Nobody Saw It Coming

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RAW came far too soon for Fergal and Pam, they didn't really know what happened and they isolated themselves from potential threats, meaning every single person that they saw. It was a hard thing to deal with, they both considered going to the police, but.. They really didn't want to be back in the public eye and especially back in the public eye with scrutiny and tons of potential people judging, and ripping on them. The thought of practically anything going wrong now a days sent both of them climbing up the walls.. Fergal and Pam did indeed have to go to work and perform and try to ignore the fact that Pam did indeed have a stalker. They did not know who or why this was happening.. But it seemed to be something that was not going to stop anytime soon. They tried to go through their days like normal people do, but it again, was rather difficult to erase the image of that note.. Or what happened to Pam the last time she was left alone. "So honestly, I think this is as good a time as any to talk about this.." Pam shuffled her feet as she sat on the bench, looking at Fergal as he slid his shirt on. "What do you wanna talk about, babe?" Fergal didn't really know what she meant, but he was obviously going to baby her as if she needed anymore of it. "Well. With all of this stuff going on and how honestly crazy the world can be.. To you, me, us even.. I want to talk about moving in. We're actually engaged and we haven't even discussed moving in together. I just don't want some crazy person or.. Persons trying to dictate what I do with my life.. I still want to move forward, with you.." Pam's voice was sincere, she really did want to do this and she absolutely was looking to get her life back to normal. It was so genuine that Fergal cracked a light smile, he walked over to her, dropping to both of his knees and placing his hands on her thighs gently. "Okay. What did you have in mind, babe?" Fergal had his own thoughts, but being a gentleman as he always attempted to be, she must go first. Pam smiled and put her hands on his shoulders, "Well. I was thinking of a place first. Like city and all that jazz. And I was thinking either like, Massachusetts or Jersey. I hear like, Boston is amazing to live in and I've had a freaking blast when we go there. And Jersey? It's kitty corner from New York City! AAANNNDD we avoid the hustle and bustle of the busiest city in America while having access to it whenever we want. What do you think?" Pam had a pinch of new excitement in her voice, she happily smiled at him as he smiled right back at her. "Well honestly I had similar thoughts about a place. I don't wanna be near too much heat.. Florida actually sucks.. It's really muggy and rainy. And the last time I went for a jog I saw a freakin' gator that wanted to eat my butt." Fergal giggled and Pam did too, he was so naturally charming.

"I really do think that going up North could be a good thing! I mean the city is right there, and Boston IS a big city. They've got sports, and and music. And bright lights! It could be incredible babe. I just wanna know what you'd prefer and then we can like, start looking. Y'know? We're practically a tag team fo lyfee!" Pam held up the clique handsign and Fergal smiled, blushing actually at how adorable she was being. "You are indeed my tag team partner for life my love. Well I think Boston would be good, but being super close to New York City would be absolutely stunning. We'd have to look at places in both cities and weigh pros and cons. I can't really think of too many cons with either place, I mean Jon lived in Nevada. Freakin' Nevada. Who goes to Nevada to live? Oh right, just him. And crazy people who like thousand degree days eight days out of the week." Fergal shook his head as he thought, which place would be smarter?

Fergal decided that the decision couldn't be made right here and right now. Pam felt his hands rub up and down her thighs and she got a tingly feeling, "B-baby." She smiled at him and blushed like mad. The thoughts of the future was incredibly satisfying as she knew that their future would be, well amazing. She was so happy that they managed to work through their bullshit and even though there was so much crazy happening all around them, they knew that it was going to be okay.. So long as they stuck together and never forgot the love they shared. Pam looked at their television and sighed, "I have to go out there now babe. It's promo time. So wooo." She was clearly not feeling that and Fergal smiled weakly, "You're going to do great babe. I believe in you." Fergal patted her thighs and moved out of the way so she could stand. "Come with me though.. I don't.. Wanna go alone.." Pam whispered as she hid her face, fear of being alone right now was overwhelming and it was happening all the time. She literally hated being alone; after that note, wouldn't you too? Fergal nodded, "You got it, princess." They both stood up and walked out of the locker room. Fergal occasionally bumped into Pam like the playful boy that he was. It was almost like highschool all over again, playful flirting, giggles all around. They were reigniting the flame that they had seemingly lost to the madness that was their life as of late. As they got up to the prep area, Pam hugged Fergal really tight. He was sure that she was nervous, her shaking body was proof that she was incredibly nervous about going to cut this promo. She wasn't sure of the plan here, all she knew is that she was to go out there and address the state of the RAW Women's Division. But there was no one she has not beaten.. There really was no point in doing this, in Pam's eyes, this was just a filler spot so people could go get another beer or go to the restroom. But nevertheless; her extremely bouncy theme music played and there she went, bursting out from behind the curtain. The crowd missed her a lot, she was missing from a lot of shows recently due to, well, obvious reasons. But it was almost as if she never lost a beat with them. She did her little jiggle and danced a little bit as she made her way down the ramp. Inside of Pam's mind she was so nervous it was almost stupid. She got into the ring and grabbed a hold of the microphone. The really ironic and almost idiotic part of all of this was that this was entirely pointless. There were no new women on RAW and it was almost as if Pam was talking to herself here..

