Playing With Fire

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Things ultimately went back to the way that they used to be. Fergal went back to work and didn't decide to be a freaking ninja about how he carried himself, Pam slowly slid out from her own dark shell and began to seem..Normal. The two talked a bunch, still friendly towards one another and yet there was something still very off with the interactions between the two of them. Their hearts seemingly knew the feelings that were building inside, but their minds and mouths just couldn't seem to get the ideas out there for them both to realize. It was an awkward time period, two weeks flew by in a flash and everything seemed like it was sliding back into somewhat of a norm. Lexi who had been practically eyeballing the two like a hawk noticed this, and was growing increasingly impatient with Fergal's lack of pressing the issue. She finally, one Friday morning decided to grab the Irishman by the arm and yank him towards the water fountains. "Fergal. Dude. You are literally killing me right now. Like look at this, I almost have no nails left." She raised her hands to expose her new nervous habit caused by her two best friends in a time like this. How could Fergal seriously have these kinds of feelings towards Pam and not actually do anything about it? It was baffling to her and she just couldn't wrap her head around it. "What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" Fergal was either oblivious or dumb. Perhaps he still had that fear of falling on his face. Perhaps he just didn't want to do it knowing that the possibility of him failing miserably and seeing someone who was quickly becoming someone he loved slip right through his fingers. "Fergal, please..Just talk to Pam. Like take her to dinner, or like, take her on a movie date..Just stop wasting time with this! You know Pam isn't exactly ugly. She's actually beautiful, inside and out..Someone is going to swoop her up and take her right from under you if you keep delaying this. So please for the LOVE of god..JUST ask her so you can tell her how you feel in that huge heart of yours!" It was that instant where Matt looked over from ringside and saw Lexi was getting upset, he walked over slowly and brushed some of his hair out from his face.

"Everything cool over here? Lexi?" He looked at his tiny lady and was concerned, he didn't hear Fergal from all the way over there, but he knew that this involved him in some way and he would not let anyone treat his woman poorly. "No, babe, I'm just trying to get Fergal to see what he has right in front of him.." She glanced at Pam who was innocently hanging out with Natalie and Rami, who seemed to be having a grand old time, Rami was getting closer and closer with Pam since her incident at work. Ever since her near breakdown right there on the steps, it seemed as if they were inseparable. "Before it's too late." She finished her sentence and Matt knew what she was looking at, now he understood fully, he cleared his throat and nodded slowly, "Yea Ferg, listen buddy..You sometimes gotta take risks, risks are what makes life worth living at the end of the day. You see that tiny fireball right next to you? Yea, she was a risk, she was a HUGE risk. I wasn't sure if she had it in for me, or wanted to secretly be with me. But look where we are now after I took the risk..And damn did it pay off." The cheesy words caused the near silent Fergal to nod his head at his friends, "You guys are right..There's no real point in sittin' around and watching life pass you by..If..If I don't do somethin' how I wanna do it, then I might just lose it..Yea?" He was almost looking for reassurance from them, almost like a lost child, they both nodded and in unison, "Yes."

Fergal walked away from the two of them and had his eye solely on Pam now, he had to muster up the courage to ask her now. There was no other way of doing this. The time had come, as well as passed. The fact that he waited two weeks from the original conversation him and Lexi had about this topic was already way too long as well as scary. He motioned for her to follow him and she saw him after a few minutes, "Hey, I'll be right back guys." Subtly, Pam placed a hand on Rami's forearm and removed it as she walked away from the two of them. Natalie and Rami both watched as they walked away and seemingly immediately engaged in conversation. "Listen, Pam uh. There's been somethin' I've been meanin' to ask ya.." His words were so shaky, his throat tightened and he could actually feel the pressure building up in his knees. It was the strangest feeling, drawing himself out of hiding this way was incredible, he didn't think he'd even get this far. He was leaving himself so exposed right now, if there was a way to say he was vulnerable; it would be an understatement to be honest. He was far passed the point of vulnerable and it was really scary to him. He felt his mind waste away into nothingness, words were so difficult to pose out right now. Pam knew something was wrong, did she do something to him and piss him off? Did she do something to make him happy? Whatever the issue was that had her friend tongue tied right now was something very serious and something that should not be taken lightly. Fergal couldn't give in to his fear. There was no way he could give in to it. The fear of failing, the fear of saying something dumb and watching this beautiful soul turn her back to him, all but leaving him in the dust for someone better, someone else.

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