Make A Wish

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The times were changing rapidly. There was no slowing down the basically runaway train of momentum that Mercedes was riding on, Pam just had to sit back and watch. The odd part was that the company still didn't have faith in her. For some reason they still thought that Ashley would be the best choice yet the fans reject her almost universally. WWE is an odd company, they usually go with who has the hot hand, but for some reason lately? That isn't the case whatsoever. The women, main event picture and mid card all have what seems to be the wrong people heavily involved in them. At least on RAW, RAW is literally a hot mess right now and it doesn't make any sense to Pam. All she knew was that her best friend was getting the short end of the stick CONSTANTLY. She is EXPECTED to do all of these things for the WWE and loves doing them which, is quite lucky actually. But at the same time, she gets no real reward from them. Only personal satisfaction of helping others. That is all important to her, but at the end of the day if you aren't in the WWE to be a Champion..Then you need to leave. And that was the case with Mercedes, she wanted to be champion..the company just didn't believe in her like the fans did. Pam was growing a little worried with her own creative direction, since debuting, she has almost been a ghost. Popping up here or there to wrestle an 'enhancement talent' and then get beat to hell by either Ashley, or one of the other top girls. She had hope that they would run with her during the triple threat match..but..Ashley yet again is handed the keys to the city. Pam understands, she's a Flair, she's marketable, it really is easy to understand why they chose..everybody else except for her. In Pam's mind, she was just an average person. Average looking, average in wrestling skill, LOW in talking..Just overall not that marketable and it crushed her to think that she was coming up short everywhere. Most of the time since she hit main roster, Pam sat alone in her locker room, avoiding all contact with the outside world. Her phone rested in do not disturb mode in her bag, and she sat on a bench by herself. She since debuting didn't want to speak to many people anymore..It just seemed unnecessary at best. So she avoided everyone. It wasn't like something she thought of doing, it just kind of happened one day, and she just kept going with it until she realized what she was doing to everyone else after Mercedes asked her..And she kept doing it. Pam usually cared about being around other people, but this was also when she was surrounded by people she genuinely thought cared for her. Not anymore..

Pam felt like a fish out of water on RAW, the management actually looked for her occasionally just to make sure she wasn't absent from a show. But that was about it. Actually caring for her health, and mental health was something that only a select three people actually did. Fergal, Lexi, and Mercedes. They were the ones who reached out to make sure that their favorite hugger was still doing okay. The last time Lexi texted Pam was right before their last live event, Pam actually cried she was so happy to hear from Lexi. Of course she didn't tell her that, why would she? Then Lexi would just worry a shit ton and probably request to see her. Nope. Pam instead shoved her broken heart back into a shambled little circle and placed it back inside of her chest, hiding it from the rest of the world. It didn't help knowing that Fergal was still injured, and that she was still alone while the love of her life sat by himself, probably hating life and watching the wrestling that he should be main eventing. There was no doubting that honestly, Fergal IS the main event when it comes to WWE. Nobody can dispute that the Demon King is the whole show.

Fergal's absence was felt around the entire locker room as well as throughout the entire WWE Universe. They often chanted, 'Finn Finn Finn Finn.' For minutes on end. Pam usually got super emotional when they did, hell, she sometimes even participated in those chants in her head. Pam has gotten extremely talented in the art of hiding how she truly feels about life and everyone in it from the world. Mercedes had suspicions that Pam was not as happy as she led on to be. It wasn't hard to see, the pain in that poor girl's eyes was so apparent she was practically screaming for help. But Mercedes knew her place, she knew not to confront Pam about the issue, how not cool would that be to do when you know that anything could make her flip out. Mercedes instead just spectated from the sidelines, she was trying to arrange for her, Lexi, and Pam to have a nice little girls day where all they would do would be shop, go get some nice food, and then potentially watch a movie in the theatres. But it was difficult due to Lexi being on Smackdown..that stupid ass brand split has caused more issues than it has fixed. Pam had been instructed that she would be in a squash match versus Nia Jax tonight, typical..Pam as Bayley was always meant to be an underdog, and always meant to get smashed by the bad guy. It just made sense to the company, but put such a damper on Pam's psyche as a performer. She of course nodded her head, thanking them for the opportunity. Pam then receded back to her locker room and sat down, she then texted April with a quick, 'I miss you. I love you. Come back to me.' and threw her phone into her bag, not really caring if the worthless thing breaks. Pam had so many bad feelings in her heart right now, if you could see bad energy? Her heart would be spotted with big black dots, as well as some holes here and there. This was possibly, possibly now..The worst she has ever felt in her whole life. There was nothing worse than feeling entirely alone without any reassurance from the rest of the world. Pam normally would love to just hang out, but without Fergal and she felt..shafted by the company? How could she be really happy. There was a knocking at Pam's locker room and she had just finished getting fully ready for her match later. "Who is it?" Pam yelped out quietly, but just loud enough for them to hear. "Uhh there's someone here for you Bayley. Come on out!" Pam knew this had something to do with work and she was okay with it. Maybe she needed something good to come her way in order to actually show a real smile.

