things means that I'm automatically a freakin' whore..Cause I'm not! Even at my worst times with.." She closed her eyes, looked down and allowed several tears to escape her eyes, "I never cheated on her..Ever. I would rather someone just kill me cause at this point in my life? I'm losin' everything..I lost my fiancé, my career is..literally ending..and now I'm losing friends, good freaking friends over something I had NOTHING to do with.." Saraya was visibly, but silently crying now. The pain that was on her face could not be faked..She was telling the truth. "So you and Colby.." Saraya slightly cut her off, "Was mutual..He made advances, I made advances..I haven't been to work in so long 'Cedes I don't even know who's freakin' dating who.." That was understandable, if you're out of the loop for even a second you could miss decades of information..Mercedes simply hung her head in shame.

Saraya was definitely a wild child, she seemed to like enjoying life in the fast lane, no doubts there. But it was at times like this where she came back down to Earth to tell everyone, 'Hey!! I'm still a person..I feel things..' and it showed on her face like it was paint. All Fergal and Pam could do was sit in the background and hope that their friends could sort this out before someone lost the other forever. But it was seeming that they were in luck, Mercedes slowly lifted her head up and was now crying.."I'm still so sorry for what I did Mercedes..I'm so in the wrong for.." Mercedes cut her off with hand motions, "Stop..Y-you didn't know..I should know that'd never.." Saraya shook her head, and Mercedes had to stop talking in order to not sob.."I would never do something like that to you, or any of my friends.." Mercedes looked down again, Saraya glanced over at Pam and Fergal who made motions of her to go over to her..Saraya was hesitant for she didn't know if Mercedes would explode in another violent outburst..but at this point? Who cares..she needed to prove herself further and she was not going to let the fear of getting punched in the eye stop that. She walked up to Mercedes and embraced the smaller woman in a weak hug, followed up by Mercedes grasping onto Saraya extremely tight and whispering, "I'm so sorry." Fergal and Pam looked over at each other and quietly let out a sigh of relief..they knew that they dodged a bullet with this one. Pam and Fergal began to remove themselves from the equation and back up into the locker room..The last thing they saw, was Mercedes and Saraya exchanging smiles at each other, which was a sign that they still were friends. If what Saraya said was true, then that means that not only did she do nothing REALLY malicious, but neither did Colby..Which means..They should be totally okay. Causing Fergal to realize this meant that so much worry about his buddies was now gone, they could have an adult conversation about this and hopefully mend all old wounds between them. After they closed the door behind them, Pam locked it.."No more interruptions.." Fergal nodded, "Agreed baby girl...agreed." The amount of times where they were just trying to have alone time and were interrupted by the outside world would be in the hundreds by now if they were keeping track. Fergal stopped Pam from walking by grabbing at her hips, pulling her butt back up into him and she let out just the quietest, cutest little squeal he has ever heard. "Where do ya think you're goin'?" Fergal whispered into her ear, immediately setting Pam off into a sexual tizzy.

"I-I was just going to go sit down, with my baby." She tried to mumble but all she could feel was her butt pressed up against his lower body. Pam slowly leaned into him in that way and let out a soft moan. "I love you, Pam.." Fergal felt like telling her this now, more than ever. The events that just took place were far too easy to achieve than any other kind of problem. A simple drink at a bar could lead to a drastic falling out and that simple idea, even entertaining it? Scared the hell out of Fergal. "I love you too. So much.." Pam knew why he was doing that, why he chose to say that right now. She appreciated everything this man did for her, from being with her after her meltdown, to taking care of her in bed. I mean in her mind Pam was a virgin half the time, due to her relative lack of experience. But Fergal managed to find a way to even make that work for her. Most girls would be scared of a guy like him, the way he always knew how to ensure her safety..Some girls would assume that's controlling. Like controlling a girl 101. But to her? It was the direct result of someone who loves her more than the air that he breathes in. It really was the most precious thing in the world. Pam let out a relieving exhale, and closed her eyes tight.  

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