Try To Keep Up

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Wednesday... Wednesday was an annoying day for most people. It was the middle of the week, which was good for some people and bad for others. When the week dragged on, it felt like it would never end. This was the case for Pam this week. She was very sick. Probably the flu, something was eating her inside and she couldn't really get over it. But nevertheless, she still went to work and busted her ass in a vain effort to get things done. Everyone who saw her knew she was upset and sick. Pam was the kind of person who got sick and got sad over it, which was entirely normal. It just..showed..more so on her face and body language. The cold Performance Center air mattered not for her, she was sweating badly due to her potential fever and the point was coming where someone needed to tell this poor soul to just slow down. Of course Fergal was still injured, his ankle and knee were now focal points of pain, and he was not cleared to train just yet. Which normally he'd welcome a day or two off. But it has been five. Five days it has been since he last was inside the squared circle. It was driving him crazy to only be allowed permission to do light workouts. He saw Pam on the other side of the building, struggling to keep up with even the greenest of wrestlers. This was so out of the ordinary, especially for someone who trained as hard and was just so damn good at what she did. Fergal tried to get her attention with hand motions, but Pam was dizzy, her vision was fogged up with a mist that she couldn't cut through. Fergal began to fear. His mind wandered to her in mid slam and her body gives out, he thought of all the terrible things that could happen if someone doesn't tell her to sit the hell down. Fergal grabbed an empty bottle of water and threw it at Rebecca, (Becky Lynch) who had decided to visit her old friends while the WWE machine was in Tampa. After he beaned her in the back with the object, she spun around quickly and saw her crippled friend, she quickly approached him and smiled a bit, "Y'know Ferg, ye got a voice. That works quite well actually. Why not use it instead of hittin' me with a freakin' bottle?" She giggle half heartedly, it had been a while since they last saw each other, they were close. Very close back in the day, without Fergal, Rebecca would NOT be where she is today.

    Fergal ignored her attempt for a joke, he was far too focused on Pam's safety, "Wanna do me a favor..? Please go check on Pam..She looks like she's bout to kill over.." Concern draped his voice and fear spilled out of his mouth. Rebecca didn't know that those two were romantically involved, but this was the first sign that something was in fact going on. "Uhhh yea, of course I can-" As she looked over and saw Pam in her current state, "Shit." She immediately ran across the building and got to Pam who was out of breath in a regular drill that normally she'd be miles ahead of everyone else in. "Whoa whoa Pammy, hey..Girlie? Can ye hear me?" Rebecca grabbed Pam's sweaty arm gently and pulled her to the side, Pam wobbled..Badly. "Yea of course, you got that kinda voice that carries." Pam smiled weakly, pain gripped her forehead as she winced with just a simple touch. How the hell did this woman plan on taking a bump if she can't even be gently touched by someone like Rebecca who was notorious for being excessively gentle. "Yea, anyways..Are you okay? You look absolutely horrible.." Rebecca had to kick into mom mode, Pam was like a little kid sometimes, she didn't understand how serious it was to come to work in this state. But she knew she had ground to make up, Fergal was leaving for RAW soon..and she would very shortly be all alone. And that terrified her to the bone.

    "I'm coolio bro..I just gotta little bit of a cold.." Pam was lying through her teeth, Rebecca knew this, she raised an arm up gently and pressed the back of her hand to Pam's forehead. Sure enough, she was burning up with a fever right now. Hell no. She looked back at Fergal who watched intently, for any sign that Pam was okay, and when Rebecca shook her head no, Fergal couldn't sit there any more. He got up immediately and stuffed his crutches under his arms, lumbering over across the building as fast as possible. He did put pressure on his injured side but not a lot. At this point however, pain was something that he didn't truly care about. After he got over to Pam, he immediately tried to make eye contact with her, to which she avoided like he was the grim reaper. She refused to make eye contact with him, for if she did; he would know just how much pain she was truly in. "I'm takin' you home lass. You aren't stayin' here. I'll call Hunter, but we're leaving. Now." Fergal was right, and Pam knew deep down inside she needed bed, water, and tons of sleep. She didn't resist, only nodding her head and sniffling loudly. "Don't cry sweetheart..You're just a little sick, nothin' a little R&R won't work wonders for, yea?" Rebecca in typical Rebecca fashion attempted to keep Pam's head on a swivel. Pam smiled, "Yea..Guess so.." Fergal then took charge and lead Pam out of the building and into the parking lot. He even was gentlemanly enough to open the door for her. Even in his physically injured state he still thought of her first and foremost. "Thank you baby..Err..Fergal.." Pam slipped up and tossed in a pet name, she hadn't done that yet to him, and this would be the first time when her mind is a pile of freaking apple sauce. Fergal blushed and got in the car, here, he turned the heat on even though it was warm outside. The strategy was to have her sweat as much as possible. Potentially sweating the sickness out of her body, that's how he got over illness quickly. After they arrived at her apartment, Fergal assisted her out of the car and up the stairs. He got her inside and quickly got her into bed, tucking the sickly woman in and smiling down on her. Her innocence radiated off of her body like a light. He rubbed her forehead and whispered almost so low you couldn't hear him. "I'll be in the livin' room sweetheart..Get rest..I'll cook for you when you wake.." He smiled at her, leaning down slowly and pressing the most gentle of gentle kisses to her forehead. "Rest easy, love.." And with that, Pam cracked a weak smile and drifted swiftly into slumber.