As Pam opened the door, she looked down and saw two girls. Younger girls, one no more than seventeen, the other if she had to guess was around seven years old. Pam immediately slapped on Bayley mode, "Hey there! What's up?" She reached out to hug them and the younger girl began to sob loudly, hugging Pam as tight as she could. That touched Pam's heart to no end and she rubbed the little girls back very gently. Pam looked up at the older one who had such cute little glasses on and the prettiest dark hair. The girl smiled, "She's been wanting to meet you for so long, I mean I have too but, you know." Pam smiled and giggled quietly, "I appreciate that from you sweetheart." She meant it, there was nothing more cherished by the WWE than a child being happy. They preached it so much that there was nothing more they wanted to do than make children happy. The older girl spoke quietly, "She's very sick..and the one thing she wanted to do was to meet her 'favoritest wrestler of all time.' And that'" Pam smiled more now, feeling tears well up in her eyes as she continued to hold the small, fragile little girl. "Well guess what honey? You're my favoritest person in the world." She smiled a bit and the girl slowly peeled away, the smile mixed with tears cause Pam to shed tears down her cheeks now..

The older girl handed Pam a piece of paper with the information on it. Apparently the little girl has an inoperable frontal lobe tumor. Meaning that this little girl was already meeting Pam on borrowed time. The amount of fear that must be inside of this small child must be incredible, immeasurable even. Pam immediately frowned and grabbed the pen from the older one's hand. Signing it and adding an 'I love you! Stay hugging darling' With a giant heart at the bottom. She then handed the paper back to the older girl, who was here out of doing volunteer work for St. Judes. Pam whispered into her ear as they hugged, "Thank you so much for what you're doing. You really are amazing." The older girl had the cutest smile Pam has seen in awhile, in combination with her adorable glasses and her deep brown eyes? Pam giggled as she pulled away, "My gosh you're really pretty!" She smiled and saw that the girl was embarrassed, she blushed and looked down a bit, Pam could sense her seizing up a bit, "Relax, you really are." The girl smiled now as the little one clung onto Pam's leg, "Thank you, for all of this Bayley. You're such a role model, I love you." Pam was so unbelievably touched by all of this, the older girl being just precious, the little girl who fought just to stay here, wanted nothing more than to meet her favorite wrestler ever..Bayley. Pam took off her headband and gave it to the older girl, then her 'I'm A Hugger!' Shirt she had on was removed and given to the little girl. "Here you go sweetheart." The little girl squealed and smiled, jumping up and down. Pam smiled so wide it would almost have to be surgically removed from her face. "Thank you Baywey!" The little girl was so freaking happy right now Pam was going to faint from adorableness. "You are very welcome, you come back and see me anytime, okay? I always have time for you!" She looked at the older girl as well, a signal that she literally would do all she could for either of them. That is just the kind of person that Pam is however, she just is such a giving person that she would sacrifice free time to just make sure that a sick little girl, or a generous teenager smile and be as happy as they possibly can be. The older girl nodded and grabbed the small ones hand, "C'mon, we gotta let Bayley get ready to wrestle tonight. Wanna watch the match with me?" The small girl squeezed her hand tight, "YESH YESH!! Good luck Baywey! I love you!!" Pam felt more tears squeeze out of her eyes and roll slowly down her cheek as the small girl walked off into the distance, "Hey I love you too! I'll do my best!" The small girl shouted back, "Byee!" Pam slid back into her locker room and closed the door. She sat down on the bench and felt her heart tighten up quickly.

Pam then proceeded to break down crying..She had never been touched by someone like that in her entire life, she curled her knees to her chest and just felt horrible for this poor little girl who did nothing wrong to the world, yet life decided to make her suffer for no freaking reason. It was not fair, not fair at all for anybody to be sick beyond repair, to not have a fighting chance just because that was the cards you were dealt at birth. There was a knocking at Pam's door, then it opened. She tried to stop crying as best as she could when Mercedes peeled around the door and looked at her crying friend. "I saw everything Pam, you don't need to try and not cry around me.." Pam looked up at her and smiled a bit, "She was so cute and adorable.." Mercedes nodded and closed her eyes for a moment, "Yes, she is so cute and adorable you mean.." the pink haired woman approached Pam slowly and eventually close enough to that Pam leaned forward and put her head on Mercedes' tummy. Pam had no words for how she felt right now, all that lead up to that moment felt irrelevant now. Mercedes cleared her throat, "That right there is why we do this.."  

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