Occupational Hazard

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After what felt like far too long, Pam's..probation was finally about to come to an end. She had one more day off and was sleeping like a baby not too early in the morning. Fergal slept right next to her, their bodies were as close as they could possibly be and Fergal slowly began to wake up first. He usually did wake up first, not just because he sucked at sleeping, but it was a defensive thing, he needed to be on guard to protect Pam if anything were to happen. He slowly came to and realized that his hand was grasping onto one of her breasts and he felt unbelievably embarrassed. Definitely not doing that when he was awake, Fergal laughed quietly to himself at the fact that he had managed to get his hand under her during the night and find her boob. He really was a ridiculous person, and this was just more proof of that. He felt kind of weird due to the fact that Pam fell asleep with her bra on, now to some that doesn't sound like a big deal..But if a woman falls asleep with her bra on? That leaves a potentially painful day on the horizon for her. Fergal shook her gently, rubbing up and down her thigh, "Hey, baby..wake up.." He gripped her thigh and made a massage like squeeze up and down it. Pam slowly came to, she didn't want to wake up but she was being forced to. "C'mon, a little more sweetheart.." He was guiding her to the awake side of life with gentle whispers, and firm leg grabbing. Pam felt weird, almost kind of turned on as soon as her eyes peeled open. But she knew that there was no way they were going to fool around this early in the morning. She rolled over to face her man and Fergal glided his hand to her lower back/butt area. Pam smiled a sleepy little smile before wincing in pain, "Ow..Crap, did I fall asleep with my bra on.." Fergal nodded slowly, "That's why I woke you up, figured it would be best to get it off before you sleep for the next three hours, y'know?" Fergal had her best interests in mind, I mean after all he did love her to death. Pam smiled a bit and slowly sat up, deciding to mess with him. "So this isn't just a way for you to get my bra off, is it?" Pam began to unhinge it and slide it off of her shoulders. Fergal giggled and shook his head from side to side. "No my dear, that was not my intention. You with no bra is just a perk of me looking after all. Besides, I find every inch of your body to be beautiful..No assembly required." Pam was not expecting that compliment, she actually felt her body quiver and she smiled, "Jeez Fergal..I'd almost think you'd know what to say before I even say anything.." She blushed and tossed the bra to the laundry basket area. Fergal shrugged and giggled, "What can I say? I'm addicted to you."

It was pure insanity to Pam just how much Fergal actually loved her. Nobody has ever cared so much for her in her entire life, all the people she has known, any guy she has given a chance..None of them have shown this much passion and care as he is currently showing. In one day, Fergal gave her more love than all of her previous boyfriends combined. Pam leaned over to him and gave him a swift, yet passion-filled kiss. Fergal watched as her hand slid down his body and he almost thought she was going to do something about it..She smiled a bit and his hand slid her shirt up, rising it up her body as he caressed her extremely soft skin. Fergal felt his heart pounding as he wanted to make another move, but he felt Pam begin to retract from the sexual advance. That was entirely okay I might add, Fergal was not a man of desire, and lust. He was a man of thought, emotion, feeling. There was no bone in his body that thought merely of just wanting to have sex with Pam. Besides, sex for them was just as much about emotions as it was about the raw, physical actions. Pam broke the kiss and blushed like mad, she was speechless..

"I've really got my hooks into you, don't I?" Fergal smiled as he made a cheeky little joke. Pam nodded a bit and placed a hand on his cheek now, she rubbed her thumb against his prickly face and giggled, "Yes, you've got your hooks all up in this..wait.." They both exchanged a rather necessary giggle for Pam's joke was not only unintentionally inappropriate, but also freaking hilarious. Fergal kept his hand on her side and kept occasionally squeezing, he ran his hand up and down her body, "My goodness.." He spoke quietly as his eyes ran her body up and down. Pam felt embarrassed, like there was a flaw he was seeing for the very first time. "W-what is it?" She mumbled quietly, the nervousness was starting to consume her. "Nothing babe, just, my goodness it looks like your body was carved out of stone.." Pam was a little, confused? Is the correct word for that. "What do you mean.." She was curious but frightened by what he meant by that. "Well, there are no flaws on your entire body. Not a single one. Like a perfectly crafted stone statue. It really is a hell of a thing to look at my goodness." He looked at her and moved more of her shirt up, "Look at your tummy, you don't even need to flex to have amazing abs like that.." Pam blushed now harder than she has ever blushed before. She wasn't expecting this bombardment of compliments to happen so early in the morning. She again felt speechless to his words and actions. Her body was demanding for him right here, right now. There was such a battle taking place inside of her heart and mind. One side was saying that the time was right to yet again have him. She thought that all she would have to do would be snap her fingers and he would take her. But the other part was considering the fact that she might not be good enough for such a perfect man, her insecurities were yet again dragging her through her own personal hell. "Holy moly Fergie..I don't even have words for..for just how freaking flattering you really can be..What did I do so right in my life to be able to wake up in the morning and see your beautiful face staring back at me..What did I even do.." She felt super emotional right now, Fergal was admiring every inch of her body and his eyes made their way back up to her face where he saw..strain in her eyes. He then decided it would be best to get her as close as possible, this was going to obviously be a risk..But if it meant saving her from being her own worst enemy..He was going to have to do it and do it fast. Fergal decided then and there that he needed to take action.