    "What the fuck do you even mean by that Fergal. Why the hell would you say some shit like that to me?! You know how much I CAN'T STAND WHEN YOU DO THIS!" Pam screamed at the top of her lungs, she felt her heart pump as hard and fast as it possibly could. She was enraged. Belligerent was an understatement, but Fergal shouted back, "Keep yellin' you fuckin' piece of shit. See how long this'll last with that kind of bullshit spewin' out that mouth of yours. You KNOW why I can't stand this shit anymore. You KNOW!.." Fergal slapped a glass that sat on the table and it crashed violently into the wall. Pam did not falter however, her attitude only ramped up twice as high as it just was, "Oh, you're just gonna start fucking breaking shit then? Is that what assholes do? Oh that's right..they do! And you are NO different than any other piece of shit fucking waste of space that I've let into my life. You get what you want, and then you fuckin' turn batshit crazy. Like I'm supposed to expect this from the perfect little angel that you are on the surface. Did you do this to Rebecca too? IS THAT WHY YOU'RE WITH ME AND NOT HER!?" The rage filled her eyes, vengeance  was the only thing she could think of, there was a pit of fire brewing inside of her guts as she looked around at her place. It seemed a little different in that there were pictures of her and Fergal scattered around on the end tables and hanging on the wall.

    "Oh please, keep bringin' Rebecca up like this is about her. At least she fuckin' was invested in us, at least when we had sex she didn't fuckin' think about other people!" Fergal shouted right back at her, this screaming match left Pam seeing stars, literal stars. She couldn't even figure out why the fight had started, but all that she knew had faded. All the happy times and puppy love was dead and gone. She had to focus her anger and hatred in ways that would prove her point, "I DO NOT THINK OF OTHER PEOPLE!! What kind of idiotic thing is that to say? You and Rebecca didn't work out, so you came fucking crawling..CRAWLING to me!! What kind of a man does that!? You fucked her for a few days and then came right to me. And typical stupid fucking me I let you in on every part of my life. And look what happens, you fucked me and we fight. Every. Single. Day. WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP IS THIS FERGAL. TELL ME." Pam was feeling awful right now, she was looking dead into his black beady eyes. It felt as if he had no heart left to give her, something was different in him and it was absolutely not okay whatsoever. "Eyes are the windows to the soul, Pam. And I can see you're hurting. I don't know what I did to you..I've done all I can and yet you bring up ancient history like it's still relevant.." Fergal felt his nerves cool down like pouring ice water on a hot piece of steel. "What you did is unforgivable. What you have done is unforgivable. You hopped from one girl to another, literally. And I hate you." Fergal felt that dagger plunge deep into his heart. "Yea? Tell me how Matt was in bed the other day. Please do." Fergal had an ace up his sleeve however, she didn't know he knew about the incident with Matt.."You have already lost..As soon as you started this you asked for me to tell you I knew about you two. How goes that? You fuck a guy WHILE we're dating..and I'M THE BAD GUY?" Pam slammed her eyes shut, Matt was a mistake and it cost her not only her friendship with Lexi, but it looks like it was going to cost her her relationship with Fergal. "That..That was a mistake..Pure mistake..I had too much to drink-" "Save it Pam. I don't want to see you anymore. Ever again. I want nothing but horrible, terrible things to happen to you. I wouldn't care if I saw a pack of wolves tear you apart right in front of me. Good day." With that Pam looked as he left, watching him almost in slow motion leave her life as if she was nothing more than the ground he walked upon. That was the last straw. She walked into her bathroom, tears silently streaming down her cheeks. She opened her medicine cabinet and grabbed several prescription bottles. Popping them all open and filling up a cup with water..looking at herself in the mirror with nothing but disgust. She couldn't stand to look at herself right now, all she saw was an ugly human being. Both inside and out. She felt her insides rotting away, the feeling of pure and utter hatred for herself was overwhelming. She not only ruined a friendship but she ruined the best thing that had ever happened to her in her whole life. Fergal was her life, he was the reason why she drew breath..And now he was gone. And he was never, ever coming back. "I'm..sorry.." She placed as many pills into her mouth and closed her eyes, raising the glass to her lips and tossing her head back, swallowing them all.

    With that, Pam sat up as quickly as she could, screaming bloody murder. She was still sweating. Her breaths were in rapid fire mode as she couldn't figure out just what the fuck had happened. Was any of that true? And all she heard was footsteps coming up her stairs extremely fast and the door swung open, "Pam? Honey what the hell happened, oh god..Don't cry.." Pam began to cry after he said that, and actually? She sobbed like a terrified baby. Fergal took the woman into his arms in the most gentle of fashion, "Shh baby..I'm right here..Forever."

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