"Well. I am here, really to talk about the RAW Women's Division. It has been a crazy CRAZY ride for me since I won this title and I cannot think of a single person.. Who has been able to prove me wrong. I am different, I don't go by the same little rules that the other Women go by. I don't really think that there's much left to say about this honestly." Pam was falling down when it came to this promo, the one she had where she lit Colby up was incredible, but that was because she managed to channel some personal anger out in an almost art form. The difference being is that right now in her career she's content with what she's done, and where she's going. She defeated her best friend at Wrestlemania, which in of itself was an emotional feat and a career milestone.. And after successful title defenses all in a row? She didn't really know what to do. Fergal was spectating from the back, watching the television as the fans cheered her on and gave her time in between sentences to get her thoughts out of her head. In the corner of his eye, Fergal saw a hooded figure walk over towards the curtain, he didn't pay much mind to it until he noticed the size. As Pam was beginning to speak again, the figure took a step in between the two curtains separating backstage from stage.. That's when it happened, the one thing he didn't expect..

The hoodie was removed and he saw a faint visage of a person he knows. But then it became as clear as day when the music hit. Mother. Fucking. Alexis. Is. Back! There is no way she's cleared a hundred percent to compete again, just impossible. The fans ERUPTED upon hearing her music, Alexis was a underground fan favorite over on Smackdown and now she had arrived on RAW. She was late, of course due to that incredible accident. The Superstar shakeup was about two weeks ago, but she is here now and that was absolutely crazy. Alexis was visibly smaller than she was before, her muscles had receded a little due to being stuck in a hospital bed, and she also still had a bandage on her head from the massive trauma she sustained. Fergal was freaking out backstage and so were several other people, super happy and overjoyed that she was back. Pam was stunned in the ring, she literally had no idea that Alexis would be returning right now and she thought as well that it was far too soon. But then Pam looked behind Alexis and saw their Pay-Per-View sign flashing, it said three weeks. That was plenty of time considering all the time she has taken so far? It isn't like she tore a muscle that required massive surgery to repair, or a broken bone. She sustained head trauma that would either kill her or leave, a few injuries to her internal organs and she was good. This little trooper stormed down the ramp with a vengeance. As she gingerly walked up the stairs, it became clear to Pam, Fergal, the boys and girls in back and even the fans that Alexis wasn't fully done with the damage that was inflicted. But everybody knew what was going to happen. Set up the match, heal more, have the match. Boom. Alexis got in the ring carefully and you can almost see tears forming in her eyes when the fans began to chant 'Welcome back! Welcome back!' it was a touching little moment that she was not going to forget.. "Well.. Look at you Lex! You look absolutely amazing welcome back!" Pam being Bayley was a sweetheart first and foremost. It was the irony in wrestling to treat others with love whilst having the threat of your head being taken off. "Save it, Bayley. I don't care how many cars try and destroy me, or what kind of nice crap you throw at me. You and I both know you care about one thing and one thing only. That RAW Women's Championship. And let's face it, you've only had it this long because I was almost dead three weeks ago." The fans erupted, this was actually quite inspiring to see. A devastating life threatening injury, or injuries in this case cannot hold her down. "I'm going to keep this short and sweet, come three weeks? You're looking at the next RAW Women's Champion." Alexis dropped the mic and gave Pam a classic shitty Alexa Bliss glare before she turned and left the ring. Pam was floored, shocked, nervous, but.. Excited!

As Alexis made her way behind the curtain the first person to greet her was Fergal. Hugging her gently, trying to not injure her again. "Holy shit welcome back Lex! Good god how'd you keep quiet about this!?" Alexis giggled and hugged back for a moment before they both broke it. "By.. Not talking about it. Duhhh." She giggled quietly as Pam got back behind the curtain. Alexis smiled and looked down, "Surprise Pammie.." Pam began to cry as she sprang to Alexis with a hug. "Oh my god I am so happy and proud of you, Lexi.." Alexis hugged back and began to softly cry as well. "Thank you sweetheart.. Thank you thank you.. I wouldn't want this comeback against anyone else but you.. Title or no title.. You were who I wanted, who I dreamed about returning against. Win or lose I'm so happy I get to share this with you.." The happiness in the backstage area, spectators were overjoyed to see this little touching moment take place. It was rare in the wrestling business to have love like this, but when it happens? Cherish it.

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