He slowly laid on his back where he figured that she would just think he is trying to get comfortable. And in one swoop, he tugged her on top of him where she squealed and had that incredibly satisfying feeling of being powerless as he did it. She sat there, right on top of him with her hands on his chest. "Listen to me Pam..You are an incredible person, from your cute little toes, to the top of your head. There is not a bad bone in your body, you have the biggest heart I have ever gotten to encounter in my life. I can almost feel your heartbeat from here, and I'm nowhere near your chest, now am I?" She shook her head, "I still just. I hate the fact that I can't even feel like I'm enough, like I can't get passed that..I mean look at me. I'm a freaking weird mess.." Fergal placed his hands on her hips and squeezed harshly, causing her to squeal a little. "You are not a mess. You're my beautiful baby girl..Got it? I would literally change nothing about you. You are gorgeous, and kind, understanding, as well as firm in your thoughts..There in no one like you I have ever gotten to meet..Ever. And I don't need to meet anyone else. You are who I want, and luckily for me..You are what I have.." Pam felt an overwhelming sensation come over her heart, like a flood almost. She wiggled her hips in response to his vice-like grip he had on her.

"Sorry, too tight?" Pam nodded and giggled at the obvious innuendo that could be taken off of that. Fergal caught on a little late, but better late than never. "Oh goodness. Your mind is a little dirty this mornin' isn't it?" Pam nodded and smiled, biting down on her bottom lip harshly. She loved this man, and she now was ready to show him yet again just how much she actually does. Pam began to roll her hips on top of him and Fergal felt this sinking, amazing feeling settle into his stomach, right in the pit of it. Fergal ran his hands up the front side of Pam's shirt as he softly began to rub over her stomach, tracing little lines in her abs. "You are so beautiful, Pam.." As fate would have it, Pam's cell phone began to violently buzz and buzz and freaking buzz. Speaking of buzz, what a BUZZ kill, am I right? Sorry. She sighed loudly and gave him one more hip roll, just to tease him, "Mm..sorry, just had to get off ya.." She slid off of his body in the MOST seductive way possible and it almost came off as a little goofy cause..Well, Pam almost fell off the bed. Fergal smiled and giggled a little, "By all means, get off darlin'." She grabbed her phone and answered it, "Hello? Oh my gosh, HI! I'm still mad at you for running off like you did. But hi! How are you sweetheart??" Fergal sat up and reluctantly got out of bed. He was content to just spend his last day off laying around and doing nothing. But if history has taught him anything, it's when Pam gets these kind of phone calls? Company was going to be coming over soon. "No no, I was just in bed with Ferg. NO I WAS NOT! I mean, you called. Soooo buzzzkilllll" Pam giggled loudly and Fergal actually let out a giggle himself. It was funny to know how comfortable Pam had gotten with talking about..them to all of her friends. It showed a level of confidence, satisfaction, as well as trust. Which on the hole, couldn't make him any happier to know this is how she felt. He thought after the heated discussion about work the other day that Pam would almost distance herself from him. He wouldn't blame her whatsoever to be honest, I mean that is an annoying situation to have and would it really NOT be easier to just..split while this dumbass little program is being run by WWE? "So you'll be here by lunch? Awesome! Yea I don't have to work today or tonight. Looong story little one. Tell you when you get here. Okay? Sounds great. Can't wait to see who it is! Love you. Bye girl." Pam hung up the phone and climbed back into bed with her man who was now sitting up. "Aww, are you getting out of bed now, baby boy..?"

Fergal looked back and down at her, watching her gently run her fingers up and down his bare back. He thought for a moment, "That depends, are you gonna be in it?" Pam blushed and bit the inside of her cheek gently, "Well that little phone call derailed my plans with you for a moment, do you still have plans for me? Oops..I mean, with..me.." Fergal knew what she was getting at, he thought about what would honestly go wrong if he ran with these emotions. Instead of spending all freaking day thinking about the pros and cons of doing this, he ran with it. "Well I do have some things in mind I could do to you..I mean, with you. Crap, autocorrect is affecting real life now.." He smiled as Pam let out a quiet, seductive little giggle. She was trying really hard to keep the foreplay kind of calm just in case he didn't want to do this. "Well I'd love for you to do whaaatevvverrr you wanted to me. C'mon..come back to bed..Just for a little.." Pam smiled a bit as Fergal slowly turned around. He forgot that she was in a rather large t-shirt and no freaking pants. Damn it Pam. He blushed once he noticed her pantless body and climbed back into bed. "My plan starts like this.." He moved her body so she was laying on her back now, climbing in between her legs having them wide open, "And goes a little something like this.." Fergal leaned down slowly and pressed his lips to her neck. Pam on the other hand was going insane with how amazing he was at this, and just how much she truly loved him..What was about to happen was entirely necessary.  

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